
Love and vengeance

Annabelle stares at Richard in his kingly attire. She walks down the Royal rug, grasping her colourful bridal flowers. Was she thinking straight?. She was getting married to the son of her parents murderer, the king. Well she had her plans. " It was a bloody one. An eye for an eye A tooth for a tooth Blood for blood MY PEOPLE FOR YOUR PEOPLE" but she loved him, she loved the son of her parents murderer. Well time shall tell if her vengeance will be consumed by love. ******* Love and revenge.

Miracle_Clement_6457 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 2: Richard

Prince Richard steps out of his father's court in rage. He moves into the palace garden.He had just had another argument with his father. But unlike the others he had planned this one.

Prince Richard turns staring at the enormous castle before him. He steps backward moving towards a sculpture located in the palace garden. Richard always loved the natural atmosphere in the garden.

It made him forget his royal duties, it made him focus on something other than kingdom politics, balls and most of all it helped him escape from his father's extravagant expectations of him.

" Give me a heir soon, I beg of you" he would always say at the feasting table. And his mother would giggle acting as if she didn't feel the same.

His pretentious sister Anastasia would smile sipping her from her cup gracefully.

He didn't want the type of love his father and mother had, one which will give rise to conflict between immature step Brothers and sisters. Just then he remembered Arthur, the seed of his father's infidelity. Arthur had been banished by his father.

Richard envied the bakers and the cobblers or the Goldsmith and blacksmith, in fact he envied those outside the castle walls.Whose love for their wives were genuine with their feelings reciprocated.

He wanted to be normal, he wanted to run away from all his princely duties. He wasn't a man of war or politics, he had the soul of a poet, a lover and that of a loving father. He wanted true love. Richard stare at the sculpture of Hiloh resting on its plinth. Beside it was a mystical fountain which was the garden's source of beauty. Richard moves towards it staring at the waters at it's base. He could see his reflection his natural self, all was perfect except his crown and his too luxurious robe. He disturbs the water with his left hand causing ripples. He observes how the ripples travel around the water. This gave him his hundredth definition of love. A touch, uniform ripples.

He had just turned twenty today and it is mandatory that he chose a bride. This was what had caused the argument between him and his father.

He wanted to explore the kingdom in search of a bride, he wanted to fall in love. He wanted someone natural, not the superficial daughters of Dukes and Lords.

" Who does the king think he is" Richard says as he removes his crown and then his robe.

He must step out of the castle walls today. He had never been out of the castle.He had tried countless number of times but the castle's security superceded his thinking capability. But today he breaks free, perhaps his father would take him more seriously. He smiles as his plan was falling into place. He listens attentively to the thuding the knights boot as they approach him from behind.

" My prince, the king request your presence in his court" one of the two knights says. They both kneel before the prince.

Richard could see that the king had upgraded in his level of thinking. He was now aware of Richard's strength and wits, thus normal guards would crumble before him. He had sent one of his best knight, sir Bwalk.

" Tell him I will be there in no time" Richard lies setting his plan into motion.

" My prince, the king commanded that we arrive with you" Sir Bwalk says in a fierce tone which spoke of his gruelsome nature. The scar on his left eye had always been an object of fear to Richard.

" Sir Gwen could you step forward" Richard says referring to Bwalk's companion.

Gwen's heart skips a beat. What was the prince planning?. Prince Richard was well known throughout the castle for his scheming and witty nature ever since he was little, one which he had gotten from his mother. He had outsmarted almost all the guards in the castle in his bid to leave the castle walls. The Queen had recently confirmed that she had been surpassed by her son.

Gwen moves slowly towards the king, as rivulets of sweats form on his head rubbing against his helmet.

" Come closer, " Richard beckons.

Gwen steps closer. And immediately Richard's expression changes to that of a displeased child.

"Move back" Richard mutters out again. Gwen and Bwalk are confused.

Richard knew very well what he was doing. Sir Bwalk was the only key to his escape from the castle. He knew very well of Bwalk's critical thinking and strength thus he needed to pressurize his thinking prowess and then render them ineffective.

Richard stares at both Knights he could see the confusion in their eyes.

" I have always been awed by your scar sir Bwalk" Richard whispers moving closer to sir Bwalk. He pauses just an air length away from him, and then removes his helmet, staring at his eyes. His blonde hair is all sweaty and he stunk of manly sweat. Richard could tell he was a beast in human form. His large hands and scary jaw proved so. Richard then moves his left hand touching sir Bwalk's scar.

"Could you tell me how you attained it" Richard asks still touching the scar. He could feel large amounts of pain concealed in the stitched scar.

" I got it in battle my prince" Bwalk says with threads of anxiety in his voice.

Richard swiftly thrusts his finger into sir Bwalk's scarred eye.

Sir Bwalk let out a painful cry alerting Gwen. Richard quickly draws out sir Bwalk's sword using his left hand and wraps his right arm around sir Bwalk's chest pressing the shiny blade hard against his neck. Sir Bwalk struggles and is amazed at the strength of Richard's arm. This was Richard's plan all along. This was the reason he had started a heated argument with his father in the court room in the presence of his knights and generals.

He had ran to the garden knowing fully well that his father, in rage would send out one of his finest knight to come after his son and it all worked.

" Go inform the gate keepers to open the castle gate or this sword will slash his throat" Richard says still holding Sir Bwalk firmly.