
Love and vengeance

Annabelle stares at Richard in his kingly attire. She walks down the Royal rug, grasping her colourful bridal flowers. Was she thinking straight?. She was getting married to the son of her parents murderer, the king. Well she had her plans. " It was a bloody one. An eye for an eye A tooth for a tooth Blood for blood MY PEOPLE FOR YOUR PEOPLE" but she loved him, she loved the son of her parents murderer. Well time shall tell if her vengeance will be consumed by love. ******* Love and revenge.

Miracle_Clement_6457 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Anticipation

Annabelle pants.

At last!

The streets of Othwaine.

She was close to the boundary, the boundary between this creepy forest and Othwaine.

The figure was getting closer, persevering in its fervent chase.

Annabelle adrenaline pumps in excess.

What could be behind her?

Perhaps it was the night walkers or was it that hag?

maybe it was a beast of the forest?

No it couldn't be, there were no signs of any beastly sounds. The footsteps trailing her was that of a human.

Annabelle listens to the whispers of the figure behind.

What was it saying? Was it calling for back up.

Annabelle swallows hard still running not daring to look back.

" Consisterent et reverentia" The figure  chants.

Annabelle legs becomes stiff, the blood coursing through her legs were now chill. She tries to move her feet but they wouldn't budge.

" Was these a nightmare?"

Annabelle struggles with here legs in an attempt to keep running.

The figure chuckles approaching her.

She was indeed brave and a swift runner at that.

" Don't struggle my lady, am here with a message" The hooded fellow says revealing his face.

Annabelle gaze at him. The moonlight made his facial features a bit visible.

He was of the form of a beast. His beards unshaven and his eyes alert like that of a predator.

The man stares at Annabelle, inferring on his observations.

" You are indeed as beautiful as he had described"

Annabelle chest tightens.

HE?, was someone monitoring her? If so, then why?

She was no priced fellow. Just an ordinary maid tidying the interior portion of the castle's kitchen.

" We will come for you when the time is right. He asked me to give to you this"

Annabelle takes a quick glance at the mirror in his hands.

A hand mirror, what sort of gift was a hand mirror?

The man looks deeply into Annabelle's hazel eyes. The way they darted. It spelt alertness.

" Who is this HE? If I may ask."

The man pauses as if thinking of a suitable answer to Annabelle's question.

" He is the leader of a pack, he seeks a mate" He replies finally.

The man pauses and then continues

" He wants you, the fairest in all of Idil. The witch of the confessor's touch"

He smiles revealing his rotten brown teeth.

Annabelle grimaces at the odour of the man's breath.

His crazy words astounded her. He must have some sort of mental illness.

" Am no man's property, neither am I the possession of a beast"

She wondered how a sorcerer had formed a sort of alliance with a werewolf, the most feared creature in the whole of the realm.

" And who might you be?" Annabelle questions leaning her upper body forward, gazing at the man with focus.

" Am a banished druid"

The man puts on a satisfied smile and then continues with his speech

" You should know you're special. I mean the druids wants you, the Humilin's as we speak strategize ways to harness your powers and our leader deems you fit as his mate".

Annabelle's nostrils flare up

" I am no man's possession" she repeats once again.

" True but soon you will be one. Two seasons, you have two seasons to come willingly to our master or we will come get you. Here is the gift by the way"  The man says dropping the hand mirror slowly at Annabelle's feet.

" I ask you tell your leader that am no man's possession"

Annabelle eyes flare up. Staring down at the druid.

He snorts, chuckling childishly. He moves towards Annabelle staring directly into her eyes

" We shall see about that. Liberatio"

He points at her legs and at the hooting of an owl he disappears.

Annabelle legs wobble, she buckles her knees running, crossing the boundary. She sighs staring back at the forest. Her shoes were a bit tighter

" god forbid!, I  come back here."

She exclaims vanishing into the dark streets of Othwaine.


" Lady Vanessa, your father requests your presence"

A girl bows gracefully, her face buried on the deluxe rug.

Vanessa stares at the hands of the maid brush her hair. This mirror seemed old. Her face wasn't as fleshy as the mirror reflected.

" That will be all" Vanessa commands pushing away the maids hands from her  blonde hair.

Vanessa tightens her face, pressing her lips together. She packs her gown upward revealing her petite size shoes. She walks out of her room raising high her chin.

" Replace that mirror, its old" She commands pausing at the doorpost

" Yes ma lady" both maids echoes simultaneously.

What gave rise to her father's summon?, perhaps it was concerning the bridal contest?,

Oh! Prince Richard!. She would paint his hundredth portrait when she returns. She arrives his father's abode, smiling as she increase her pace, moving towards her father

Duke Fregson stretch out his arm, smiling uncontrollably.

" Oh my dear daughter"

" Father" Vanessa falls into his arms, smiling.

" You look rather flourishing today"

" You flatter me father"

" But am being honest. With your perfect countenance and grace  Richard will definitely choose you, he dared not look at another"

Vanessa blushes, the red shade of her cheek thickens.

Frenger holds Vanessa's shoulders,  staring at her affectionately.

He couldn't be more proud.

" You must prepare. You live tomorrow, make me proud."

" I will father"


Annabelle arrives the hay store.

She glance at her box making sure it wasn't tampered with. She kneels unlocking it as she removes her locket. She opens it gazing at the firmly placed emerald.

Why would her parents leave her with such a gift. She sits on the floor still staring at the emerald.

She sniffs holding back her tears, her heart aches

" Where were they actually?, Where?"

" I can tell you what you wish to know"

Annabelle flies up her feet. She looks from side to side searching for the strange voice.

" Who's there?" Annabelle's voice shrivels.

" Who said that" her eyes dart around.

" Look in your left hand" the eerie voice replies.

Annabelle turns, she then gasps, flinging the mirror against the stack of hay in front of her.

How had it gotten into he hands. She had left it at Lot forest.

The mirror magically hangs, levitating. It surface glows brightly lighting up the store with its strange rays.

" They died you know, were killed if I may say so" The voice states.

Then an image begins to display on its surface.

Annabelle watch with keen interest.
