
Love and vengeance

Annabelle stares at Richard in his kingly attire. She walks down the Royal rug, grasping her colourful bridal flowers. Was she thinking straight?. She was getting married to the son of her parents murderer, the king. Well she had her plans. " It was a bloody one. An eye for an eye A tooth for a tooth Blood for blood MY PEOPLE FOR YOUR PEOPLE" but she loved him, she loved the son of her parents murderer. Well time shall tell if her vengeance will be consumed by love. ******* Love and revenge.

Miracle_Clement_6457 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Annabelle

On the Western part of the realm of Magic lay Idil. A large country accumulating as 4 times the mass of land of the other twelve country. The realm's light was getting darker by the day, indicating the approaching war.

In Othwaine, the central town in Idil could be seen the five mountains of the fated dragons which sent down chills down an observer's spine.

Little children of Idil had been told the tale of how the most powerful sorcerer Aragon, had locked up all the  dragons in one of the mountains for eternity.

It had been said that the dragons were waiting one day to be freed by the heir of Aragon.

The long river of omri, home to the mermaids and mermans bordered Idil from their neighbouring country Humulin. The Humilin's had always been scheming, jealous of the vast population of Idil and their fine land. Rumour's had it that they were crafting an attack, but they wouldn't dare due to their minute population. In comparison to Idil, the Humilin's and the other twelve countries were underpopulated.

The cock crows, the castle bell rings as today was the day the Prince would choose a bride.

" Wake up douche" Madam jizelle says lashing Annabelle and Griselda with her old black whip.

Annabell face wrinkles as she opens her eyes lazily, she was late again and this bull had come to disturb.

She immediately rush up and then kicks Griselda urging her to stand up from the heaps of hay which is their bed. Griselda coughs loudly spilling out stuck straws of Hays from her mouth. She then opens her eyes sighting Madam jizelle worn out shoes, she quickly stands up joining Annabelle.

" Douche bags, do you know what day it is?" Madam jizelle scolds.

This was her hobby. Screaming like a perverted bull, making complains to the Queen millions of times about the incompetence of her maids.

" You all are so incompetent" Madam jizelle screams out her favorite words.

" We are sorry ma lady" they both apologize.

Annabelle and Griselda bow their heads facing the floor.

They avoided eye to eye contact with Madam jizelle. Her countenance could humble even the wildest of all boar.

Her fat bull dog like cheek scared the palace cat from the kitchen and her fat hips made her head spin in pride.

" It's Prince Richard's bride selection day, the late night ball must be ready before he makes his choice and there is much work to do."

" Come join the rest of the maidens in the palace and get your hands busy you lazy witches" Madam jizelle curse swinging out her fan opening it as she fans herself. She walks away with all manner of poise and grace swaying her waist like a peahen in search of a mate.

Annabelle and Griselda stare at each other and then laughs.

" Douche bargs" Annabelle mimicks madam jizelle.

They both giggle, rubbing their aching stomach's as they laugh.

" I assume something is funny, cursed be you if I wait another moment for you at the palace" madam jizelle screams some distance from the hay store.

Annabelle and Griselda quickly dust their dirty worn out gown and adjust their inner petty coat in a bid to adhere to Madam Jizelle's order.

" Please help braid my hair" Annabelle says to Griselda who swiftly moves to action, removing straws of hay from Annabelle's hair.

Annabelle and Griselda had slept in the hay store for more than two years now, developing their somewhat sisterly bond.

Griselda eyes are watery she was about to cry. She would miss her friend Annabelle.

"So you really are abandoning me" Annabelle says in a tone of depression

" Don't say that Annabelle, you of all fellow know why I have decided to leave" Griselda corrects.

Annabelle turns towards Griselda hugging her immensely.

" I will miss you so much my sister" Griselda says hugging Annabelle tightly. She wondered how her life would be without Annabelle and her funniest mimicking of Madam Jizelle.

"Alright turn around and let me finish your plait" Griselda says with much enthusiasm. She enjoyed plaiting Annabelle extremely long blonde hair.

" Princess Annabelle am finished" Griselda says standing up and bowing before Annabelle.

Annabelle giggles.

" Please don't let princess Anastasia hear you address me as such, she will have our heads on the gallows" Annabelle says smiling.

" But everyone knows you are the strange girl of strange origin and strange beauty, the fairest in the whole of Idil" Griselda praises making Annabelle blush.

" Don't flatter me Miss, you know am your competition" Annabelle says trying to sound humble.

Griselda stares deeply into Annabelle's hazel eyes. Her beauty is the strangest. It was a beauty without a single flaw. Her light eyes made the princess go insane and her lips was of the same shade as blood.

" Annabelle, Griselda" Madam jizelle screams through the castle's kitchen window.

Annabelle and Griselda rush out moving to the kitchen in other to avoid being a punching bag for madam jizelle insanely large fists.