
Love and vengeance

Annabelle stares at Richard in his kingly attire. She walks down the Royal rug, grasping her colourful bridal flowers. Was she thinking straight?. She was getting married to the son of her parents murderer, the king. Well she had her plans. " It was a bloody one. An eye for an eye A tooth for a tooth Blood for blood MY PEOPLE FOR YOUR PEOPLE" but she loved him, she loved the son of her parents murderer. Well time shall tell if her vengeance will be consumed by love. ******* Love and revenge.

Miracle_Clement_6457 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Mirror, Mirror

Annabelle's fingers trembles. She covers her gawping mouth.

" This is diabolical, how could the king's men burn down a whole village.

Annabelle holds both her ears, the screams of the people being burnt alive torments her head causing it pound.

At the moment, she sights a woman holding a baby around her neck running with all ounce of strength she had left. It was the exact scenario in her repeated dreams.

How come this mirror knew and could even show it?

Annabelle's moves closer to the mirror.

The tiny droplets of tears fall freely from the baby's hazel eyes. The woman pauses staring from side to side. The image dissappears, the mirror becomes blank.

This was the exact scene in her dream where she will always wake up.

" Your parents were slaughtered by king Oden as a result of an ancient prophecy"

Annabelle holds her apron tightly, she wished she could disappear.

" You lie, you strange thing"

Annabelle boils staring at the mirror which still levitates defying gravity.

" I am the mirror of the siren, the one who holds all memories of both young and old" the voice in the mirror says introducing itself.

Annabelle walks quickly to the mirror grabbing it.

" I don't know if those were my parents, why should I believe you"

Annabelle squint her eyes interrogating the mystical mirror.

"You know am right but you refuse to believe me. The soul of your parents

constantly reminds you of their sacrifice in your dreams" the voice taunts.

" Shut up"

Annabelle screams with a strained voice, her throat was closing up. She flings the mirror into her opened box, slamming it shot.

She let her tears fall freely, the mirror was annoying but right. Her constant dreams concurred with the mirror's vision.

What really happened?, Did the king really wipe out her race.

There was one thing left to do.

It was to investigate and take the necessary actions. Se needed to clear her doubts.

Her heartbeat pounds as she let flow freely her angry tears.


" Here will be your new chambers, keep it tidy"

Madam jizelle push open the door to a luxurious room.

Annabelle eyes are wide open, she was at loss of words.

The carpet in the room, the tapestry, the large bed and the cozy pillow. It all made her forget about her hay store.

She was in heaven, an unreal one at that.

" Your roommate will join you soon and the queen will summon you all in no time, so expect the Royal maids to come get you ready before hand"

Madam jizelle stares at Annabelle one last time before exiting the room.

Annabelle lands on the bed, exhaling sharply.

She pause for a while processing madam Jizelle's words.

Get her ready? Will her hair be tampered with?, a tight dress!

She hated it all, she hated the life of royalty. Filled with duties and a pretentious affair at that.

But she would despise the Royal house even further if the mirror's words were true.

If they had made her suffer, wiping out her home and those who loved her.

Annabelle stare at the door to her room as it swings wide open.

" Good afternoon"

Annabelle flies off her bed smiling at the girl in front of her.

The girl rubs her right hand, blinking rapidly.

" Am Janelle" she says bowing.She prims her strawberry blonde hair.

She had an unusual eyes one which defined fear.

Annabelle bows with grace. She how Janelle could be her friend, she really needed one, especially since Griselda left.

" Annabelle"


" Getting married to the prince of Wales is an opportunity of a life time for all maidens"

Audrea says staring deeply into the eyes of each girls, three hundred in number selected equally from all portions in Idil.

They were scattered around sitting on the garden floor under the mild sun rays.

Most of them fan themselves.

Annabelle struggles to breath, the dress was not her style.

Beads of sweats flow down her forehead to her neck.

She only, had a different hairstyle from the rest of the girls. She had frowned like a displeased child when her hair was tampered with.

Each girls including Janelle had their various  hair raised high, measuring 30 pouces from its root and held firmly by feathers and ribbons.

" You all will undergo series of test, test befitting a queen of Idil"

Audrea says. Indistinct whispers are raised.

Audrea eyes flare up

" Silence!"

The whispers die down putting the garden back to its state of ease.

The palace guards peeps through the windows and so do the butlers sampling the potential brides of the prince of Wales.

They all placed bets.

" I bid 50 pence on Vanessa the daughter to duke Frenger" a guards roars out facing his companion. His beards were that of a wild troll.

" Nonsense, she isn't the fairest" the other opposes.

" But she is the most befitting of a queen. I can ascertain that she was raised to take the status of a queen"

" But there are other daughters of other dukes who are fair to look upon"


Annabelle giggles. Janelle was indeed funny.

" Like they knew the difference between ale and fine water" Janelle adds with her eyes dancing.

Annabelle laughs the more holding her aching stomach.

"  I was asked to give this to you" a girl interrupts.

Annabelle pauses staring at a girl who stretch out a folded letter towards her. Annabelle notice the laundry basket on the girl's other hand.

" Thank you"

Annabelle rubs her head as she collects the letter. The girl hurries off.

Janelle stares at the girl now few feels away and then at Annabelle.

" What does it reads?"

" Let's get to the room first, opening it here might not safe"

Annabelle and Janelle increase their pace heading for their room.

Janelle slams the door shut behind her, rushing to the bed to meet Annabelle.

She wanted so badly to know the contents.

Annabelle opens the letter staring at legibly written note.

" My lady,

Am the supposed rebel you met at the. The rebel whom you stole his heart with your warm smile and charming eyes.

Come I pray thee at the castle dungeon tonight and present this note to the first guard you come across he will lead you to me. Then, I can behold your angelic features and once again be smitten by your warm smile.

                                    Your Servant.

" Oh my!,  I have a spell caster as a friend" Janelle shrieks.

" You must go meet him tonight" Janelle adds standing up from the bed gazing at Annabelle.

Annabelle smiles at nothing, she gives the letter a yearning look.

It was the lad with the charming smile. He had bewitched her with his smile, she wanted to go so badly.

But would it be safe to go to the dungeon?.

He must be of high status to have a guard in his favour, perhaps he was the son of a duke or Lord.

She would go! Yes she will.