
-Lost In Corruption-

The sirens of the palace roar through out the allies of the little city, multiple footsteps are heard within the darkness. The black liquid slithers at the stones of the dark alley. The sirens fade and the footsteps grow quieter, the alley grows full of shadows, as a form rises from the liquid, forming a fury... a Big and Deadly beast that no one has ever escaped from. It's silver, ice-cold eyes gaze slides across the alley, as to when continuing to slide across the area. Standing on an edge of a cliff, the footsteps sounds arise from the depths of water pouring from the sky. The voices arise as soon as the footsteps stop, The beast gives one more last gaze at them and turns he's back at the edge, falling...

MyungSo0 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

(4) The encounter.

Myung Sykkuno POV:

Much has happened since the other nightmare I had. My father started to act strange, my mother seemed stiff and Spade has stopped talking about deputy things. I've been to clan meetings and I have heard that multiple apprentices have gone missing, and some warriors too. They said that the last time they were seen on a patrol by the dark forest. Cloud they have been lured in there? Or maybe something worse?

I've been training hard, as I've heard. I'm one of the best fighters that's still an apprentice, using my mind, spells, and slim body for advantage. Going on patrols more often now, I've gotten the hand of the territory of our clan. One time I was sent off a patrol once, there was an outsider, a clanless fury to be more exact. They said that he can go anywhere he wants since he is clanless and that his life is relatively easy and duty-free. That he feels free. Warning them to leave our territory, they didn't so I had to get into a little argument, well a fight actually. Eventually, I won so it was a great experience...(no offense, it was sarcasm).

My father. I mean, our leader. Got into a heated argument with a fellow clan on, the other side of our territory, it was so aggressive I taught our leader is gonna rip their leader's tail off and shove it down they're troat, I've never seen him this angry it was actually kinda scary. Many different clan members held their breaths at this point. Everything went fine from that time, till he started to change.

He got more aggressive, he often raised voices even at hatchlings, one time when Spade didn't have enough time to finish what he requested, he clawed his shoulder in one blow, the scar is still visible to this day.

His aura has changed too. it's gone way too dark for me to even recognize him at this point. Something is definitely gonna go wrong.. very wrong.



The sunlight shining bright on my scales, causing me to rustle around on my bed. I hear slight murmurs as I crawl up in a little ball, as small as I cloud. The talking became louder as they came closer.

" We have to be careful of sending dragons to the border, they might go missing as well." The voice became clear as it belonged to Spade, my father's deputy.

" We have to send them in groups of 2 to 4, so we are sure no one will." My father's low voice vibrates, as I cloud feel he's staring at me.

" And I need to try something. A Test. To see if Myung here, aloud be brave and strong enough to go look at the border... I can feel how his aura has grown stronger over time. Go wake him up and tell him to go there. And to go alone. " He said as he left the field. To go to a cave which was located next to the Leader's rock.


Me?.. Go to the dark forest?

My stomach went hollow at the thought of it as my mind flew around the possibilities in my head. What if something bad happens, what if I see someone..?

"Hey, wake up. Your father has assigned a quest for you. " A voice next to me arisen, I lifted my head and saw Spade standing and impatiently waiting for me to get up.

I get up and stretched.

"What kind of quest?" I asked curiously. Trying my best to sound tired, like I have just woken up.

"You will have to go into the dark forest and see if there are any clues of the missing dragons. Since your aura is similar to the forests your father thinks you'll be just fine."

I slowly nod my head and flowed on the way to the exit. As I almost got into the bush to leave I heard a voice call my name from behind.

"W-wait Myung!" The owner of the voice ran up to me and slightly bumped into me as he huffed.

"Wait... Myung. Aren't you gonna eat anything before you go? " He said between huffs trying to get some air.

I looked at him and was about to make an excuse of not being hungry, but Shade looks at me with worried eyes. I nearly lost myself in them, but I snapped out of it.

"I-I'm not that hungry. I have to go on a quest anyway." I slowly said trying not to make eye contact.

