

Seperated from his family when he was just 1 year old lived in forest with beast unknown to his origin . Arin grew up in a small village no so called family that would take care of him , he never have anticipated that day would come where his life will completelt change ing his life.He will learn about magic which he never would have. A clue of the lost kingdom which while soling this mystery he will encounter about 7 taboo superpower information and a prophecy about information about hisself which completely change his world view.

Live_Dashu_player · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Storm 2

In the world of verdia

There is a total of 7 continents each continents have different species of living beings.3 of the continents are separated by water 4 are situated near each other.

_______ Continent of Dwarfs____________ 

Located in the north-left area of the map near the human continent.

Nestled deep within the rugged mountains and underground caverns, Dwarf Home is a continent shrouded in mystery and legend.

Its landscape is dominated by towering peaks, vast underground tunnels, and intricate mines where the dwarves tirelessly work to extract precious metals and gems.

The dwarves themselves are renowned for their craftsmanship, ingenuity, and resilience.

They have built magnificent cities carved into the heart of the mountains, adorned with intricate carvings, grand halls, and bustling marketplaces.

Despite their diminutive stature, dwarves are fierce warriors, skilled artisans, and astute traders.

Dwarfhome is a realm of rich cultural heritage, with clans and families tracing their lineage back through countless generations.

Honor, loyalty, and craftsmanship are highly valued among the dwarves, and their society is governed by ancient traditions and codes of conduct.

Mainly dwarf are known for their best blacksmithing skill. Their crafted weapons are used by almost everyone. Dwarves can be sometimes grumpy and harsh but their love for making is real.

Although Dwarfhome is often isolated from the outside world, it occasionally interacts with neighboring lands through trade and diplomacy.

However, the dwarves fiercely guard their borders and secrets, wary of outsiders who may seek to exploit their resources or disrupt their way of life.

The largest Dwarf kingdom in the dwarf continent is known as the Forgehold kingdom.

_________Continents of Elf s_______________

Located in the northwest region of the human continent.

The continent of elves, often referred to as Elvenhome or Elven realm, is a mystical and enchanting land steeped in natural beauty and ancient magic.

Elvenhome: Lush forests, shimmering lakes, and rolling hills, Elvenhome is a continent of ethereal beauty and timeless tranquility. Its landscape is adorned with majestic trees, sparkling waterfalls, and vibrant flora, creating a haven of unparalleled splendor.

The elves themselves are beings of grace, wisdom, and immortality.

They possess an innate connection to nature and magic, which permeates every aspect of their existence.

Tall and slender, with pointed ears and luminous eyes, elves are renowned for their elegance, agility, and unearthly beauty.

Elvenhome is home to magnificent cities crafted from living trees and enchanted crystals, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings.

It's the place where the World Tree is located. The world tree is said to be the tree that gave birth to life and magic. The man in our surroundings is only because of the world tree.

These cities are centers of art, music, and learning, where elves pursue knowledge, creativity, and spiritual enlightenment.

The society of Elvenhome is governed by ancient traditions, guided by wise elders, and ruled by benevolent monarchs.

Harmony with nature is paramount, and elves are stewards of the land, protecting it from harm and preserving its beauty for future generations.

Although Elvenhome is often secluded from the outside world, elves occasionally venture beyond its borders to interact with other races. They are known for their wisdom, kindness, and magical prowess, and their presence brings hope and wonder wherever they go.

The largest kingdom of elves is known by the name Aeloria.

__________Continent of beast :______________

Somewhat distant 

**Beast Realm**: Tucked away in a remote corner of the world, Beast Realm is a continent of untamed wilderness, rugged landscapes, and diverse ecosystems. Its terrain ranges from dense forests and towering mountains to vast plains and treacherous swamps, providing a home to a myriad of creatures both fearsome and majestic.

The inhabitants of Beastrealm, known as beast folk, are beings that exhibit a blend of human-like intelligence and animalistic traits. They vary in appearance, with some resembling anthropomorphic animals while others possess features reminiscent of mythical creatures.

Despite their diverse forms, beast folk share a common bond with the natural world, drawing strength and wisdom from the land and its inhabitants.

Within Beastrealm, various tribes and clans of beast folk coexist, each with their customs, traditions, and territories.

They live in harmony with nature, respecting its balance and rhythms, and often form bonds with the creatures of the wild, ranging from mighty predators to gentle herbivores.

The society of Beast Realm is shaped by primal instincts, honor codes, and communal values.

Leadership is often earned through acts of bravery and wisdom, with chieftains and elders guiding their tribes with wisdom and strength.

Despite occasional conflicts over territory or resources, beast folk prioritize cooperation and mutual respect, recognizing the interconnectedness of all life.

Although Beast Realm is largely isolated from the realms of humans and other humanoid races, occasional interactions occur through trade, diplomacy, or adventure.

Visitors to Beast Realm are greeted with both curiosity and caution, as beast folk assess the intentions and character of outsiders before extending their hospitality.

 Continent of human 

Human resides there it's the center of the four continents. Human is not for their cunning and planning nature they hold power.

Humans remain vigilant to other races, humans can learn magic too, butt learning magic it's not an easy thing.

With a population of 25 million people it's very hard for a person to be a mage everyone's mana compatibility is also an important Factor Every 10000 people only one person can be a mage.

If a person can learn magic he has two places to learn from the magic the first being the red tower the one that manages mages, and the magician....

The other one is the academy at the age of 18+ can enter into the the academy. Here not only you will learn about magic but every kind of profession.

There are many kingdoms each kingdom holds the same power but a different population. some human kingdoms include where all citizens are from all other continents who came to learn. 


{Note: Dear readers ,this chapter should have been the first one but I didn't make it because I want to make the character unknown to his surrounding.}

continue to Support readers we gonna make it till the end .

I will never forgive

Live_Dashu_playercreators' thoughts