

Seperated from his family when he was just 1 year old lived in forest with beast unknown to his origin . Arin grew up in a small village no so called family that would take care of him , he never have anticipated that day would come where his life will completelt change ing his life.He will learn about magic which he never would have. A clue of the lost kingdom which while soling this mystery he will encounter about 7 taboo superpower information and a prophecy about information about hisself which completely change his world view.

Live_Dashu_player · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


Arin finally arrives on his destination within one hour of time. As soon as he arrive his gaze get swayed by the High tall proud standing building.

It was his first time to see such a building it contains several hoardings over it in which people's were depicting magics each of different elements.

It was like an watch tower but it was spread so much to be called a watch tower.

Thousands of people were scattered infront of the tower waiting for the towers door to open.Door were majestic ancient magic symbols were depicted on the gates.

One thing that doesn't make sense was by its name was red tower when there was almost no red colour thing in its surrounding or on it.

In fact the horde was too Missing the red colour mostly used colour was yellow and green .Arin came closer to tower.He straight hi head and watches toward the sky.The tower roof was visible slightly.

A person was watching down or particularly a woman was looking down over the crowd.

She made some with her hand left and right suddenly hand glowed and dimmed but after 5 second gate started opening revealing what was inside .

Just after the opening two guards metal Armor were standing at the entrance both their face was crude and rough.So no one can try any thing funny.

Everyone formed line and moved forward Arin noticed two figure a boy same age as him with red brown hair strong build but legs were weak not that weak but from his upper body lower body doesn't match a unique fool telling he only focuses on his chest.

The second who catches his eye was a girl looking younger than him move outs of line and goes straight into tower and and no one stoped her.It was like walking in a park for her,seeing her some unknown fools tried the same thing but were thrown out the tower mercilessly.

But then Arin heard nearby people's whispering voice stating the black hair girl who just entered inside was none other than daughter of current vice leader of tower.

Second in command to the leader.Well who would have thought this year was gonna be hard.

It was taking much time than expected to clear the line as both guards just wasn't standing there for show they were demanding identity and then only they were allowed inside.

Soon Arin chance came he moved forward and stopped by guard with a small scar on his neck guard said for identification Alex took out the token which was given to him by the guard of door they scanned carefully after forcefully throwing him inside the tower.

As he kept his legs inside the tower its crimson walls pulsating with an otherworldly energy.

He could feel the crackle of magic in the air, sending shivers down his spine as he ventured deeper interior was dimly lit by flickering torches, casting long shadows that danced along the walls.

Arin's heart raced with anticipation as he made his way through the corridors,filled with crowd only 700 were remaining about remaining his mind filled with questions 

Finally,As he walked and deeper, the air grew colder, and the sound of his footsteps echoed eerily against the stone walls. After what felt like an eternity of wandering, Arin reached in an area with crowd infront of them a platform was present 

Arin stood among the other aspiring mages, his heart pounding with anticipation as he listened to the elder's words. The man's presence commanded respect, his silver hair framing a face weathered by years of wisdom and experience.

"As you all know," the elder began, his voice resonating throughout the hall, "the path to the academy of magic is not an easy one. It requires dedication, skill, and above all, a mastery of the arcane arts."

He paused, his piercing gaze sweeping over the gathered crowd before settling on Arin and the others.

"But fear not, for we are here to guide you on your journey. However, to prove yourselves worthy of entry into the academy, you must first pass our test."

With a wave of his hand, the elder gestured towards the platform at the center of the hall, where a shimmering orb of light appeared, casting a warm glow over the assembled mages.

"This orb contains the essence of magic itself," the elder explained. "Your task is simple: channel your energy and manipulate the orb to demonstrate your mastery of the arcane. Only those who can harness its power will be deemed worthy of test for the entrance of academy."

So all of you get ready to see if you have the potential with his eyes shooting sharp glint he disappeared,the crowd broke into discussion.

Two mages wearing the red magic tower clothes came forward and asked everyone to put there hand on the orb one by one the crowd started to dwindle out of 700 only 400 people remain standing .

The people containing magic was already a problem as people without any energy are not suitable to be a magician.

Now it was arins turns,he took a deep breath and felt a surge of excitement course through him as he stepped forward, his mind focused on the task at hand. Closing his eyes, he reached out with his senses, allowing the magic to flow through him like a river.

With a whispered incantation, he extended his hand towards the orb, feeling the energy respond to his command.

Slowly, the orb began to waver and shift, dancing in the air as Arin guided it with practiced precision.

As he poured more of his energy into the spell, the orb pulsed with a brilliant light, illuminating the hall with its radiant glow.

And in that moment, Arin knew that he had passed the test, that he had proven himself worthy of the test that lay a head of him to enter the academy.

All people who failed the test were directly teleported outside of the red magic tower they didn't even got a chance to mourn about their failure.

The old man again appeared on the platform his voice echoed through the hall, carrying a sense of solemnity as he announced the next phase of the trials. 

"Congratulations to those who have proven their worth,"

 he began, his eyes glinting with pride. 

"But the journey to mastery is long and arduous, and there is still much to be tested." 

He clapped his hand together and a With a loud sound a circular platform under the people's leg appeared.All their vision turns black they were teleported somewhere and who knows what will they face.