
Love and vengeance

Annabelle stares at Richard in his kingly attire. She walks down the Royal rug, grasping her colourful bridal flowers. Was she thinking straight?. She was getting married to the son of her parents murderer, the king. Well she had her plans. " It was a bloody one. An eye for an eye A tooth for a tooth Blood for blood MY PEOPLE FOR YOUR PEOPLE" but she loved him, she loved the son of her parents murderer. Well time shall tell if her vengeance will be consumed by love. ******* Love and revenge.

Miracle_Clement_6457 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Brides and a Prince

Audrea stares at the crowd. Their eyes all fixed at her lips, waiting for it to move.

She takes a deep breath, pushing her chest out and raising her chin high. She stares at the crowd, a mixture of different personalities.

The commoners whom were privileged to feast as royalty tonight, the greedy merchants, whores ready to serve for a penny and the observant spies darting their eyes to every corner in the ball room.

" Greetings people of Idil" Her voice echoes round the ballroom.

" There shall be a contest amongst eligible maidens who desires the Prince's heart"

The crowd roars, raising up their wines in salute to the Queen.

" Then only can we chose a bride"

Audrea let out a satisfied smile. Her reasoning was perfect. She wanted her son to make his choice, even if it must suit her taste.

Oden turns to the Queen, excess warmth spread through his body.

What would he do without her?

He had made the finest choice in marrying one of great wisdom. He wondered how his reign would have been without her crafty counsel.

" Let the feast continue" Oden flings out his arms letting out an uncontrollable grin.

The crowd in response throwing a hullabaloo.


Annabelle moves out of the ballroom.

Thirteen years of living in the castle, she still wasn't used to the heavy clings! and clangs! of the cymbal nor the loud roars of drunken men.

Her eyes darts from side to side. She takes a deep breath descending the castle stairs and stops at its end resting her feet on the plane marble floor.

The thuding steps on the surface of the staircase reach Annabelle's ears

She turns.

A lad rush down the staircase not turning or pausing, he seemed to be in a haste to God knows where.

Annabelle stares a the lad's dark hair.

She smiles at nothing.

The lad of a charming smile!

She couldn't find him at the Royal feast, perhaps he was now in the Royal dungeon for his rebellious attitude earlier today.

He couldn't have been hanged, or could he?

The moon is brighter, it had never been  dim or red like in her frequent nightmares. Her mind drifts to the seer,

Tomorrow she would go see her. She was now eighteen, now eligible to meet the seer.

How could she move into the woods of Lot at night. Her stomach feels rock hard.

Why was it forbidden to see the seer during the day?

She couldn't wonder all alone into the woods at night.

If only Griselda would stay till tomorrow comes to an end, she would have one to accompany her.

" Enjoying the moon's light I see" Griselda cuts in disrupting Annabelle's thought.

Annabelle turns and smiles.

" Nice of you to join me "

" You never loved parties, always sneaking from the balls to come stare at the moon, defying madam jizelle. Strange you are!"

Annabelle smiles and turns, staring  into Griselda's green eyes. Her pitiful glance, She would miss her too.

" I will miss you Anna" Griselda says finally moving towards Annabelle, She stretch her arms out wide open, embracing her. She sobs

She would miss her friend so much.


Annabelle scrubs the large pot before her as she hums. She pauses,

" Griselda could you pass me another sponge"

Annabelle stretches out her right hand waiting to receive the sponge

" Here it's lady, and please push the name Griselda to the extreme depths of your heart. She is gaaawnn"

Annabelle gasps, her fingers touching her parted lips.

She couldn't get Griselda out of her thoughts, her childish giggles and luxurious smile which she would exchange for a million pounds of gold.

" Annabelle, Annabelle, Annabelle!" Mam Jizelle's screams.

" Am sorry mam"

" You will be when you stain my name during the bridal contest" Madam Jizelle spits out.

" Bridal contest !" Annabelle opens her eyes widely, giving Madam jizelle an incredulous stare.

" Yes you have been selected and will leave tonight to your new chambers"

Annabelle stares at her worn-out shoes for some seconds.

Bridal contest, this was the last thing she wanted. High expectations from madam jizelle, wearing of so tight a royal gown. She loved her ever light petty coat better.

Her hair!, would they tamper with her hair?

" Emm, Madam could it be possible for I not to participate?"

Madam jizelle gives Annabelle a devil's snare.

" You dare not. It been given to me as a special privilege to bring forth a single maiden to participate in the contest. You should be lucky I chose you. you dare not make me a fool before the Queen"

Madam jizelle warns. She thrusts out her chest, raising high her chin and her legs planted wide as she walks out.

Annabelle grasps the heavy sponge. She'd  her eyes on the lad of a charming smile.

She lowers her head, her chest tightens.

" A bride?, How could she be a royal bride".



Annabelle's swings her light legs back and forth along the route to the seer's cottage. Her palms her sweaty and the fluttery, empty feeling in her stomach persists.

" protect me dear lord!"

Beads of sweats form on Annabelle's forehead despite the winter cold circulating round Othwaine.

Annabelle gauge's the moon's bright light. She corners moving through a narrow path with dancing trees at both sides. Her lips tremble. An owls hoots causing Annabelle's knees to lock.

She had to keep on moving, she was few steps away from the cottage.

The cottage is surrounded by an elevated green fog of thick texture.

" Why did she ask her to come back at night?"

Annabelle could have sworn that underneath this cottage were buried human souls, constantly screaming.

She climbs the rocks arranged in ascending order in front of the cottage.

She raise up her fingers, clenching them up to a fist, She tried to bang the door but the door swings wide on its own, creaking.

" Come in" A shrivelling voice commands.

She rubs her sweaty palms together, staring one last time at the moon,her companion. She steps in ready to get an insight into her future.


Hello guys. Sorry for the careless and unengaging writing in the first three chapters. As from now on am going step up my writing skills.

Please kindly leave your comments and thoughts on this chapter thanks.