
-Lost In Corruption-

The sirens of the palace roar through out the allies of the little city, multiple footsteps are heard within the darkness. The black liquid slithers at the stones of the dark alley. The sirens fade and the footsteps grow quieter, the alley grows full of shadows, as a form rises from the liquid, forming a fury... a Big and Deadly beast that no one has ever escaped from. It's silver, ice-cold eyes gaze slides across the alley, as to when continuing to slide across the area. Standing on an edge of a cliff, the footsteps sounds arise from the depths of water pouring from the sky. The voices arise as soon as the footsteps stop, The beast gives one more last gaze at them and turns he's back at the edge, falling...

MyungSo0 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

(5) The day off


Woo POV:


Feeling the sun warming up my scales, finally drifting away from sleep. Hearing quiet bird chants and even breathing, nothing could be more relaxing than this, I could easily go back to sleep.

Letting out a long, quiet sigh 'But I have to work today..' I whined in my thoughts. I don't remember the last time I had a proper nap. In fact, none of us have. Our leader always gives us things to do nonstop, not letting us take a break. Opening one of my eyes, my gaze flowing around the base. The sun was pretty bright that it lit the entire place. The smell of early summer filled my senses, it sure was a warm morning.

Turning my head to my left, seeing a sleeping male fury, it's breathing calm and even, the sun shining on his features. 'Oh, that's right. We played the guitar late and fell asleep on the spot. I missed making music with Myung.' A sly smile making it to my face I lightly nudge him by the shoulder.

''Myung, it's sunrise. We need to wake up.." Murmuring with a soft tone, as I look around the apprentice den, seeing that everyone is pretty much still asleep. Every one usually wakes up earlier before me.

Hearing rustling next to me, followed by a deep, raspy morning voice, ''No, I'm staying here. You can't make me get up.'' Myung emotionally hummed as he rolled into an actual ball hiding his head from the sun. Shrugging my shoulders oh well, I should not even try it, he is the hardest to wake up, after all, I slowly rise and stretch my limbs. Hearing a little satisfying pop sound.

Letting out a long, yet quit yawn slowly flowing out of the den. My paws lightly gliding across the ground. The area wasn't that crowded at all. Seemed quite calm really. The sunlight shining through the roof, letting small dust shine, slowly floating down, in different directions. Letting a wry smile creep up my face I slowly made my way to a shadowy place into the medicine den, where I saw a white, feathered fury.

''Good morning Soo!'' I smiled as I walked up to him, Soo turned his head at me and beamed ''Oh! Good morning Woo!'' His eyes shining brightly, as excitement was visual in his eyes. He seemed to be really happy, excited. Wiggling my eyebrows I got curious about whats he so happy for.

''What are you so excited about?'' I said with a grin. Seeing him grin back, now that's a game two can play. My chest vibrating as a chuckle flew out my mouth, looking right in his eyes.

"Oh, It's nothing. I'm just waiting for Spade." He said whilst packing something in a bag, feeling the curiosity get the better of me, I look over the smaller fury, to see him sticking some seeds and crystals, as well as a little bag of silver and gold.

''What are those for?'' standing next to him, humming quietly close to his ear, keeping my eyes on the bag, it's aura was sweet, yet cozy and warm.

Soo's clucked vibrated out of his throat. Pushing me a little by the shoulder go get me off of him. ''You will see later on" Humming with a tone, whilst grinning a little. Picking up his bag and putting it on his shoulders. "Now I just have to wait for Spade."

Giving up on trying to get something out of him, I shrug my shoulders and follow Soo, as he is slowly walking towards the warrior's den.


3rd POV


Two medium-sized apprentices slowly approached the warrior's den. The larger fury humming something to himself, creating a song on the spot. The smaller fury, on the other hand, walking the same speed as the larger one, calmly walked by them and listened to it's humming.

The birds singing in the background, the sun shining brightly, making this moment ethereal calm, the warm and quiet water rumbling, the grass shivering under their paws lightly, the warm cozy air gliding across their necks. This was a moment they would love to feel forever.

Finally, they standing right outside the den, the younger knocking at the wall to get some attention throughout the den. The smaller head peeking through the vines.

"Oh. Soo, I was about to go look for you." The large fury voice murmured in the cave, coming closer to the entrance. Soo humming in response and backing away from the den a little.

Now, Spade standing in front of Soo, he gave a wry smile, his bright smile almost making his eyes disappear, Soo and Woo returned the bright smile and quick mornings.

"I've talked to Vex and he allowed me, and your mentors to give you a day from now. You've all worked pretty hard lately, so you deserve it.'' Spade spoke with his soft voice, silver eyes softening as he looked at the two younger furies in front of him.

