

Seperated from his family when he was just 1 year old lived in forest with beast unknown to his origin . Arin grew up in a small village no so called family that would take care of him , he never have anticipated that day would come where his life will completelt change ing his life.He will learn about magic which he never would have. A clue of the lost kingdom which while soling this mystery he will encounter about 7 taboo superpower information and a prophecy about information about hisself which completely change his world view.

Live_Dashu_player · Fantasy
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27 Chs


__________Continent of Aquaria_____

Nestled beneath the surface of the ocean, Aquaria is a continent of wonder and mystery, where the depths of the sea conceal a realm of unparalleled beauty and intrigue. Its landscape is a tapestry of vibrant coral reefs, bioluminescent caverns, and underwater valleys teeming with life.

The inhabitants of Aquaria, known as Aquarians, are beings adapted to life in the depths, possessing traits that allow them to thrive in the ocean's environment. With glistening scales, webbed appendages, and keen senses honed by the sea, Aquarians are agile swimmers and skilled navigators of the underwater world.

Aquaria is home to magnificent cities crafted from coral and shimmering pearls, where Aquarians dwell in harmony with the ocean's currents and tides. These cities are marvels of underwater architecture, adorned with intricate carvings, luminescent algae, and enchanting sculptures inspired by the sea.

The society of Aquaria is shaped by the ebb and flow of the ocean, with Aquarians embracing a lifestyle centered around community, cooperation, and environmental stewardship. They have a deep reverence for the ocean and its inhabitants, viewing themselves as guardians of the sea's delicate balance.

Although Aquaria is largely hidden from the surface world, Aquarians occasionally interact with other civilizations through trade, diplomacy, or exploration. They are known for their wisdom, ingenuity, and affinity for the natural world, and their presence brings a sense of wonder and enchantment to those who encounter them.

It is where the mysteries of the ocean await those brave enough to delve into its depths. It is a place where the boundless expanse of the sea meets the boundless potential of the imagination, creating a world of magic and adventure beneath the waves.

----------------Continent of dragon

Creating a continent inhabited by dragons in the sky is a fascinating concept. Here's a description of such a fantastical realm:

**Drakoria**: Drakoria is a continent suspended high above the clouds, a realm where majestic dragons soar amidst the azure skies and rule over a land of wonder and awe. Its landscape is a tapestry of floating islands, towering peaks, and cascading waterfalls, all bathed in the radiant glow of the sun.

The inhabitants of Drakoria are the dragons themselves, beings of immense power, wisdom, and majesty. With wings that span the heavens and scales that gleam like precious gems, dragons are the undisputed rulers of the sky. They possess a deep connection to the elements, wielding fire, ice, lightning, and magic with unparalleled mastery.

Drakoria is dotted with grand dragon cities built atop the highest peaks and largest islands, where dragons gather to rule over their domains, share knowledge, and engage in feats of aerial prowess. These cities are adorned with ancient runes, towering spires, and vast libraries containing the accumulated wisdom of centuries.

The society of Drakoria is organized around a strict hierarchy, with elder dragons occupying positions of authority and respect. Younger dragons undergo rigorous training and trials to prove their worth and ascend to positions of leadership within their clans and tribes.

Although Drakoria is largely isolated from the realms below, dragons occasionally venture down to the surface world to interact with other races or pursue quests of their own. They are both feared and revered by mortals, with tales of their deeds echoing through the ages and inspiring awe and wonder in all who hear them.

Drakoria is a realm of boundless freedom and limitless horizons, where the sky is not the limit but the beginning of endless possibilities. It is a world where dragons reign supreme, casting their shadows across the clouds and leaving a legacy that will endure for eternity.

As for the 7th continent there no information about it was suddenly dissapeared from the map no one has no information whereabout of it.

Creating a rank system for wild animals:

1. Apex Predators

 These are the top-tier predators in the wild, possessing immense strength, cunning, and magical abilities. They are feared and respected by all other creatures.

 Such as Direwolves, Gryphons, Manticores, Dragons.

2. Legendary Beasts

These creatures are rare and powerful, often possessing unique magical abilities or mythical origins. They are revered as symbols of strength and mystery.

 Such as Phoenixes, Thunderbirds, Krakens, Roc.

3. Alpha Predators

 Alpha predators are formidable hunters and leaders within their respective species. They command respect and dominance over their territories.

 Such as Werewolves, Sabertooth Tigers, Chimera, Hydra.

4. Sentient Creatures

 These animals possess intelligence and are capable of communication and reasoning. They often form societies and have their own cultures.

 Such as Talking ravens, wise owls, telepathic dolphins, shapeshifting foxes.

5. Magical Creatures

 Magical creatures possess supernatural abilities or qualities that set them apart from ordinary animals. They may have unique powers or traits related to elemental magic or arcane forces.

 Such as Unicorn, Pegasus, Griffins, Faeries.

6. Guardian Beasts

 Guardian beasts are tasked with protecting sacred sites, ancient relics, or magical artifacts. They are fiercely loyal and often imbued with divine or mystical powers.

 Such as Guardian Lions, Elemental Guardians, Sphinxes, Golems.

7. Eldritch Horrors

 These are dark and malevolent creatures from the depths of the underworld or other realms. They are nightmares given form, spreading fear and chaos wherever they go.

 Such as Shadow Wraiths, Demon Lords, Cthulhu-like entities, Banshees.

8. Magical Mounts

 These creatures are often tamed or bonded with by skilled riders or wizards. They serve as loyal companions and powerful allies in battlefield.

 Such as Hippogriffs, Pegasi, Dire Bears, Elemental Steeds.


{Notes: "My primary goal is to craft engaging and immersive stories that captivate readers and transport them to imaginative worlds filled with wonder, adventure, and possibility which will be liking to all the readers."}

"Also when I started writing it I do not have what was world gonna look like and I thought let's write about the world in between,until I have basic idea how world was gonna look like ."

Also guys there I need some more support and reviews so I gotta know my short coming and improve my work.And discuss about upcoming chapter ."

"Also help me in coming power ranking by voting stones I am gonna make sure that gona be worth it the. More stone the more chapters releasing so get ready to support me."

Lets meet again with new chater soon.....