
Silence War

"Get lost. "

The boys stop almost every girls that try to enter the last row in the library. They try to take a look, all they saw is JiaHao.

Wait. They saw a girl, her head on his laps. She must be sleeping. And they stopped the students cuz they don't want them to disturb her sleep.

They so eager to know who is the lucky girl. They could only see her back. She has really long black hairs. Most girls in their school have long hairs.

"Hao. Are you going to ask us to guard this area for you till the end of class break?. I'm hungry. " Jimmy begging JiaHao to let him go. He tear his gaze from her when he saw JiaHao's face getting darker. Possessive. Its not like she is his girlfriend. Even looking at her is forbidden.

"You can go but buy some food and drink. I will wake her up soon." Jimmy almost shout in excitement. Then he realized they inside library. He quickly leave Justin who also wanna follow him.

He feel sorry for Justin. But one of them have to guard the place. Justin take few chairs to block the area, write something on the paper.

"She must be really tired. I heard she the youngest contestant to participate. " JiaHao caress her hairs. Feel like something disturb her, she tossed to her right. Press her face on his abs, wrapping her hands around his waist.

Justin look away, pretend like he didn't see it. There is uncomfortable feeling when he watched them together.

"Do you like her?."

JiaHao ask the question out from nowhere. Did his best friend like her too?.

Justin and Jimmy both graduated from same Primary School with her. From what they told him, she always the one who shy quiet type but cheerful around the person she close to.

"It so easy to like her. Even she not as friendly as Erica or as charming as Shu Wen but XinYi have her own unique personality. You know it better than me. " After a long silence, Justin give his answer. He not going to deny his feeling.

"Since when?."

Since when?. He don't know. When he started having feeling to her. All he know is, he just wanna protect her.

Another long silence between them. Not later after that, Jimmy come back with food. The librarian can't stop him from bring the food inside the library. He gave her piercing gaze, she look away.

"Why?. Did both of you talk about me?. Why keep quiet when im back?." Jimmy feel uncomfortable when they only look at him with a smirk.

"What?." He keep asking but still get no idea. What did he do wrong?.

XinYi open her eyes when she heard someone chatting nearby her. She widen her eyes, white clothes?. Did she just hugging a stranger?. But she familiar with the fragrance. She kinda know who is that person.

"Wake up if you already wake up. You can't pretend at all. " JiaHao know she wake up cuz she loosen her hugs. He chuckled when she quickly sit and cover her face with his sweater.

'He smell so good. ' XinYi inhaled his fragrance, not too strong but not too soft too. Just fine to smell.

"We going first. Don't forget to eat. Don't sleep again. Remember, don't sleep again. "

XinYi nodded. So embarrassing. Why did she fall asleep. She count the steps, when she really sure they already far, she take a look at them.


Their eyes met. He look at her with most charming smile she ever witness. JiaHao turn his head to front again,pulling both guy to follow him.

'XinYi, one day, you will understand. Everything I did, was only to get your attention.'

XinYi still look at his back till her eyes can't see him again. Sometimes, she think that he might have feeling to her. Most times, she think he only play around.

K City, 2018

Ming Qiang read the file that his Secretary give him. There is so many things he wanna know about her. Where did she go. Why did she go. With who.


His eyes glued on her name. A name that bring nightmare to him. Every night, he has sleepless night. Thinking about her, wonder if she doing well. He been looking for her, never give up, doesn't matters if she get married or not. Doesn't matter if she left him for another him.

But last night. Last night was the evidence. She lied. She was alone, for all these years, she was alone. He was there, at her house. Simple apartment, with very simple kitchen and living hall.

Even her bedroom, its obvious that she lived there alone. The furniture seem new. Did she just returned from somewhere?.

He take a deep breath. Open the first page, slowly, carefully.





Lecturer?. She became a lecturer?. Didn't she said she hate teaching. It very heavy responsibility. His lips can't stop smiling. How a cute person like her handle the naughty students.

"XinYi, I can't let you go this time."

He didn't know she can't handle alcohol at all. Last night incident, he can't forget how funny she was.

"Youuu. Ming. How can you leave your wife?. She going to let you sleep on the guest room. " She said it, non-stop hiccuping.

"Han XinYi. You better stop saying my wife this and that. Im not married but if you willing to be mine, I have no objection. " Ming Qiang hold her chin tightly. She pouted cutely, wrapping her arms around his neck, pull him closer.

"You and your sweet mouth. You said you love me. But married her. Same like your friend behind you. He cheated on me with her."

Ming Qiang smirk at JiaHao who look extremely jealous. He sneered, pull her from Ming Qiang. She quickly avoid him from touching her.

"Youuu. Don't touch me. You not only cheated on me but you also trust them more than me. You said you protect me with your life. Life my ass. Lightning will strike you. " She hiccuping again. She patted her own chest.


Unbelievable. Good. She just vomit on his chest. He shook his head. Lift her body in his arms, enter the bathroom and lock it.

Thank God, she should thank God cuz there another two person in the house. If not, she can apply leave for a week.

His hands tremble badly while remove her clothes. All the sweet naughty memories between them rushing back to his head.

He keep chanting that she will be his again soon, so he need to b patience. But he can't. He didn't eat her yet but he did taste her, here and there. And tonight, he going to taste her, only a lil. Enough to show another him that she belong to him.

He left his mark, on her right shoulder. He still remember how angry the another him when he see her only in towel. A visible love bite on her right shoulder, make the another him look at him with murderous eyes.

He casually change her to her night gown. He did so natural, like he been doing it since long time ago. After change her clothes and put her on bed, he leave her apartment. No need to rush.

K City Uni , 2018.

"Miss Han, sign here."

XinYi can feel her cheeks getting hotter. Who the hell send the flowers to her office. Don't tell that JiaHao sent her flowers. So not him. She quickly sign, take the flowers, pretend like nothing happened.

"Wahhh. Miss Han. Your boyfriend must be very sorry. He sent you white roses. Just forgive him. " Mrs Lim check the bouquet. Not bad. From Sweetheart Flowers House. Very expensive shop.

"Come, take a look. Her boyfriend must be really rich. Sweetheart Flowers House. " BingBing smirk at XinYi. Never expect the simple lecturer dating rich guy. XinYi ignore her, useless to talk to someone like her. Busy body.

"I almost forgot. For today lunch, everyone must having lunch at cafeteria. The new sponsorship person is coming for tour. This is the brochures for new development plan." Mr Show Luo, the head of mathematics department announcement successfully divert their attention.

"New sponsorship?. What kind of development?. What is this?. Butterfly Group?. "

"Butterfly Group?. Never heard of them. Must be small group using our university to attract public attention."

"Even the company name sound so lame. Sponsor less than a million but want a tour. Anyway, since it's a free food, we shouldn't decline their good intention."

XinYi could only shake her head. How immature. Every cent spend on education is priceless. She wonder if they really sincere being a lecturer. Or they just treat their job as a work.

She slowly follow them from behind, leaving some gap between. Her head too full with unthinkable mind. She not aware there is someone walk at her right side.

He smile widely looking at her gloomy yet adorable face.

"How to get rid of him?."

"Which him?

Their eyes met, still shock to see him at her workplace.

"What are you doing here?."