Woo's face covered in a little shock, of the unexpected turn, which pretty fast enough turned into a bright, joy-filled smile. Nudging the fury next to him by the shoulder. "So that's what you were hiding from me!" chuckling as he got a smile from Soo.

Spade was already long gone to a patrol with fellow warriors. Both youngers still giggling and chuckling, pushing each other playfully. Soo quickly murmuring let's go get the others, they both were now running, one slightly behind the other.

Reaching the apprentice den, it was quiet, with some still sleeping inside. The bigger fury lowering its head to whisper to the other "You get Myung, I'm sure you will wake him up, il get the others" Before running off into the den. "Wha- Hey! Why me?!" whining, Soo quickly followed after.


Soo's POV


Feeling betrayed, I enter the apprentice den. The place is pretty warm, a small hole in the roof, where the sun shined through and made slightly transparent lines of light, which light up the cave perfectly, the walls covered with vines and leaves. Woah I haven't been here so long I forgot how warm it is here.

Looking over to Woo, seeing him already done waking up Zachary, which was easiest to wake up, I pout as I make eye contact with Woo, him returning a grin. Shaking my head in annoyance I make my way to Myung, who was surprisingly rolled up in an actual ball. Letting out a sigh I lightly nudge him.

"Myung, Myung wake up." Humming quietly, softly to him as I keep nudging him. I stopped once he rustled and lifted his head, his blue eyes full of sleepiness, being halfway open, trying to focus on what woke him up.

"Hmmhm.. What is it Soo.?" His husky, raspy voice catching me off guard, so this is what his morning voice sounds like, so deep but still soft. His blue eyes finally opening fully, so fascinating that I almost forgot to breathe.

"O-oh, well Vex has allowed us to take a day off from any duties or anything," I said in one breath, a wry weak smile creeping up my face, at the same time closing my eyes, getting a little anxious. When opening my eyes, I see him look at me and return me a smile, both of us exploding in giggles.

Getting up we both walk to the little group next to us, containing Woo, Zachary, Lilith, and Hester. They all seemed pretty wide awake now and giggling. As we get into the group I hear Zachary humming, "What will we be doing? There are lots of things we can do!'' His smile practically shining light, it was so pure.

"I don't know, what if we go for a flight, then make a little camp somewhere?" Lilith suggests. It cloud be nice. "Oh! I and Myung can take out guitars! We cloud to make a song together under the stars." Woo hummed, taking a quick friendly glance at Myung, who returned a smile.

"I have some materials to make some necklaces too. We cloud make some necklaces maybe?" I said a little excitedly, receiving a lot of nods from everyone. "That's a good idea" Myung murmured with a smile. "I know a great place where we cloud go, it's technically free all the time." Myung hummed lightly, giving a glance to everyone in the group.

"Ok then, let's go after we have breakfast?" Hester asked, hums and yes's a rose from the group and they together left to get some food.

.1 Hour later.

Soo's POV



"Is everyone ready?" Lilith questioned, with a little risen voice so everyone would be able to hear within the group. Everyone giving either humming or murmuring.

Lilith - having a bag of flowers, to make flower crowns and some glow stones, to make the air more ethereal.

Hester - got a bag with some books and notebooks.

Woo and Myung - having their guitars on their back, Myung having an extra book with him.

And me - having the materials for necklaces, and herbs, just in case.

"Alright then, let's start flying, it's not far from here," Myung spoke softly, with a weak smile as he turned his back to us and spread his wings. Us all spreading them too. Lifting into the sky, the cold air brushing by my scales, slightly shivering I speed up to be just behind Myung, but a little higher to not disturb him.

We were all now flying high in the sky, through different layers and gaps. The sky growing warmer the more we were in the sky, it was pretty calm this summer, unlike the last one.




"We are almost there!" Myung declared, his wingspan suddenly minimizing, nearly diving, till he disappeared from the view, looking down I saw him standing there, looking up, waiting for us.


Once all of us were down, we could see how the forest was pretty dark, filled with dark oak trees, Myung turned and started walking away, signaling with his tail to follow him.

Whilst following him we fame by multiple vines, leaves, and tall grass.

"Are you sure we are going the right way?" Hester questioned, only to receive a nod from Myung, we looked at each other and just shrugged our shoulders.


It was about 2 hours before sun middle, we stopped walking suddenly, we were in front of a very stiff mountain, it made almost completely 90degrees.

"Uh. Myung, we are at a stiff cliff.." Woo said a little confused.

A chuckle escaped Myung's troat. He turned against me "Do you have the black ink I asked you to take?" I quickly nodded and rushed my hand into the bag, pulling out a bottle of black ink. Giving it to Myung, he took it and gave me a smile.

