
Love Beyond Border

Nazli, an American girl, travels to Turkey to find her parents killer and seek revenge. Her father was killed when she was just four years old; she remembers sitting on the floor, crying, as someone murdered her parents in front of her. The trauma left her with a blurred memory of the killer's face. However, upon meeting Kerem, a charming young man, she unexpectedly falls in love with him.

Wonderhub · Urban
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10 Chs


**Nazli at Her Parents' Grave:**

Nazli, her emotions in turmoil, finds herself at the cemetery where her parents are buried. Still wearing her wedding gown, she kneels in front of their grave, tears streaming down her face.

"Mom, Dad," she whispers through her sobs, "I don't know what to do. I came here to find your killer, but everything's just... falling apart. I can't marry someone I don't love. I feel so lost without you."

She cries openly, pouring out her heart to the only ones who might understand. The cemetery is quiet, with only the sound of the breeze rustling through the trees.

**Kerem's Visit:**

On the other side of the cemetery, Kerem arrives to pay his respects to his grandfather on what would have been his birthday. He places flowers on the grave and offers a silent prayer.

As he finishes, he notices a young woman in a bridal gown, crying by another grave. Her beauty and the raw emotion she displays captivate him. He watches her for a moment, feeling a mix of curiosity and sympathy.

Kerem approaches slowly, not wanting to intrude but unable to look away. He stands at a respectful distance, giving her space while keeping an eye on her. There's something about her that feels familiar, though he can't quite place it.

**Nazli's Departure:**

After some time, Nazli stands up, wiping her tears. She takes a deep breath and looks at her parents' grave one last time. "I promise I'll figure this out," she says softly. "I won't give up."and she leave.

After leaving the cemetery, Kerem drives home, still thinking about the crying bride he saw. His thoughts are interrupted when a figure suddenly appears in front of his car. He slams on the brakes, narrowly avoiding a collision. He rushes out of the car to see Nazli, who has fallen to the ground.

"Are you okay?" he asks, helping her up.

"Yes," she replies, brushing herself off. But her eyes flash with disappointment and anger.

Kerem frowns. "What?"

Nazli glares at him. "You tried your best to kill me, yet I escaped."

"I'm sorry," Kerem says sincerely.

"If you don't know how to drive, why do you try?" Nazli snaps back.

Kerem's irritation flares. "If you can't walk properly, why don't you stay at home?"

"If you have no manners, why don't you stay silent?" Nazli retorts, her voice sharp.

Kerem, taken aback, retorts, "No one has ever taken that tone with me!"

"No wonder you're so ill-mannered," Nazli shoots back.

Nazli mutters to herself, "I was better off in the USA. I was happy there. I don't like this place. Men here keep staring at girls. How will girls protect themselves?"

Kerem, catching her words, replies, "If girls lower their gaze, they won't need any protection. If you come out so decked up, people will obviously stare at you."

Nazli's eyes widen in disbelief. "Excuse me? Why are all restrictions forced on women? Why do you feel that girls are at fault if they need protection? Why do you blame girls if something goes wrong? Why do girls in this city have to live with so many restrictions? God! What's wrong with this city?"

Kerem sighs. "What you consider to be restrictions are actually etiquette. People in the city expose themselves. By the way, I don't want to argue with you on your wedding day."

"It isn't my wedding day!" Nazli exclaims. "Stop giving that judgmental look. Everyone in this city is keen on passing judgment!"

"If you have so many problems with this city, why don't you go back to the USA?" Kerem asks, his tone clipped.

"God! What's wrong with you?" Nazli shouts. "Who are you to decide where others should go? By the way, I don't want to stay here. I've come here for some urgent work, and I'll leave after it's done."

Kerem smirks. "That will be a favor to this city."

With that, they both turn away from each other, heading in opposite directions, each fuming from the encounter. Little do they know that fate has much more in store for them.

**Kerem and Emir's Bond:**

After his heated encounter with Nazli, Kerem heads to meet his younger brother Emir. They greet each other with a warm hug and decide to sit by the seaside, enjoying the serene view.

"Brother, you are really great," Emir says, admiringly.

Kerem chuckles as Emir's eyes wander to a group of girls nearby. Emir tries to impress them, but the girls are more interested in Kerem, who remains oblivious.

Emir sighs, "When you're around, girls don't even look at me. By the way, I think she likes you. Shall I get her phone number?"

Kerem gives him a stern look. "Are you crazy?"

Emir grins mischievously. "I want a sister-in-law. You need to woo girls. Wait here, I'll get her number."

Kerem pushes him back gently. "You're very strong, brother," Emir comments, rubbing his shoulder. "Girls fall for you, but you don't seem to be interested in them."

Kerem sighs, looking out at the sea. "You wouldn't understand, Emir.

"Why won't I?" Emir asks, his curiosity piqued. "Explain it. I'll listen. What are you thinking about?"

Kerem pauses before replying, "I'm thinking about how the family tolerates you."

Emir laughs. "Brother Tolga has brought a new bike. The bike is faster than mine. He was showing off, saying our elder brother gave it to him."

Kerem smiles. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Just because," Emir shrugs. "You know how father is. If there's any amount that has to be spent on me, father gets irritated. Sometimes I feel like no one in this world is really mine. This old palace, this old bike, this mobile, these servants—these are all for the poor. I feel very poor."

Kerem puts a reassuring hand on Emir's shoulder. "You'll get your new bike within two days."

Emir's face lights up. "Thank you, brother. Your heart is too big. I can't rely on anyone else except you."

Kerem smiles, shaking his head. "You're crazy."

Emir laughs, grateful for his brother's support. They sit together, the bond between them evident. Despite the challenges and misunderstandings, they know they can always count on each other.