
Love and vengeance

Annabelle stares at Richard in his kingly attire. She walks down the Royal rug, grasping her colourful bridal flowers. Was she thinking straight?. She was getting married to the son of her parents murderer, the king. Well she had her plans. " It was a bloody one. An eye for an eye A tooth for a tooth Blood for blood MY PEOPLE FOR YOUR PEOPLE" but she loved him, she loved the son of her parents murderer. Well time shall tell if her vengeance will be consumed by love. ******* Love and revenge.

Miracle_Clement_6457 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Past of the future

Richard turns from side to side.He couldn't close his eyes, speak more of sleeping. He rests his head on his left hand, gazing at the top of the tall  dungeon.

The hollowness in his heart increases at the pass of every moment. His heart races and a feeling emptiness ensues from within. He wanted to see her

" Annabelle"

His face beams and a silly grin surfaces.He had to see her soon but he will be locked in here for as long as the pass of a full season.

His chest is heavy, he scrubs his face using his right hand and then he heaves a deep sigh. But it was all worth it, Annabelle was worth it. She was worth his comfortable room nor the smile he got from his parents or friends.

For once he was proud of acting violently. He would do anything for love, anything for Annabelle's love.

" Where was Fredrick and Vincent by the way?"

They hadn't come to visit him. What excellent friends they are! Richard exclaims sighing once again.


Annabelle eyes are fixated on the old hag's wrinkled skin.

" When last did she make  use of fine oil on her skin?"

The cottage stunk and so did the seer's breath.

" Thank the heavens, she wouldn't touch the seer at least that was a relief. 

In between her and the seer was a wide table of short legs. Which seemed Older than the hag.

Annabelle looks at the large uncovered pot placed on roaring flames which are sourced by burning woods.

From it, emanated thick white smoke of horrible smell. perhaps this was what gave the cottage its odour.

Different colour liquids are sampled on a shelf whose legs were partly eaten by termites.

" Was the supposed seer a witch? or  maybe sorcerer".

" Love and Revenge plays a major role in your destiny" The woman pauses

" They are in a constant struggle for power in writing your future" She adds.

Annabelle's skin tingles and her heart pounds almost falling out its strings.

"I don't understand you mam"

The old hag takes a pitiful glance at Annabelle. She lacked knowledge of her great destiny,one of good and evil.

" Your destiny shall unfold when the next moon rise"

She shakes her head,gazing intensely at Anna.

What an innocent witch!

How could a young girl have so much magic sealed in her, waiting to explode.

Annabelle stands up dipping her shaking hands into her purse bringing out about 3 pence.

She had wasted her time coming here, her dream wasn't explained!. She had gotten nothing from this dangerous journey.

" Emmm, I will be on my way now"

The old woman glance at Annabelle.

" Your dreams will have a meaning soon. Be careful!,  the amount of power within you will explode in no time from now"

Annabelle flings the pence towards the woman's table, she tightens her lips and then turns moving out of the cottage.

The seer stretch her right hand grabbing the coins. They scrapple of the hag's table

" Three pence of coin for a queen?"

She flings the coins into the bubbling pot, swallowing hard.

" Oden O beware!"


The queen sips from her cup. She groans holding her hair.

" Be  careful would you!"

" Am sorry my Queen" the maid replies with a soft voice. She continues to brush the queen's long dark hair but gently this time.

" They are never careful"

Anastasia cuts in. She holds her overflowing gown in folds moving

to her mother. She kisses her mother's right hand, directly on her index finger, bowing in courtesy.

The queen contains her beautiful smile. She looks at Her beautiful daughter. Her light eyes and dark hair but her nose was carved like that of her father.

Her pink cheek and round flourishing lips is a fine catalyst for ecstasy in any man.

She had her hair rolled up to a bun, which made  her green eyes conspicuous.

" Welcome my dear" Audrea says at last.

Anastasia gives the maid an unapproving stare and then seats on a wooden chair coated with leopard's skin.

Anastasia leans back on the chair. She loved the feel of the coat on her back, she grabs a cup sharing from the queen's wine.

" Mother don't you think father's verdict was too harsh".

She sips leaning inward like a gossip that she is.

Audrea frowns dropping on the table her half way filled cup.

" Oh don't be silly. You know Richard deserved that. Your father's sentence was perfect and had the will of a brave and just king tangled in it".

" I know it concurs with the law. But a Prince, in a dungeon, for a full season. It speaks ill of our kingdom mother"

Anastasia drops the cup of tea on the table crossing her arms.

" I wonder what Arthur and his mother thinks of this"

Anastasia spits out.

Heat flushes through Audrea's body. Anastasia had crossed her boundaries. Mentioning that name!

" Am afraid you are no longer welcomed in my chambers"

" Get out!"

Anastasia pauses. She frowns staring at her mother and grasps her gown tightly, standing up. She takes a quick glance at her mother's face one last time, walking out with her chin raised up high.

Audrea raise her left index finger. Signalling the maid to leave immediately.

She gives audrea a cold stare walking out.

She had news for Madam Freya.


Annabelle pauses, listening to the wind behind her.

There seemed to be an additional thuding steps right after hers.

She continues marching, increasing her pace. Racing away.

Oh this creepy place!

The trees were alive staring at her, the intruder. She shuddered at each hooting of an owl.

Why had she come here?, The seer's words were as good as meaningless to her.

Annabelle pauses for the second time.

She could vow on her intuition that there was someone behind her.

Annabelle picks up her pace and so does the stranger behind her.

Her heartbeat race nearly exploding. She picks up her pace even further, running like a girl being chased by the wind.

Her intuition was always valid. There was someone or something behind her.