
Chapter 2: Friends or enemy?

Another day, Another school.. I wonder if I'll meet that guy again; Leirin said and sighs.

At school, Leirin was doing what she always does when going to school; she love going to quiet places like the rooftop, the tree near the garden at school and the library...

At the library, leirin was reading a book and was sitting at the same table she was with the boy the other day... Now that I've think about it, I haven't ask his name yet...; Leirin thought to herself, Maybe I could ask him today when I meet him.

After a few minutes have past someone sat next to leirin, she was surprise to see him next to her and seems like she is excited to see him.

Hey..umm...; Leirin stuttered, Yo..your name.. may I know your name?; Leirin ask. You guess~; The boy replied, just kidding, it's Dion~ darling. Leirin seems to blush a little but regretted at the same time.

What about you dear~? ;Dion ask. It's leirin...now please be quiet so that I can read since the school bell will rang in a few minutes.; Leirin replied. Aww stop being cold, lil rabbit~ ;Dion says with a flirtious tone.

And after that they're both reading. A few minutes has passed and the bell rang, as usual leirin was leaving first and says goodbye to Dion. As she was going up the stairs to go to her classroom she overheard a few girls talking something about Dion and she thought they're just fangirling, when she heard her name made her mad.

'pftt, Dion is probably playing with that stupid girl in grade 10 class 2; some nobody says.

After hearing that she felt like she was not welcome at the school and seems to have been played by Dion... But is she really?

Dion's actions cannot be predicted so leirin's feelings seems to have changed to Dion... 'i wonder why lil bunny is ignoring me..; Dion thoughts, I'll just find out later...