
-Lost In Corruption-

The sirens of the palace roar through out the allies of the little city, multiple footsteps are heard within the darkness. The black liquid slithers at the stones of the dark alley. The sirens fade and the footsteps grow quieter, the alley grows full of shadows, as a form rises from the liquid, forming a fury... a Big and Deadly beast that no one has ever escaped from. It's silver, ice-cold eyes gaze slides across the alley, as to when continuing to slide across the area. Standing on an edge of a cliff, the footsteps sounds arise from the depths of water pouring from the sky. The voices arise as soon as the footsteps stop, The beast gives one more last gaze at them and turns he's back at the edge, falling...

MyungSo0 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

(3) The Nightmare

3rd Person POV:

The black trees hovered high in the air, It's black leaves rustling by the air, blocking any light by entering. The dark fog slithering high above the ground. Further within the forest, where vines hanged by the tree branches. Comes a picture of a cave, with a single black torch lighting it up weakly. Walls covered with black scribbling and drawings. In a tiny corner of the room comes a briefly blood-red colored light. The red-eyed gaze slid down the wall, over the markings and drawings. Black inked drawings weakly glowed with a purple aura, allowing the drawings to move over the cave and show the causes the spells make. The Black, shadowy fury's aura started to feel unsettled, or angry on that matter.

The black fury stopped in its tracks and looked firmly at a spell scribbled on the wall, the picture above is illustrated a large fury, with 4 large claws, two holding a red book and the others holding a little island, the drawings fury had a huge sharp grin and its eyes glowing dark, blood red.

A burst of laughter echoes within the cave. ''Finally, after 10 years I have found my opportunity to regain my rightful place in the world.'' The fury laughed as it ran its claws over the spell.

''It is time to stop seeking my revenge.''



Soo's POV

Settling on my feet at a cold solid ground, all around me are stars, with shades of blue, purple, and black. It reminded me of the night sky. The fog risen from the ground, but yet still hovering low overground. This is not the first dream I have like this, and it's not last for sure.

I walk forward, the breeze of the wind calming me down, it's quite calming. I close my eyes and clear my mind. Usually, medicine dragons always have these kinds of dreams. But Asheal told me it's a little off since I have them often than any other fury's. As opened my eyes, I saw a shadow, fading fury with blood-red eyes for a split second till t faded completely, I could feel how my heart skipped a beat. It's been around a week since Zachery saw the being in the dark forest. Asheal told me all she knew about the entity, It was bad, very evil.

My mind filled with questions and toughs that no one cloud of ever thought of. What is it doing here? What does it want? And why? My stomach curved ever so slightly, as my gaze flicked from side to side, looking for something that could help me. Maybe this was another sign of the Void Kingdom? They always prefer to show it, rather than just say it.

Then I saw it, something black, straight... in-front of me. But it seemed different. It was just sitting, its head lows almost curled into a ball. I slowly sneaked a little closer. As my eyes fixed on the colors I could see a tint of bright red on the edge of its wings and tail. Was it... Myung?

I stepped a little closer, the aura became calm and soft. It surely was Myung.

''Myung?'' I murmured, Yet the figure up ahead didn't move, I stepped a little closer and murmured a little louder ''Myung?.. Is that you?''

The figure twitches a little and it's head lifts, but it doesn't look at me still. ''ሠዘልፕ...ልዪቿ..ሃዐሁ ዕዐጎክኗ...ዘቿዪቿ '' It said with a low glitchy voice.

I stopped in my tracks. That voice.. it didn't sound like him. The voice was far away from how he talked, he's actions seemed to have changed as well. Usually, when he heard me, he would turn around come to me and give me a wry smile.

I slowly walked forward, my stomach curving, even more, my legs nearly going completely slim. ''Myung... Are you okay.? What's wrong.?'' I said with a soft voice, trying to calm him down. My eyes were glued on him.

He doesn't answer or move. I walked a little closer. The aura became unsettled and.. cursed? It felt heavy and dark. When I looked lower, my eyes. What I saw made me fall in shock.

There lied a body, a dead body. Covered in blood, its eyes pure black. It lied in front of Myung, his claws covered with blood. I slowly looked back up at him. There was a wide bloodline rolling down Myung's left cheekbone. I slowly reached my hand out to slightly nudging his shoulder. The Fury twitched and its head slowly turned to face me.

My body froze in place, I couldn't look away. My arm still hovered in the air.

Myung's left eye was wounded with a huge deep scar, both of his eyes were black and leaking with a black mysterious liquid, in his right eye was a thin blood-red line, a twisted silver grin appeared on his face, as he slowly grew bigger than Shade himself. Losing its color, turning into a black, shadowy entity. Then.. it began to lunge itself at me.

I snapped out of my toughs and backed away, I couldn't get myself to talk or anything. I turned around and began to run as fast as I can. As I looked back the entity was still standing there, as it stared back at me with a twisted grin, that sent shivers down my spine.

The sounds of war, burning fire filled my ears. Whispers and roars echo risen from the fog around me. I kept running till I felt how the ground beneath me cracked. Then suddenly I fell through something that felt like ice and I hit a liquid area. I kept drowning my air catching in my throat as I saw the light fading. Then all went dark.



Being able to breathe again made me jump up and quietly bolt up on my feet, looking around in every little corner of the room. The smell of herbs slowly calmed me down. I slowly lay down and breathe slowly and deeply. Till eventually, I calmed down.

