
Love, Annyeong

Reese's life wasn't that easy. As an heir of a mafia clan, not only does she have to protect her family, but she also lives under pressure from her father to look for a suitable life partner. It's not that she doesn't try harder, but men disappointing her. So she sticks with her goal; hunting her ultimate target for long-term revenge. She never expects to meet love on the way. Sun, a Thai man who works as a dance instructor struck her with affection and love. The problem is, Sun doesnt know who she is in real life. Can she and Sun live happily ever after?

anya_mac69 · Urban
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39 Chs

Learning About The Sun - Part 1

"Stomp your feet upfront, clamp both feet, toss your cap away, and then slide to the right, left... And do the body wave," Sun is giving those instructions to his students.

They diligently obey and listen. No one dares to talk back or zone out. The choreography itself is the hard work of their teacher. They pay respect to it

"Okay, in position... 5, 6, 7, 8!"

They move in unison, trying to complete the dance. Sun observes them like a hawkeye. His expression differs from his usual personality.

When it comes to dancing, he is passionate and serious about it.

Gradually, his class flocks with lots of young dancers. Partly because he always follows the trend and is persistent. His creativity and trendy sense make the class more interesting.

"For girls, walk upfront in four steps, snap right to the left, go down, slide your right leg to the side," Sun showcases the move in front of the mirror so the ladies can catch up fast. "How to go up? Just slide in your leg, crouch, and swing your shoulder like that. What is the important key?" asks Sun.

"Attitude!" they answer him at once.

"Good. Now we should try it. Ready? From the beginning... 5, 6, 7, 8!"

They execute the following choreography successfully.

"Great job! Now, remember to keep on practice. Only hard work can give you the best reward," he smiles, looking at them.

They disperse after saying goodbye, leaving Sun alone in the studio. He was drinking some water when he saw a figure standing in front of the door, looking at him with a smile.

"How long have you standing there?" Sun turns around, looking at Reese. She enters the studio, looking around happily.

"Half an hour ago. The girl at the counter allowed me in. But you were in teaching mode, I just don't wanna ruin it," said Reese. Sun laughs hard when he watches her mocking his expression.

"Can we sit down? You look dreadful already," asks Reese.

"You don't mind sitting on the floor?"

"Who cares?" Reese rolls her eyes up. Sun grins as he brushes the floor with his hand before inviting Reese to sit next to her. Reese looked at him attentively. That face always makes her day better.

It's been two weeks since they met. And since the night market date, they became closer. Reese always visits Sun every evening. They will ride their bike to the park, enjoying strolling around the town, chatting, and goofing around.

But both of them never confess to each other. Though they knew the feeling so well, there was hesitation in them to open up about their feelings.

"This might sound cliche, but since when did you start dancing?" asks Reese.

"I think since I was a kid. Maybe since I was able to walk!"

They giggle together.

"I don't know. Every time I dance, I feel free. All my worries seem to fade. I am myself when I dance," Reese gazes at Sun attentively. She always adores a man with a passion for what they do.

"My mom supports me all the way. She always sacrifices for me. I hope I can make her proud one day. I'll work hard till then," Sun continues. Reese suddenly feels proud of him. For his vision and ambition.

He is the man of her dreams!

"Have you ever tried dancing before?" asks Sun. Reese shakes her head. He grins, slowly roses up, and plays some music. He reaches out his hand.

"Come, let me teach you..."

"I don't dance! I look silly!"

"Don't worry... You're in good hands. Don't you trust me, the best dance teacher in town?" she hesitates at first, but later Reese sheepishly grabs Sun's hand.

Sun swings her right and left and shakes her body, making her laugh aloud. They try some moves and goofing around in between. The air is full of fun.

Suddenly, the song changes into a romantic song.

"What song is this?" Reese inquires.

"It's a Thai pop song. A romantic song,"

"It sounds dreamy. Who's the singer?"

"His name is Barcode, This Song Is Called You..."

"Hah? Me?"

"That's the song title. This Song Is Called You..." Sun replies patiently. Reese nods, drawing a sweet smile that melts the Sun in the instant.

She thumps her feet, feeling the melody lingers in her ears. When she turns to Sun, the man gives her a hand.

"May I have this dance, milady?" he kneeled with a smile. Reese flushes. She nods grabs his hand carefully and lets Sun take the lead.

They stare right into each other's eyes. Soaking with the melody and slow steps in the dance. Reese grips Sun's shoulder tight, trying to get rid of the shyness. But he can see how she blushes so hard. Yet he still pulls her body even closer, putting his forehead against her.

It might be a cliche. Just like a normal romantic scene from a movie. But, for Reese, she treasures this moment so much. The intimacy, the closeness, the air, the vibes.. everything.

Reaching the chorus of the song, Sun swings away her body a bit far, spins her body, and pulls her into his embrace. Maybe he is full of adrenaline, he pulls her too hard, making them collide with each other. They end up falling, and Sun's back is on the dance floor with Reese on top of him.

Both eyes got wider. Not sure if it's because of the pain...

Or the awkwardness.

"Mmph!" Sun frowns, feeling a little pain in his crouch.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!" Reese quickly gets up, checking on him. Sun slowly gets up.

"I'm okay... Don't worry..."

"I'm so sorry, Sunny..." Reese pouts, eyes pleading for his forgiveness.

"It's fine. Don't make that face! You look silly!" he laughs, amused by her attic.

"Hey!" Reese smacks his shoulder.

"Ouch! Okay, that hurts!" Sun whines.

"Sorry... Sorry..." she quickly apologizes.

Gradually they laugh, looking at each other.

"Let's have dinner. My treat!" said Reese. Sun feels wronged. Reese always treats him whenever they hang out.

"Ah... I was planning to go home and cook, since I finish early today," Sun is trying to plan some excuse.



"I can cook for you today! I learned some recipes from my friend. He has a bar, super famous one" says Reese.

"It's fine. I-"


Sun can't even say no when Reese coaxes her voice like that. Looks like Reese is his weakness now. He can do nothing when the girl whines and looks at him with tuppy eyes.

"Alright..." he submits, unable to resist her anymore. Reese clapping her hands, quickly entwined his hand with her.

"Let's go-to grocery shopping!" she screams in joy. Sun can only go with the flow.

However, deep down inside, he too feels happy.