"B-but you gotta eat. You'll starve yourself and will end up getting weak. You have to take care of yourself." He slightly nudged me by the side trying to get attention. Was he watching me when I woke up? He could have since I didn't even go past the medical cave to go to the food storage. I guess I'm not that sneaky after all.

"Il eat after I will come back. Okay? " I say softly to him as I gave him a soft look in the eyes, I quickly smiled and entered the bush.


On my way to the border, I hunt down some food, I blew white fire on them, which made them fade away and reappear near our base. Being able to see the sun rock's mountain top made me worried, which means I'm near the border of the dark forest, I jumped down from the little cliff and kept going. I could feel the aura brushing against my scales. As it weighed on me, it seems that the aura has gotten thicker. My eye widened as I realized.

"The forest has spread..."

It wasn't this far out. Is it.. spreading? It can't. Can it?

Slowly and softly, flowing past the half-alive, half-dead trees, into the ''dark forest'', the vines hanging from the trees looked very old and rotten, with some dead, wet leaves hanging from them. The smell of rotting plants hit my senses, it almost smells metallic, but smelled worse than that. More like rotten flesh. Even though the trees had very little leaves. There was no light coming from the sun, it was somehow blocking it making it look very dark. The fog suddenly rose, becoming thicker and harder to see through, yet the grass under me was dead still it stung like a pile of sharp rocks.

Letting the curiosity get the better of me, I carefully reached up to a black colored vine and quickly cut it off, slowly lowering the vine to look at it, it was a pure black color with hints of gray lines by it, by examining it more, I cloud feel a strong hit of cursed, dark aura airing form it. Trying to code out the aura I lost my sense of time. My mind started to cloud as I started to aimlessly stare at it.

As I was lost in tough the grass slowly grew longer and circled my claws, till it clung on. I gasped as I dropped the inspected grass to the ground, I stared at the hole in the fog where the grass was dropped. Silent shivering arose from beneath me, the grass started to grow longer under me and circle around my arms, I snapped out of it and tried to jolt back, but it was too late. The grass clung on to me strongly, they started to scratch and tear my wrist, and continuing to grow and slither higher up my arm. The further it got on me the tighter it went, I could feel the grass going razor-sharp and starting to cut through my scales. My wrist started to sore and get very warm, I started to panic. I pulled and pulled, but it only tightens and got worse. I arose the warm breath in my throat and bled some fire on the grass, yet with no success. The grass kept going till it reached my neck. I decided to put some magic on the test, I murmured a spell to myself and the vines fell off of me straight away. I ran forward quickly to a nearby tree so I won't get caught again. I huffed as I looked back, the fog has covered all of the grass once again. I let out a sigh and looked straight forward.



There was a picture of a cave.


I gulped and slowly made my way to the cave, trying my best not to make any sound. The cave grew larger and larger till I was just outside of it. The humming came from the depths of the cave. I slowly kneeled lower to be harder to see and slowly sneaked in.

The cave was dark and lit up with a single black lighted torch, spikes were hovering from the ceiling, and some spikes rose on the sides of the walls, it was hard to see anything, but I cloud to see the end of the cave. The humming was still here. But where is it coming from? I slowly stood up as silently as possible. Suddenly the humming stopped and a cold wind flew quickly right past me causing the flame to go out and make me shiver. I looked around with wide eyes and a slightly opened mouth to see if I could sense any entity nearby... Nothing...

I slowly back up careful not to trip anywhere, I let my claw glide over the wall till finding the torch, I take the torch in my hand and light it up using my own fire breath, the almost purplish fire light up the entire cave, once I open my eye I see the walls... Covered in drawings, each more complicated than others, walking up to the biggest drawing in the cave, it shows a small fury with a gray mask, with a huge shadow-like creature with an open jaw over it with a grin. This makes my stomach fall. What cloud this mean? I look over at other drawings, There's one where multiple large spikes Pearce trough furies, another one with multiple spear-like spikes piercing trough furies chests. And much, much more... I turn over and see a pile of bones, I come closer to inspect, and walk back swiftly. Those are fury bones, young ones, and adults.