''Is everything okay Soo?'' I soft voice echoed nearby. I lifted my head and murmured '' I'm fine... everything is fine..'' I got up and walked to the middle cave area where we usually kept the herbs. ''I think I got another message..'' I said slowly...

'' Oh... I had one too... I just talked to them. What did you see?'' Asheal softly murmured, she said so softly that it gave me the determination to tell her.

''I saw Myung.. in front of a dead body..'' I cloud to see how Asheal's eyes widen, I continued ''When I tried to reach him, he looked at me... And his eyes were black, leaking and a huge scar on his left eye.. then I tried to run, but I fell and drowned..''

Asheal's voice caught in her throat, she inhaled and exalted. ''Thank you for telling me, that really helps. I will keep that a secret... Don't tell anyone... Not even Myung.'' She said slowly friendly nudging me by the shoulder. She then let out a sigh. Looking at me with worried eyes, his eyes remembered me like Myung's, they were light, sky blue. Now I see where he got that from.

''Listen... Soo. If I, Myung, or any other of his siblings tell you to leave the clan for safety. Then you do what they say. Ok? No matter what, your a pure kid. I don't want you to get hurt, no questions asked.'' She gave me a weak wry smile and turned to go and store some herbs in her bag.

My mind filled with thoughts, why would I need to run? Isn't the clan gonna need my attendance after the tragedy will be over? Well, I am a medical apprentice, not a warrior but I can fight just fine. But I won't think about it now... its way too early for that.

I nodded and left the medicine den, straight to the apprentice den, it was really, really early, and nearly nobody was awake. The apprentice den was warm and quiet, slowly walking in I looked around, oddly I didn't see Myung anywhere. Which made me remember the dream, making me worried. I went to Zachery and nudged him, he usually wakes up early too so we wouldn't be mad too much.

''Hey, Hey Zachery..'' My voice had a little tint of worry in it, as I softly nudged him by the wing.

''Whaaaat..'' Zachery pulled the word as he slowly opened his eyes. Then lifted his head quickly. ''You sound worried. Are you okay?'' Zachery put his hand softly on my shoulder, his eyes softly looking into my eyes.

''I-I just had a nightmare... Do you know where Myung is?'' I quietly whispered to him. He slowly sighed and murmured back. '' He should be outside the camp up the moon mountain, he always goes there to calm himself.''

I exhaled slowly and gave him a wry smile. ''Thanks, Zachery,'' I murmured and slowly left the den. On the way to the exit, I quickly yanked a little bird out of the food pile and continued my way. Once I was halfway to the moon mountain. The winds rustled the leaves, making the entire forest seem empty and calm, I can tell that this is a great spot to calm down. As soon as I can see the top of the mountain and a form of a fury, Its head lifted high looking at the stars. This scene made me almost tear up, Myung has been the only one supporting me and caring about me, sometimes I even think I have fallen for him, but I don't want to bother him at this time. He's way too stressed out now. Besides, I don't know if he would accept me back tough. I slowly came closer to him.

''Myung?...'' I murmured my voice sounded worried. Yet no response or movement, this made me worry even more. My breathing catching in my throat and my eyes tearing up, till a river flowed down both of my cheeks.

''Myung?..'' I muttered quietly, some hic's escaping from my mouth. The fury turned its head, its icy blue eyes glowing in the dark, it slightly tilted his head.

''Soo? What are you doing he-'' Myung cut off in the middle of a sentence, he quickly got up and ran to me. I backed up a little by the nightmare, yet he ignored that and ran right up to me. I sat down on the tall grass putting my tail around both front paws, trying to avoid eye contact. But then he took my cheeks in both of his hands and turned my head against him, so he could see better, his ice-blue eyes so beautiful and memorizing I found myself losing in them, every time I looked at him. They were just.. so pure.

''What happened? Why are you crying?'' He asked with a soft voice and looking in my eyes with his blue eyes, as he didn't let go of my head.

''I-i just had a nightmare... Where... I lost you..'' I said with a quiet voice with some pauses to get some bit of breath. I looked down with my eyes as Myung slowly rubbed my tears away with his thumbs, once I finished Myung let out a sigh. ''But I'm still here, and I'll always be.'' He gave me a wry smile, which made me look at him and smile back, I put my hands onto Myung's's were still on my cheeks, and softly lifted them down, yet still holding them.

''Thank you, Myung. I don't know what I would do without you.'' I say as we both go up to the edge of the mountain and sit next to each other as we watch the sunrise. The cold wind breeze rustling both of my feathered wings, and Myung's neck fur, which from my perspective looked so fluffy and soft, maybe someday I would be able to touch that fur, I tough to myself.

I cleared my mind and went for it, I softy leaned on the bigger fury next to me, ever so slightly rustling my cheek in his neck fur. And it seemed I was right, his fur was so fluffy, cozy, and warm, like something I have never felt earlier in my life. I could hear his heart start humping a little faster and his breath hitching a little in his throat. ''You don't mind if I take a little rest do you.?'' I asked softly and calmly opening one eye to take a look at him, I could easily tell he was frustrated, he was ever so slightly panicking.

''N-no... I don't mind.'' His voice was softer once I rustled my head deeper into his fur, feeling the warmth as we both lay down, He slowly and lightly hovered he's head above mine, till he gently rested it on my head, I rustled a little bit closer to him and we both stayed there for a while as we enjoyed the rising sun's color and the cool wind breeze.