
Love Beyond Border

Nazli, an American girl, travels to Turkey to find her parents killer and seek revenge. Her father was killed when she was just four years old; she remembers sitting on the floor, crying, as someone murdered her parents in front of her. The trauma left her with a blurred memory of the killer's face. However, upon meeting Kerem, a charming young man, she unexpectedly falls in love with him.

Wonderhub · Urban
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10 Chs


Nazli knelt beside her bed, her hands clasped tightly in prayer. "Give me the strength to achieve my goal, and the courage to accept whatever destiny has in store for me.

Let's see what destiny has in store for me," she whispered.

"god, please help me. I'm confused even on my wedding day.

On one hand, I have to achieve my goal, which brought me all the way from the US to Turkey.

On the other, there are my brother and sister-in-law, who have raised me like their daughter.

My brother has fixed my marriage with a man I've never met.

You know I consider marriage a lifetime commitment.

Once I commit, I will maintain it for the rest of my life.

But I have a feeling something is wrong. Help me, god. Whatever you decide, I will accept it."

Just then, Nazli's sister-in-law, Fatma, entered the room. "Nazli, take a look at this," Fatma said, holding up a bridal gown.

"Oh no! Not again! Oh, God, you shouldn't have worn jeans today," Fatma scolded gently. "Nazli, it's your wedding. Dress up like a bride, okay? I will be right back."

As Fatma turned to leave, Nazli called out, "Fatma, wait." Fatma stopped and turned back to her.

"Don't worry, Nazli," Fatma reassured her. "It's natural for a girl to be nervous on her wedding day. Your suitor is a very nice man."

"I know, Fatma. You've chosen him for me. I am absolutely sure he is a nice man, but is he the perfect match for me?" Nazli's voice trembled with uncertainty.

Fatma smiled gently, "Only time will tell, Nazli. Trust in your heart and in God's plan for you."

In the Yusuf family, tensions ran high as they prepared for a significant event. Yusuf, Kerem's father, had married another woman and now lived with her in a different house.

The suitor's family was coming to meet Zeynep, Kerem's stepsister.

In the bustling household, Ceyda, beren's aunt's , was talking with her daughter, Ece. Suddenly, Beren, Yusuf's second wife, entered the room.

"Oh! Will anyone help Zeynep dress up?" Beren asked urgently. "After all, the suitor's family is coming to meet her."

Ece quickly volunteered, "I will do it right away.

Beren, frustrated with the chaos, called Yusuf. "No one is worried about anything, Yusuf. You may have forgotten that the suitor's family will be visiting us to meet our daughter. Will you come back home or stay in the office?"

"They haven't arrived yet, Beren. I will leave as soon as I finish my work," Yusuf replied. "I'll be home soon."

Meanwhile, Zeynep confided in Ece, "I can't decide what to wear today. I want everything to be perfect this time. I want to look pretty."

Ece reassured her, "It's said that beautiful girls are fools, but you look so pretty. Don't say such things."

"I know, but I don't feel pretty," Zeynep lamented.

Beren entered the room and addressed Zeynep, "My child, what's this? You are a good girl, aren't you? Please make her understand, Ceyda.

Ceyda added, "Zeynep, a would-be bride shouldn't behave like this. Is this how you'll behave after marriage? You received this proposal because of me. Don't let me down.

You can keep complaining, but believe me, when my aunt got married, for two years we thought she was mute because of her etiquette."

Ece, trying to ease the tension, said, "Mom, forget about your aunt. We have plenty to do. Zeynep, come with me."

Ece and Zeynep went to another room where Ece showed her a beautiful dress. "Now take a look," Ece said.

"Wow," Zeynep exclaimed. "Your reaction makes it clear that you liked it," Ece responded

"Who brought this beautiful dress?" Zeynep asked, clearly impressed.

"Your dashing and handsome brother, Emir," Ece replied.

Zeynep turned and hugged Emir, saying, "Thank you, brother."

In Nazli's house, preparations were in full swing as her brother Hakan and sister-in-law Fatma welcomed the guests. "Nazli is ready, she will be here in a while," Fatma assured everyone.

(She was adopted by hakam's parents,hakam is her adoptive brother)

"Hakan, you are Nazli's brother, please smile," Fatma said, noticing his tense expression.

fatma sighed, "hakam, I am just wondering if we are doing the right thing."

"What are you talking about?" hakam asked.

"About Nazli's marriage," fatma replied. "You know she isn't ready for marriage. Yet, you emotionally blackmailed her and fixed her marriage.

hakam tried to reassure him, "fatma, all girls feel jittery before their marriage, but later everything becomes alright. Nazli will also feel better."

Hakan shook his head, "Fatma, Nazli has been brought up in the USA. How will she adjust in Istanbul? I mean, we didn't even give her a chance to think. We brought her to Turkey and fixed her marriage."

Hakan continued, "Many families in the USA do the same. Girls adjust with their families gradually. As I said, once she gets married, everything will be fine. Believe me."

"I wish the same," Fatma said, her voice tinged with worry.

At the wedding, Ali's friend nudged him and said, "Congrats, brother! A bride is coming from America to your home." Just then, Nazli entered the room, looking beautiful and catching everyone's attention. She sat beside the groom, Ali.

Ali's friend whispered, "Hey brother, this is the time to impress her by speaking in English."

Ali turned to Nazli and said, "Hi, myself Ali. Nice to meet you." Nazli looked at him but remained silent.

When the time came for the vows, the officiant asked, "Nazli, are you ready to be Ali's wife?" Nazli remained silent, then suddenly said, "No, I don't," and ran to her room, leaving everyone in shock.

Fatma quickly followed her and knocked on the door. "Nazli, it's me. Open the door." Nazli opened it, tears streaming down her face.

"Are you okay?" Fatma asked gently.

"I'm sorry, Fatma," Nazli sobbed. "Please forgive me. You and my brother had to go through so much because of me. But I can't marry him. I just can't."

Fatma hugged her, trying to calm her down. "It's okay, Nazli. We'll figure this out."

Meanwhile, downstairs, the groom's family confronted Hakan. "This is so insulting! How dare she refuse?"

"I will talk to her," Hakan said, and headed upstairs.

In the room, Fatma continued to comfort Nazli. "I have to do something, Fatma," Nazli insisted.

"Relax, Nazli. Calm down. Everything will be fine," Fatma reassured her.

Nazli, still distraught, said, "While coming from America, my brother didn't say anything about this and fixed my marriage here.

You know the reason why I came here, right? Instead of helping me, my brother fixed my marriage. I should have stopped him before."

Just then, Hakan entered the room, but Nazli quickly ran out of the house with Fatma's help. Hakan looked at Fatma and asked, "Where is Nazli?" Fatma glanced at the window, and Hakan realized what had happened.

"We are to be blamed for this, Hakan," Fatma said quietly. "We forced her to get married when she wasn't mentally prepared for it.

May God help her recognize her love and give her the courage to accept him."