I quickly back away, my breath stuck in my throat, I backed far enough to be out of the cave. Shaking my head I continue my way deeper into the forest, the torch slightly lighting up the way, making it easier for me to see, the fog slightly spread allowing me to see better in front of me.

I stopped in my cracks as soon as I heard humming. I looked forward and saw a hole in the fog, almost like someone would be standing there, I squint my eyes to try to see anything.

"Hello?" I said quietly as I squinted my eyes.

"..." No reply I opened my eyes again and looked around.

" Is anybody here? " I repeated whilst looking around. I stood up firmly and lifted my head to its highest to see better.

"What are you doing here..."

A high pitched voice echoed behind me, causing me to jump and my breath catching in my throat.

There stood, a fury.. a small on that matter, it was nearly see-through. Reminded more of a spirit than an alive body. Its eyes glow bright white, staring into mine with no emotions.

I opened my mouth to speak but cut me off.

"You are not supposed to be here.."

It said with a love pitched voice, sounding a little treating.

"W-why not? " I ask curiously, barely able to speak.

The spirit tilted its head at and stared with its empty eyes till it furrowed its eyebrows and opened its jaw.

"You're gonna be one of us now," They said with a crooked grin, its eyes losing their pure white color, and instead of turning into grey, it stood up and started to come closer to me. My legs nearly go slim, but I automatically back away as fast as the entity is coming closer to me. What do they mean by 'You're gonna be one of us now'? My mind clouds with confusion, regardless of what is in front of me.

My eyes stayed glued to the entity's gaze, till it stopped moving. It's smile suddenly disappeared. ''Ugh, you are no fun. I thought you would put up a fight.'' Its grin reappeared after they mentioned 'fight'. Multiple white, see-through claws started to lunge at me, from the entity's back. I gasped, that's something new, something I've never heard or seen before. My stomach twisting before I jolt around and run as fast as I cloud.

The chasers ice-cold breath hit my neck making me shiver, till finally, I saw an open area I wasted no time and flew off high into the sky till I wasn't visible anymore.

I turned around to see if I was still chased, I cloud to see the entity's photo standing on the edge of the dark forest, till it eventually faded.

I shook my head trying to even my breathing. I turned around and slowly glided to the nearest landing place, the soft grass shivers under me as I land, the softness, calming me. I slowly walk towards our camp, thinking about everything I saw...

Drawings on the cave, the black grass, the entity... the bones...


These kinds of things I see for there the first time in my life. And I never thought I would see it.. there.


I slowly enter the camp, it seemed quite empty, usually, it's filled with furies at this time of the day. Maybe they are at a meeting. I shrugged it off and thought of having a little time to myself, thinking about what I saw, my blood pressure was still quite high and my aura seemed very worried and panicked. As I was about to go get something to munch on I suddenly yelped at the pain in my left wrist and arm, it was completely covered in thin, yet deep scars. I let out a long sigh and looked over at the medicine fury cave.


I slowly walked to the entrance of the medical cave, with my left arm lifted so it doesn't look like I'm too weak, to gain any bad reputation. The smell of herbs and other medical stuff filled my senses, I slightly knocked on the side and looked in.


"Yes? Is there something wrong?" A soft voice echoed from the end of the cave as rustling arose as well, I walked in slowly with my head down.


"I-I need you to.. help me a little bit.." I said slowly waiting for him to come up to me. I looked up and saw Soo look at me with his bright and soft eyes. The round pupil disappeared as soon as his eyes landed on my bloody, scarred arm.


"M-Myung! What happened?! " He exclaimed loudly and ran up to me, and slowly put his hands on my bleeding arm, inspecting it.


"... I was sent to the dark forest to take a look over there.." I said slowly, hissing once or twice from the pressure on my wounds.


Soo softly places his hand on my shoulder where the wound was the deepest, he looked at me with his worried eyes, as I looked into them, I felt like I was mesmerized. They were so soft, yet so beautiful, I could feel my face slightly warm-up and go hot, I looked away with a slight frown. Soo looked back at my arm and inspected it more fully. He then took my hand and pulled me with him.

