
Love and vengeance

Annabelle stares at Richard in his kingly attire. She walks down the Royal rug, grasping her colourful bridal flowers. Was she thinking straight?. She was getting married to the son of her parents murderer, the king. Well she had her plans. " It was a bloody one. An eye for an eye A tooth for a tooth Blood for blood MY PEOPLE FOR YOUR PEOPLE" but she loved him, she loved the son of her parents murderer. Well time shall tell if her vengeance will be consumed by love. ******* Love and revenge.

Miracle_Clement_6457 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: love and Royalty

Annabelle holds the basket of carrot in her hands as she returns from the market. Madam Jizelle must have started with her complain.

once again  She would ask Annabelle if she had been counting each strands of her while returning from the market. Annabelle had gone to get carrots for Madam Jizelle horrible  personal meal.

Annabelle could hear the excessive noise emanating from the palace, the atmosphere is saturated with a feeling of unease. She wondered must have happened. She walks towards the castle gate with her eyes fixed on the young man stepping backward, he holds a sword pressing it firmly on an old man's neck.

Annabelle could sight the palace moving in groups, coming after the young man. She looks at the old man meticulously and sights the badge on his chest. It had a lion drawn on it.

Annabelle is confused. What did this lad want with a knight?

Richard continues to move backward heading away from the guards. He could see that they were getting larger at the pass of every second.

Most of them had crossed the gate. They are all alert, staring at Richard. They had to be careful.Richard had proven to be very dangerous, for him to had caught Sir Bwalk off guard.

Richard breaths heavily, at last he was outside the castle walls, his childhood dreams had been fulfilled today. He didn't care anymore what anyone thought, he only wanted love. He turns to his right then his left, surveying the environment, strategizing his next plan.

He needed to escape from these pests of guards. He then pauses, staring at Annabelle. He could feel his heart struggling to fly out of his chest. His eyes were fixated on the owner of his soul. Her long, wavy and blonde hair made Richard's poetic desire erupt.

Her forehead is high making her Rosy and plumpy cheek conspicuous. Her white skin and little lips defined desire and ecstasy. She was of strange beauty, one he had never seen before. The exterior part of the castle had granted him his one and only wish, his wish to find true love.

This was her, the woman of his dreams. For once his soul was sure about something in his life. Richard drops the sword and frees Sir Bwalk moving hypnotically towards Annabelle.

Annabelle could see nothing but a helpless desire consume his eyes as he approach her. She wondered who he was, his dark curly hair swings freely as he approached her. He shared the same perfect chin as that of the flirty Baker's son.

Just then four hefty guards grab Richard whom is few steps away from Annabelle.

Richard struggles with all his might causing a scene.

Annabelle is amazed at his strength, how could four hefty guards struggle to seize one man?.

" Ma lady tell me your name, please I beg of you" Richard shouts as he is being dragged to the king's court.

" Annabelle it is." Annabelle replies staring  at Richard.

Richard smiles, he had gotten her name all was now well he is now relaxed, he prayed he saw her at the Royal feast, he prayed earnestly.

Annabelle blushes

" what a fine young lad"  His eyes spelt out love, sweet love.Who is he? and why had he gotten into trouble with the Royal house.

Just then Annabelle senses returned,

"Madam jizelle!"

she rush into the palace through the gigantic gates, but she didn't care. She no longer cared about anything, she was curious, about one lad of  charming eyes and also of a hypnotic smile.


Sounds of cymbals and timbre, the atmosphere of merriments and shouts  strike the walls of the ballroom. The people of Idil were known for their extravagant feast. Many personalities troupe into the Royal ball room. Many of exquisite taste and on them were deluxe apparel. The scheming Dukes and Lord's were also present along side all the 62 knights of Idil who drank to stupor making jokes with King Oden. Oden was a king known for his strength, bravery, kindness and obstinate attitude.

At one corner of the ballroom was the Queen. She stares at the king's table with disappointment. At one lane was seated the scheming Dukes and Lord's who are meticulous in their ways and another lane were the frivolous knights consuming large amounts of ale, gulping it in like wild animals. The king laughs loudly, he was between the scheming fellows and the frivolous ones.

She despised the fact that her husband

the king, was so Obstinate and lacked wits.

He was frivolous in his ways, associating himself with commoners and animals.

She hated parties. She viewed them as a waste of resources and time, she would rather play her game of chess with her witty son whom she now remembered. He was in the castle dungeon, serving his punishment for assaulting a Knight and king's general.

During Richard's sentence, Audrea could see the king's delight, he was happy within that his son had assaulted a man so beastly as sir Bwalk. It made him proud. His son not only had the strength but wits.

Oden stands up reluctantly from his table with his cup on his hand and a silver spoon on the other. He strikes the cup getting the attention of the people. Just at that moment the once noisy crowd is silent, yearning to hear the king's words.

" greetings ye great men and women of Idil" the king salutes as he speaks further.

His expression changes

" your prince have erred this kingdom by assaulting  and hijacking one of my well respected knights" Oden says not mentioning sir Bwalk's  name as this would tarnish his gruelsome reputation.

Whispers are heard, the king could tell that the people were awed by the Prince's action.

The dukes are delighted at this outcome, especially Duke Frenger.

" thus he will not be joining us for his feast tonight. Instead his mother, the Queen will  select his bride" The king says.

The crowd roars in joy, this was what they had come to see. They had come to see their future Queen.
