
Love Beyond Border

Nazli, an American girl, travels to Turkey to find her parents killer and seek revenge. Her father was killed when she was just four years old; she remembers sitting on the floor, crying, as someone murdered her parents in front of her. The trauma left her with a blurred memory of the killer's face. However, upon meeting Kerem, a charming young man, she unexpectedly falls in love with him.

Wonderhub · Urban
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10 Chs

The past

After spending some time by the seaside, Emir heads to a nearby café to get coffee for himself and Kerem. As he waits for the order, he notices a group of men harassing a few girls at a nearby table. His protective instincts kick in, and he approaches the group.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Emir asks, trying to keep his voice calm but firm. "Why are you bothering them?"

One of the men, irritated by Emir's interruption, sneers, "Mind your own business, kid."

Emir stands his ground. "This is my business. Leave them alone."

The tension escalates, and soon, the men start shoving Emir. Despite his efforts to defuse the situation peacefully, a fight breaks out. Emir holds his own but is quickly outnumbered.

Seeing the commotion from a distance, Kerem rushes over. "Emir!" he shouts, pushing through the crowd to reach his brother. With swift, precise movements, Kerem fights off the attackers, his strength and skill evident.

The fight seems to be under control until one of the men, desperate and cornered, pulls out a knife. Before Kerem can react, the man lunges and stabs him in the side. Kerem gasps in pain and falls to the ground.

"Kerem!" Emir cries, rushing to his brother's side. He quickly disarms the attacker and, with the help of a few bystanders, manages to hold off the remaining aggressors. But his focus is on Kerem, who is bleeding heavily.

"Hang on, brother," Emir says, his voice shaking. He calls for help and, with the assistance of a few good Samaritans, gets Kerem into his car. He drives as fast as he can to the nearest hospital, constantly talking to Kerem to keep him conscious.

"Stay with me, Kerem. We're almost there," Emir urges, his heart pounding with fear and worry.

At the hospital, doctors and nurses quickly take over, rushing Kerem into surgery. Emir paces the waiting room, his mind racing with guilt and fear. He had only wanted to help, but now his brother's life was hanging in the balance.

Hours later, a doctor comes out to speak with Emir. "Your brother is stable now," the doctor says, "but he lost a lot of blood. He's going to need time to recover."

Emir sighs with relief, tears in his eyes. "Thank you, doctor."

As Kerem is moved to a recovery room, Emir sits by his side, holding his hand. "I'm so sorry, brother," he whispers. "I promise I'll make it up to you. Just get better."

Kerem, still unconscious, looks peaceful despite his injury. Emir watches over him, vowing to protect and support his brother no matter what.

**Kerem's Family at the Hospital:**

As Kerem rests in the hospital, Emir makes the difficult call to their parents, informing them of the incident. Soon, their parents arrive at the hospital, visibly worried and anxious.

Kerem's father, Yusuf, is the first to enter the room. He approaches Kerem's bed cautiously. "Son, how are you?" Yusuf asks, his voice filled with concern.

Kerem looks at him with cold eyes. "Who are you? I don't recognize you."

Yusuf's face falls. "Please, don't say that. I am your father."

Kerem's expression hardens. "My father left me 20 years ago. I don't have a father. Leave me alone."

Yusuf is visibly hurt by Kerem's words, but before he can respond, Kerem's mother, Ayse, rushes into the room. She immediately goes to Kerem's side, her eyes filled with tears.

"Kerem, my dear, are you alright?" Ayse asks, gently touching his face.

Kerem's eyes soften slightly at the sight of his mother. "Mom, I'm okay. It's just a stab wound. I'll be fine."

Ayse looks at Yusuf, then back at Kerem. "Please, Kerem, don't push your father away. He came as soon as he heard."

Kerem sighs, turning his head away. "It's too late, Mom. He wasn't there when I needed him the most."

Emir stands quietly in the corner, feeling the tension between his family members. He finally steps forward. "Kerem, please. Let's not fight. You need to rest and recover. We can talk about this later."

Kerem closes his eyes, exhausted from the confrontation. "Fine. Just leave me alone for now."

At that moment, Beren, Kerem's stepmother, enters the room. Her presence adds another layer of tension. "Kerem, how are you feeling?" she asks, her voice tentative.

Kerem barely looks at her. "I'm fine," he replies curtly.

Beren looks at Yusuf and Ayse, then back at Kerem. "We were all so worried about you."

Kerem's patience is wearing thin. "I don't need your concern. Just leave me alone."

Yusuf tries to mediate. "Kerem, please. Beren is part of our family now. She cares about you."

Kerem turns his head away again. "I need rest. Just go."

Yusuf, Ayse, and Beren exchange glances, understanding that now is not the time to push Kerem. They quietly leave the room, respecting his need for space.

Emir remains by Kerem's side, holding his hand. "I'm here, brother. Rest and get better. We'll figure everything out together."

Kerem nods slightly, feeling comforted by Emir's presence. As Emir sits back down, Kerem finally voices his pent-up frustration. "So now, after 20 years, you recognize you have a child?" he says bitterly, looking towards the door where Yusuf had exited.

Emir squeezes his hand reassuringly. "Kerem, just rest for now. We'll deal with everything else later."

**Zeynep and Ece's Conversation:**

In the Yusuf household, Zeynep and Ece sit together, their conversation filled with tension and curiosity about the unfolding events.

Zeynep, with a worried expression, breaks the silence. "I wonder what's going on there."

Ece, equally concerned but trying to stay calm, replies, "I don't know."

Zeynep sighs deeply. "It's been 20 years. Dad will be meeting them after 20 years. How will Mom react upon meeting them?"

Ece shakes her head, her face reflecting the uncertainty she feels. "Why did Aunt Beren go there?"

Zeynep explains, "Mom wanted to go with Dad."

Ece, trying to piece everything together, asks, "Kerem's mom will be there too, right? This is so strange."

Zeynep nods. "Yes, Ayse will be there. She's Kerem's mom and Dad's first wife."

Ece looks thoughtful. "I've never met Ayse. What's she like?"

Zeynep's expression turns serious. "I don't know much about her either, but from what I've heard, she was a kind and loving person. It's just... all these years of separation have created such a big gap."

Ece reflects on the complexity of their family dynamics. "It's hard to imagine how Dad feels, seeing his first family after all these years. And Mom... she must be so conflicted."

Zeynep nods in agreement. "It's a difficult situation for everyone. I can only imagine the emotions and memories that will resurface. For Dad, it's a chance to reconnect with the son he left behind. For Kerem, it must be confusing and painful."

Ece adds, "And for us, it feels like we're caught in the middle of a story that began long before we were born."

Zeynep sighs again. "I just hope that this meeting doesn't create more distance between us. Our family has already endured so much."

Ece places a comforting hand on Zeynep's shoulder. "Whatever happens, we'll face it together. We've always been there for each other, and we'll get through this too."

Zeynep offers a small, appreciative smile. "Thank you, Ece. Your support means a lot to me."

As the two sisters sit in contemplative silence, the weight of their family's past and the uncertainty of its future hangs heavy in the air. They both understand that the events unfolding at the hospital will have a profound impact on all of their lives, but they also know that their bond as sisters will help them navigate whatever challenges come their way.