

Seperated from his family when he was just 1 year old lived in forest with beast unknown to his origin . Arin grew up in a small village no so called family that would take care of him , he never have anticipated that day would come where his life will completelt change ing his life.He will learn about magic which he never would have. A clue of the lost kingdom which while soling this mystery he will encounter about 7 taboo superpower information and a prophecy about information about hisself which completely change his world view.

Live_Dashu_player · Fantasy
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27 Chs

A visit

As the blinding light subdued,before l can hold my ground my stomach makes a growl sound.


As I stumbled forward, my head spinning and my stomach churning, I couldn't help but notice the chaos around me. People were doubled over, retching uncontrollably, as if some unseen force had gripped their insides.They started to puke all over the place.

 Clutching my own stomach, I managed to steady myself and looked around, trying to make sense of what was happening.

Amidst the confusion, a strange sensation washed over me, as if I were being pulled towards something. Ignoring the protests of my body, I followed the instinctual urge and found myself in a dense forest, the air thick with the scent of earth and greenery. But my attention was drawn to something else – a towering concrete wall, encircling a mysterious structure.

Approaching cautiously, I studied the wall, searching for any signs of entry. My eyes were drawn to a small opening, barely visible amidst the overgrown foliage. With a deep breath, I pushed my way through the tangled vines and emerged on the other side.

Before me stood the structure, its walls adorned with intricate carvings and symbols that seemed to pulse with ancient energy. Suspended within, a bell swayed gently in the breeze, its melodious chime echoing through the forest. Something about it called to me, beckoning me closer.

And the man responsible for our predicament emerged from the shadows. This forest, a meticulously crafted arena for testing our survival skills, was to be the stage for our trial. His gaze swept over the assembled crowd, and I could sense the tension mounting as we all braced ourselves for what lay ahead.

The old man's voice boomed across the forest, commanding the attention of all the participants gathered before him. With a solemn expression, he spoke, his words carrying the weight of authority.

"Listen well, brave souls,"

he began, his voice echoing through the trees.

"In this trial of survival, you will not only face the elements and each other, but you will also be tasked with collecting the badges of your fellow participants. The one who gathers the most badges shall be declared the first winner, earning a place of honor in the academy."

A murmur of anticipation rippled through the crowd, each participant eyeing their rivals with a mixture of determination and apprehension. The prospect of victory spurred them onward, fueling their resolve to emerge triumphant.

"But that is not all,"

the old man continued, his gaze sweeping over the assembled group.

"The top five participants who collect the most badges will be granted special privileges within the academy, befitting their skill and valor."

"Weapons are forbidden,"

he declared, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

"Only your physical prowess and magical abilities will be permitted in this trial."

Don't worry you won't die there when you have token they will protect you from a life threatening attack and when they are not with you anymore you will be teleported back.

His words hung in the air, sinking in as we processed the magnitude of the challenge before us.

Despite the apprehension gnawing at my insides, a surge of determination welled up within me. I knew that I would have to rely on my own strength and cunning to navigate the dangers of the forest and emerge victorious. But more than that, I realized that this trial was not just about survival – it was about proving ourselves worthy of entry into the prestigious academy.

With a nod of understanding, I steeled myself for the battles that lay ahead. Whether through physical combat or the weaving of arcane spells, I would face whatever obstacles came my way with unwavering resolve. For the chance to earn my place among the elite, I was ready to fight.

The man in the red robe approached,With a flourish of his hand, he produced tokens imbued with shimmering magic.

Then the tokens were tossed into the air, they danced and twirled before finding their rightful owners, landing gently in their outstretched hands.

I watched in awe as the token settled into my palm, feeling its weight and warmth as if it were alive with power

Again on ground light emerges and everyone randomly teleported like everyone I also was teleported but this time I managed to stand properly,I watch my surrounding.I was near a creepy and dark cave. 

 I found myself standing near the entrance of the ominous cave, a sense of unease washed over me.

The darkness seemed to swallow the surrounding light, and a chill ran down my spine at the thought of venturing into its depths.

Trusting my instincts, I made a decision to steer clear of the foreboding cavern and instead turned my attention to the dense forest that stretched out before me.

With cautious steps, I ventured into the heart of the woods, my senses on high alert.

The tangled undergrowth and looming trees cast eerie shadows, but I pressed onward, determined to navigate this unfamiliar terrain. Though the forest held its own mysteries and dangers, something about it felt less ominous than the yawning mouth of the cave.

As I walked, I kept a watchful eye on my surroundings, listening for any signs of movement or danger.

Suddenly a burning bright came back of me I was surprised to see the heat emitting from my back as I turned my face a fire hit me but,it just itch me other than feeling pain.

The man who have thrown came to view he started running back his face was like he have seen some ghost but who care I just need his badge.

I got a stone lying near me I streched my hand and throwed it toward his head with Swift motion the stone did it work the man stumble and fall with his face on the ground.

I picked up the badge,a light glowed and the man was nowhere to be seen.


{Note :- Ya guys I was busy so didn't get the chance to update but.Now I will be writing this with first person view.Do support your lovely authour. :)}