Myung turning back to the wall of the mountain. Putting some ink on his paw. We all stayed silent, confused. Myung started to draw something on the wall, something similar to a symbol. Containing circles, lines, and a triangle. Suddenly the mark shined a little and a hole dug out, creating something similar to a cave entrance, turning around Myung grinned at us and guided us to follow.

Taking out a quick book I scribbled on the same symbol that Myung used on the wall, just for my curiousness.


Walking through the little cave, we entered a large place, with a tree, with pink, almost purple-ish leaves, a little lake, medium, pure green grass, with all colors of flowers. The sunbeams shining beautifully into the area.

We were shocked to see this place, it looked so pure, innocent. A chuckle escaped Myung as he watched us in shock, which was later on replaced with a smile.

"Welcome to my favorite place," Myung hummed as he took off his guitar and book from his back, putting it down under the tree.

"How long have you've known about this place?" Zachary questioned, while his cyan pupil had the form of a star, fascinated about this beautiful and calm place.

"For about 3 weeks now." He said pridefully, with a little humm. When everyone had placed their stuff down,8 they gathered together in the medium-sized grass.

"So what will we do first?" Lilith asked with a smile, looking at everyone one at a time with a soft look in her eyes.

"How about if we make some flower crowns?" Zachary asked grinning a little towards Myung, who returned a confused look.


"Ugh, I'm not doing something right." The fury whined as he tried to make a blue flower crown, Soo chuckled slightly as he pointed at a loose string coming out of the crown. "Myung, at least you are better than Hester." Soo laughed between the words, then pointed at Hester in front of a pile of red flowers, cursing to himself, "l-like look at him," the younger fury laughed out.

Myung sighed rolling his eyes, till he started chuckling too. Quickly looking over at Zachary, Woo, and Lilith, who were now in the tiny lake splashing each other.

"Here, let me help you," Soo said before he got closer to Myung and held the blue flower crown a bit lower, to better see himself. "You have to put it around after you form it and put the flower in." Soo described as he showed Myung.


"There it's done!" Soo happily said when finishing helping Myung make the crown.

"Finalyyyy" Myung groaned out in relief, but then immediately smiling.

They both exploded in a fit of giggles, whilst Zachary quietly sneaked up to Myung. Zachary, pulling Myung up, pulled Myung into the water, pushing him under it.

As soon when Myung rose back up from the water, he coughed a little witch turned into a laugh. "Oh, you are so dead Zachary!" Myung threatened and started to run after Zachary, after colliding, both of them playfully fighting, trying to push one another down into the water.

After them both fighting for a brief moment, they both said they true, and left each other alone, but still keeping an eye on the other.

After some splashing, they all left the water and dried off.


"After you have put the gem in its place, you need to take the steel's end and bend it, so it is holding the hem in its spot," Myung spoke as he showed the others how he did it, Zachary, Lilith, and Soo doing it with Myung at the same time, trying to make a necklace.

Myung already made one, so he is helping the others, by showing them how to do it and helping them at the same time.

"Then you are pretty much done afterward" Myung finished with a slight sigh, looking at the other necklaces. "Zachary, the end is a little too long, try cutting it shorter" Myung huffed at his younger brother. "Woo, you need to polish it a little,". When he looked at Soo, they weren't done yet, they were having difficulties.

Myung came up to Soo and softly took the hold of the necklace, "if it doesn't stay in its place, try to hold it and tie this around it" Myung described his every movement, as he did it in front of Soo.

"Oh, thanks, Myung." Soo smiled when he finished making it.


"Come on Lilith, that's the last light stone!" Zachary whined as he waited for Lilith to finally spell the last light stone. "Be patient Zachary!" Lilith spoke back, as she cast the last stone, it flew up and rose in the air, the night sky perfectly matching with the light stones, making the sky light up, with blue, purple, black with white shiny stars.

"Wheres Woo and Myung??" Soo questioned? They have been waiting for them to come back with their guitars.

"We are here!" Woo hummed when he flowed over to them, laying down in the little group, Myung came a little slower and played down by Soo.

They both holding guitars. Woo gave the group a smile "what song do you want us to play?"

"How about Life Goes On? (Full authorities of this song to BTS) It's not our song but it is very good," Myung asked Woo, giving a wry smile. Woo gave a bright smile and they both started to play the guitar.

The guitars started playing, reminding of a very familiar song,

"Like and echo, trough the forest

haruga doraogetji

amu ildo eopdan deusi

Yeah, life goes on

Like an arrow in the blue sky

tto haru deo naragaji

On my pillow, on my table

Yeah, life goes on like this again"



Soo's POV


Listening to the song made me happy, the calming rhythm, and the correct choice of words, it was perfect.

I cloud feel my eyes wander to Myung every time he sang, his features, his voice, it was ethereal.

The bright sky and dimmed lighted stones made it aesthetic, making this moment better than anything I've ever experienced so far.

I wish we could do this forever.
