
Getting Back 'To Get Her'

T City, 2001

XinYi watching the first year students lining up in front of their class. How times flies. Can't believe its been a year. Finallyyyyyyy, she can escape from their target.

According to the rules, only first year students can be the target. For one year, they make her as a target. The one need to eat their food. The one manage their club. The one manage their sport team.

Isn't it weird, how come she can be in the same team as them?. She and Shu Wen in the same team with JiaHao and Jimmy. Erica and Nelly with same team as Justin and Aaron.

Funny thing is, when everyone thought that Nelly will be dating Justin. The truth is, his brother, James currently dating Nelly.

She heard the rumors that JiaHao like Shu Wen. And Justin like her. It cant be. Justin is the smartest and cutest boy in third year class. Plus, he never show any interest on her. He treat her like he treat others.

There is one rumor that caught her attention. They said Jiahao first ex girlfriend, the one in the same class with him, want him back. JiaHao also want her back. They currently getting back together.

"What are you looking at?."

XinYi patted her own chest. Is this guy crazy?. Justin put the food in front her. She look back at him with 'what the hell is going on' eyes. Justin casually take a seat next to her.

"Yahhhh. Im not first year student anymore. Go and find your new target. Don't come and bother me anymore. " XinYi push back the food to him. 'God whyyyy. Tell me whyyyyy.'

"Who told you that you are the target?. And who told you only first year student can be the target. There is no such rules. " Jimmy take a seat in front her. Press the cold juice on her cheek. He chuckled looking at her annoyed expression.

"Aaron, didn't you told me so?." Aaron shrugged his shoulder. Did he told her that?. When, where?.

"Even if the rules really exist, I will change that."

What a godly appearance. JiaHao take a seat next to Aaron. People said he very close with Aaron. Aaron might be the most stupid among them, but he is very loyal person.

She very tired with people said this and that about him. He is like celebrity in their school.

XinYi take one fast glance at JiaHao. She can't denied the fact that he look better day by day.

Why did he chose her as his target?. Shu Wen is so lucky. The boys never bother her. That's the advantage of being pretty. They said JiaHao like Shu Wen but why she never saw him approach her. Or maybe talk to her.

She remembered during last year sport days. Three of them in one team. The only person that JiaHao talked to was her. Or maybe JiaHao feel nervous talking to her. Or, they try to keep their relationship as low as they can.

"XinYi, don't forget that Miss Yan want you and YunHoo handle the Maths week. " Shu Wen's soft soothing voice bring her back to reality. What?. Maths week?. She not good with numbers.

YunHoo?. That name sound familiar. Who is he?. Isn't that cutie boy that Erica once said she attracted to. The twin boy named YunHoo and JunHoo.

She also think him very cute. To be his partner for Maths week make her blushing. She can't wait to know him more.

"Wipe that kind of reaction from your face. Such an eyesore. It didn't suit you at all. Stop trying to be cute. You not cute at all." JiaHao feel irritated looking at her. Getting blushing after hearing the name. Who the hell is that YunHoo.

That secret glance between Erica and XinYi provoke him more. What is the relationship between YunHoo and XinYi. He don't like another guy make her blushing.

"Don't look at me if you see me as eyesore. Go to the next class. Lots of beautiful girls there. No one ask you to look at me." XinYi rolled her eyes at JiaHao who still look at her with dissatisfied look. XinYi quickly look away, try to control her heart that starting to strumming the weird beat.

"JiaHao. I been waiting for you at class. What are you doing here?."

All eyes set at her. The beauty queen of St J Secondary School. XinYi also look at DaiYu, their eyes met but there is hatred in her gaze. Like she ready to attack and kill XinYi.

'What a nice couple. The boyfriend target me, the girlfriend looks like she hate me so much.' Thought XinYi.

"What are you doing here?. Didn't you said you going to Cafe to buy food?." She bit her lips when she see the food and drink on XinYi's table.

Looking at the boys sitting nearby her, could it be, the one that he like is her?.

What so special about her?. She not pretty at all. She just normal girl. With smart brain. She attended their school gather attention. She supposed to attend international boarding school.

DaiYu look at Justin then XinYi. Didn't they said Justin like her?. Smart boy with smart girl, perfect combination.

"Justin. What a lovely boyfriend. Did you bought the food for her?. Honey, you should learn from Justin. Look at how he treat his girlfriend. Im so jealous." Her voice so soothing to listen to but it make the class turn to silent. The kind of silence that give people goosebumps.

Erica glared sharply at DaiYu. Why did she said something that can make them fight. Everyone know XinYi is his girl. No one can touch her including Justin.

"What do you mean by that?. If you come to find trouble, you come at right place. " Erica stand up, facing DaiYu who stand next to JiaHao. Aaron pull her to sit back, not to create more trouble.

"Even you are our senior, it doesn't mean you can bully us. " Shu Wen turn to speak. XinYi look at them, still confused. Why did her friends get angry with her comment.

"What happened?." XinYi turn to Jimmy, ask him in very low voice. She don't understand why they go against JiaHao's girlfriend.

"What is happening here?. Cool babe. You look so fierce." The arrival of Stella and JaeSi make another students gasping and whispering.

"Just like the rumors, the pretty girl in 2A class so poisonous. Im not sure what will happen if my fist hit your pretty face." JaeSi stand in front of Shu Wen, push her shoulder. Before Jaesi can slap Shu Wen, someone stand up for her.

"Touch her. I will destroy you. "

XinYi was so fast that even Jaesi can't avoid her. XinYi pushed Jaesi, make her fall flat on her butt. Stella rush to XinYi. She caught her wrist, twist her hand to her back, and press her on the desk.

Everyone was in shocked. They never expect the soft girl like XinYi can fight well. In fact, her move look like combination of martial art and street fight.

She released Stella, push her to the door. She inhaled deep breath.

"All of you, are not welcome to our class anymore. When I said all, including Aaron. I don't want to see any of you here. Go. "

Jimmy look so angry that he walk toward her in fast pace. He stopped in front of JaeSi and slap her hard. He caress XinYi's head before leave.

Justin is the second one to move, follow by Aaron. He look at her with apologetic eyes. JaeSi who just get slapped, hide behind Stella. Both look so scared.

Never ever in their life to offend the boys in their class. Isn't they said the smart girl is their target. But why it look like she the one they wanna protect.


JiaHao avoid DaiYu's hand. He look so angry. Really angry. Before he leave, he take one last glance at XinYi. He don't like it. His chest feel so tight.

He don't like when she get angry. Feels like he is the one that get angry.

DaiYu could only look at his back. He didn't target XinYi. He actually have feeling to her.


Why it must be her?.