
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
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39 Chs

Learning About The Sun - Part 2

"The dish is delicious, Reese! I didn't even know mushrooms can be so tasty. Better than steak, I think," Sun wipes his mouth. Reese grins while looking at him.

"Well, it's my friend's recipe. He is good at improvising. Since I don't eat meat much, he tries to fit my preferences," Reese grabs dirty plates and walks into the kitchen. Sun quickly follows her from behind.

"Wait! I can't let you do this!" Reese ignores him. She casually washes those dishes. Sun sighs, feeling ashamed all of a sudden.

"Don't worry. I'm used to doing house chores. I even do my laundry too. We don't have a maid at home. Everybody do the chores together," says Reese. She drains the plate on the rack and wipes her hands with a towel. She suddenly closes her eyes and exhales heavily.

"What's wrong?" asks Sun.

"You know, I always have this one silly dream. I always wanted to do this with my future husband. Cooking and cleaning together, goofing around and..."

Suddenly, Reese turns pink. She diverts her sight away.

"And?" Sun leans closer. His thoughts filled with curiosity.

"And..." Reese turns away from him, trying to hide her shy face. Sun is getting closer and closer to her. The heart pounds like crazy lunatic beats with 180rpm per beat, faster than EDM.

The phone vibrates making them jump away. Reese quickly grabs her phone and checks on the caller ID.

"I need to take this call," says Reese. Sun nods as he grabs a bottle of cold beer and leaves the kitchen. Reese quickly answers the call.


She swears to God that the voice is so fucking loud, that she can feel the kitchen counter vibrating violently.

"Stop yelling at me, San... Remember... I'm OLDER THAN YOU!" Reese tries hard not to let Sun hear the stern voice that she uses now.

"Like I care! You need to come home, right now! You know how dangerous it is for you to go out alone at this time!?" Reese feels like she is almost deaf. The high-pitched voice of Taesan can be heard by a whale at this point.

"Alright... Alright! Stop yelling at me. Broken my ears!" Reese scoffs. The line cuts immediately.

This fella! I swear to God if he's not brother, I'll cut his tongue off!

Reese leaves the kitchen, straight into the living room slashes Sun's bedroom. She gazes at the man who is watching TV attentively.

"Sorry, but I need to leave. My brother called me. He's starting to get worried," says Reese. She smiles and snatches her bag from the table.

"Oh, let me send you downstairs,"

"It's fine. I'll manage,"

"It's dangerous for you to walk around the street at this hour. I heard mafias are roaming around at this hour," Reese's eyes getting wider.



"I mean- they are just mafias, right? They won't bother just by a civilian," Reese chuckles it away.

"Still, it's dangerous. I heard they even sell drugs to youngsters. And for a lady like you, they might end up kidnap you. I can't even imagine what's coming after that. Let me send you, please!" Sun begs Reese.

Reese stands up in disbelief. She slowly nods, but she feels like being stabbed into the heart by his words.


"Sunny, what do you think about the mafia?" Reese asks Sun while they are walking downstairs.

"Some people that I don't wanna encounter. They are dangerous. And you know, they even bring guns everywhere. I saw them once at the restaurant across the street. I heard they even own some buildings here," says Sun.

"How about your dance studio?"

"Well, there's a rumor that the building owner refused to let them take over. They always try to invade the place, but the owner is a brave man. He manages to protect the building from them. I respect the guy so much," says Sun.

"So, you did hate mafias..."

"It's not that I hate them. I just... Violence is not my favorite. I hope they can stop all forms of dystopia. People just wanna make livings here," nothing comes out from Reese after that. Her heart shrinks when she learns those facts from Sun.

"Thanks for the night," says Sun while looking at Reese. She stares back at him with a smile on her face.

"Anytime. I mean, we should do this more often," says Reese.

"You mean... Coming to my house... Often?"

"If it's okay for you, why not?" says Reese. She winks at him, making Sun flusters.


"Why? Afraid of a rumor?"

"I- I..." Sun looks hesitant. Reese leans closer to him.

"Just tell them I'm your girlfriend..." Reese gives a snarky look and giggles. She loves teasing Sun. Looking at him blushing is good entertainment for her.

"Goodnight, sunshine!" says Reese before leaving Sun, standing stoic like a statue.

A few moments later, he smiles ear to ear and jumps happily into his apartment building.

Looks like someone might sleeping in the flower bed again!


Reese gazes at the night sky through her window alone, while sitting on the floor. The moon shines brightly. It's romantic, but it's mellow as well.

She can assume that she's the moon. And Sunny is still the Sun. Both can't stay in the same place at the same time. No matter how much they are in love with each other, they can't be together. Like a normal person.

Sun's view about mafias isn't doing any good for her. Of course, people always have the same opinion when it comes to the mafia. It's a dark world full of violence and terror. And yes, some of them even kill and blackmail others for money, reputation, and power.

No matter how is it, they can't be seen as something positive. It's like wearing a bomb with lace and glitter doesn't make the bomb less friendly!

Reese glances at the picture on her desk. Her eyes begin tearily. That picture brings mixed emotions to her.

Are you giving me a second chance? For me to believe that the world will be a better place? To understand what I believed all this time? If so, please pray for me! At this time, I did miss the moment that we had together. Please don't abandon me! Please take care of me!

Reese hides her face in her palm. And cry.