
-Lost In Corruption-

The sirens of the palace roar through out the allies of the little city, multiple footsteps are heard within the darkness. The black liquid slithers at the stones of the dark alley. The sirens fade and the footsteps grow quieter, the alley grows full of shadows, as a form rises from the liquid, forming a fury... a Big and Deadly beast that no one has ever escaped from. It's silver, ice-cold eyes gaze slides across the alley, as to when continuing to slide across the area. Standing on an edge of a cliff, the footsteps sounds arise from the depths of water pouring from the sky. The voices arise as soon as the footsteps stop, The beast gives one more last gaze at them and turns he's back at the edge, falling...

MyungSo0 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

(2)The dark magic.

3rd person POV:

the Moonlight shined bright in the starred night sky, the winds rustling the grass and tree leaves.

The sky was as clear as it has always been, not a hint of clouds hiding the moon.

Suddenly a black shadow flashed through the forest, and soon enough the entire starred sky was covered by dark clouds, making the world sink into darkness. The shadow kept flashing tough the forest till it reached a dark place, where every tree and every grass was dead and gained black color. The shadow started to slow down and turned into a walk, a photo of a cave full of darkness started to arise.

A knock was heard as the shadow knocked on an edge of the cave entrance.

''Come in.'' A voice spoke from inside, the black entity obeyed and entered.

''What's the message?'' The voice repeated as he felt the shadow behind him, His blood-red, thin eyes glowed in the dark, facing some writing on the wall of the cave.

The shadow entity which resembled a fury, with blue eyes murmured. '' Vex's hatchlings are old enough, they each have a mentor... And Vex has started to act strangely. locking everyone out of his sight except Spade and Sykkuno..''

''And who is Sykkuno's mentor?'' The blood-red eyes gaze fell onto the shadow entity, who avoided his gaze at looking down, almost as it was ashamed.

''S-Spade, my lord.'' He murmured.

''Good. Now keep an eye on Vex. We need the perfect timing for the corrupted gem.''

''Yes, my lord..'' The entity murmured and exited the cave, disappearing in thin air.



Zachery's POV

As the wind hit my chest, I could hear the breeze of the wind. It was calm.

Then I realized, I was never up in the air. I was supposed to be asleep in my silk bed at our den. I opened my eyes as fast as I could to look around. I was.. high up the sky.

I looked down to see the ground. Nothing.

I looked around to see any hints of the moon or sun. Nothing

All I could see were clouds with remembered me of a fog and stars shining up in the air. I didn't need to fly, I was floating. Odd is this some kind of a spell or a dream? The stars shined on my white scales and cyan wings.

''Finally, you arrive.'' A warm and calm voice echoed in the sky. Making me jump, the voice seemed familiar, but at the same time, it made me feel safe and calm.

''Who-Who's there?!'' I said with a nervous voice, turning and turning to see someone. But again all I could see were clouds and stars.

''Don't worry dear, We aren't here to hurt you.'' The voice repeated this time closer, I could feel the presence of something I have never felt before.

So many questions have arisen in my mind. If only I could ask them, I was determined that these questions might make them uneven. So I kept silent still looking around.

The voice let out a chuckle and calmly said ''I can tell that concerned, so many questions. We don't mind. Ask away '' The voice echoed calmly and this time quieter. I inhaled and exiled slowly, making my anxiety fade away.

''Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here? What do you want from me? Is this a dream?'' I asked all these questions in a couple of breaths and with a little worried tone as who I didn't know anything about this or what is happening.

''You are indeed in a dream. You are within the territory of the Void clan. In the center to be more precise. We are each star in the starred sky. The most loyal and greatest furies to ever live on your grounds.'' The voice explains with a warm and welcoming tone.

''Whoa,'' I say with a deep voice, feeling how my blue pupil turns into a star shape with admiration. I cloud feel how my body starts to feel light and cozy. So this is how being in the Void clan feels like. ''But... why am I here?''

''You are here because we have chosen you'' The voice echoes from behind me, I quickly turn around to see something I've never seen before. A fury formed out of the fog and has small shining stars in him, we were nearly see through. My eyes widened as I saw his form. So fascinating.

''We have chosen you to leave the CY clan and go to the Angel kingdom, where you will be loved, brave, and wise leader, or king on that matter. You see CY clan soon will endure great tragedy. Since you are a pure angel your rightful place is the angel kingdom. ''

His sentence repeated in my mind. Tragedy? Angel kingdom? A pure angel? Is this a joke? ''Um... I d-don't know... I don't want to leave my siblings alone... I care about them too much...''

''That's why we chose you. You always care about others more than yourself. But we don't want you to suffer... You see tragedy will happen in your clan, and nearly everyone will fall or be wounded. Protect yourself and go.''