I hissed at the slight pain and he let me go immediately. He then guided me to a little nest with herbs next to it.


"Lay down. Il helps your wounds." He said and left to get some herbs. Whilst he was gone I looked at my wounds, they were pretty deep but very thin. The herb bed on the other hand was very soft and smelled sweet, just like Soo. I cloud feel a wry smile creep up my face.


"This might hurt a little but I'm sure you can handle it. " Soo said as he came back with some Ferb and spider webs with him. I quickly shook my head, clearing my mind, hiding the smile.


Time passed and he finished covering all of my wounds, I also took the time and told him everything that happened in the dark forest except for the entity and for what they said. He caressed my arm as I talked about the grass which did snake around my arm in the dark forest.




Slowly caressing his arm while watching him talk about the encounter in the dark forest. Why did his father send him there in the first place he cloud of easily get killed as well? I could feel the slight anger build up as I thought about Myung being killed.

My mind went blurry as I held Myung's arm strongly, lost in thought of how life could be without him, and how angry I was. I felt rustling next to me, looked up, and saw Myung looking at me with a pained face. I realized that I was holding he's wound painfully, I quickly let go and apologized. He nodded slowly and said that he'd be on his way to get some rest. I nodded and agreed with him. I then watched him get a piece of a deer and go to the apprentice den, I went back deeper into my cave.

I let out a long sigh, tired of my long day. My eyes feeling heavy. Right, I didn't sleep so well last night, I should really ask my mentor if I could take a day off. I think Myung and his siblings have deserved it too. They have been working really hard for the clan. I've almost haven't seen them sleep at all. Letting out a long sigh I turned around and flowed to the shelves of the den. Whilst checking if the herbs are correctly stored. and that none have gone bad.

Light steps echoed at the entrance, turning my head my gaze landed on the soft blue eyes and the soft smile of Asheal. ''Oh, hey. How did the meeting go this moon?'' I hummed, giving a wry smile.

Coming closer to me, returning the smile ''It went well, but surprisingly the Night clan didn't show up this time.'' She said now standing by me, to help me store the herbs.

Didn't show up? How come, they always come to the meeting. Maybe the leader declined to come as they got into the argument with our leader. They did mention that. ''well, is there anything new?'' murmuring as I returned to check the herbs.

Asheal let out a quiet sigh of frustration, ''Nothing much, none have gotten missing yet, but Lai said that, when she was patrolling, they heard some murmurs and movement in the dark forest, as well as something black, then white flash by the forest.''

Lai was a good friend of Asheal's in the SC clan. They were familiar for a long time, in fact, Lai used to be a part of the CY clan, till she chose to leave for the SC clan, there was her lover. But something black, then white flashes by the dark forest. Cloud it been Myung? He didn't mention anything about that. He's going to be in trouble now.

''Anyways, I had a question'' I said in a quiet tone, turning towards her. ''I, Myung, and his siblings have been working very hard. Maybe we could get a day off? My legs have been killing me.'' I whined. it was true, my legs were sore. I could tell they were tired too. Zachary usually had his head up, but now it was just hanging.

She thought about it for a moment, ''true, you have been working extra hard and I've seen Myung. He's barely standing.'' She lowered her head in thought, but then lifting it and giving me a bright smile. ''I'll talk to Vex about it, okay dear?''

I was released, finally our long-awaited break, I returned her a big smile. ''Thank you!'' Humming, I turned around and flowed out of the cave to get a snack. Whilst going past the apprentice den, hearing a piece of quiet yet passionate music being played in the distance, peeking in I saw Myung and Woo vibing and playing their guitars. I could feel a wry smile creep up my face as I watched them be happy and have fun. Woo's voice was passionate and fast, yet still soft, while Myung's voice was calm and angel-like.

Once they finished, they ended it with a season of laughter, whilst chuckling to myself, I thought ''This is going to be a great day off.''