''But I don't want to leave my siblings!'' I could feel anxiety curling in my stomach. Leave my home... Hell no! I finally got the chance to stand on my feet as I felt the solid ground, I stood with my head high and my chest out. ''I don't want them to suffer without me! ''

He let out a sigh and lifted his head once again. ''We warned you... But you must complete the Prophecy. If you will go to the angel kingdom, you will save the entire world of darkness. You will learn light spells and magic, and save the world and the fury's wounded by it.''

I remember my mother telling me, If the Void clan makes a prophecy, it must come true. No questions, no resisting asked. I let out a long sigh and then gather up my courage.

''Yes... I will go to the Angel Kingdom.. but when do I have to leave?''

''You will leave before the new moon at night. Tell your siblings and mother. So they don't' worry much. But NOT your father.''

Not my father? How come?..

''Now get ready for leaving, you must take the cyan blue necklace from your mother, it will help you in your travels. See you soon.''

My head started spinning and my eyes getting heavy, I tried to stay awake to ask one question but yet I failed, I could hear the echo through my mind ''Who will bring the tragedy?''

Everything went dark and the wind breeze stopped...



The sound of rustling and voices echoes around our base, the sun shining on my head, begging for me to wake up. I open my eyes and take a glance around, I lifted my head and let out a big quiet yawn. I heard rustling next to me, I looked to my right, Myung was gone. And to my left, I could see Hester who's been awake for a while already. ''Oh. Good mornin' '' I said with a smile and nudged him with my shoulder.

''Morning.'' Hester nudged back and gave a wry smile. ''My mentor said that we have to wake up early for our next training. He said we will start with potion brewing today.'' He said a little excitedly.

I got up and went to nudge Lilith a little, the white fury murmured something and curved into a ball. ''C'mon wake up. We have an early lesson today!'' I nudged her again but this time a little harder.

''Okay, Okay I'm up..'' She exiled and yawned. She stretched her arms and she bolted up and ready for the day. ''Let's go find our mentors!''

Woo was already up and went into our little group chat. ''Flare already told me to meet them near the medical cave... So let's just go there.'' He said a little tiredly, guess he didn't sleep that much.

We got up and slowly flowed to the medical cave where there were 5 mentors and 1 apprentice. I could see that Myung was really tired, but yet he kept standing, I wonder what happened to him. Did he receive a dream just like me? Thinking about the dream, toughs fill my mind. Spade's voice made me knock out of my toughs.

''Starting from today we will learn a lot of things about potions, enchants, and brewing. But remember you still will need to go on patrols and hunting at some point so don't use all of your energy yet.'' Shade stood up and with his tail, he gestured to follow us to go straight to the medical care. Were we gonna learn there?

Spade stopped right next to the cave and gestured some vines away from the wall next to the cave. Huh. I didn't see that cave, it was so well hidden.

The cave was poor lighted up but still pretty good to see, the smells were of herbs, plants, and things I've never sensed before. There were 6 silk piles where to sit and 4 tables, then the cave expanded and had a lot of shelves with empty potions and enchants, and on the other side, there were herbs and other stuff. There were also 2 tables lining out of the wall with 2 silk piles.

''Since there are only 4 tables we are gonna have to seat 2 at one. We have talked and Zachery will sit with Sykk-Myung.'' Woo's mentor Flare mentioned and corrected herself as she gestured us to stand at the table.



Time passed. I wasn't getting the right hand of it that's why I was gestured to hunt and patrol more with Lilith. We both weren't that good, we always did something wrong.

To my surprise, Myung was very good at it, since when had he gotten so good? I've never seen him practice it. He got the hand of hard potions on the first try, which was very impressive, Woo and Hester also got the hang of it but not as much as Myung.

Spade sent me and Lilith to help Soo gather some medicinal herbs that they have been running low on, since some warriors got attacked by tiny rats witch caused infections, and yes they may be small, but they attack in huge groups.

''So Soo, have you been talking with Myung lately?'' I ask curiously as we walk our way to the border of our territory which is where the herbs grow.

''Oh, yeah I've talked to him. He says he has been feeling a little odd lately. Maybe It's because he's magic is slowly growing from his father.'' Soo murmured sounding a little concerned.

Lilith caught up to us a little ''He has been acting odd too. He has been waking up really early for 2 months now. I never see him relaxed. Do you know anything?''

''He has been coming to me asking for anything to calm him down, he has been taking them for 3 weeks, so far. And earlier that day when you started learning to brew, he said he saw a nightmare. But he didn't explain any further... He seemed very shaken up from that.'' Soo mentioned with a little worried tone.

''Shaken up?? Myung usually never shakes up like that! Somethings definitely on.'' I muttered surprisingly. It's true, Myung may seem nice, but it is hard to make him feel anything negative...

''Oh! is that the herb?'' Lilith points at a bush growing near our border ''Yup! That's the one. There should be another one that way.'' Soo points to the left.

'' I'll get it!'' I said and went to look for the same bush.

This place of our territory had so many vines it was hard to move, but I managed to get to the bush, I took off the little bag on my shoulder and started to put the herbs in there till I heard a crack straight ahead, I ignored it thinking it was an animal.

But then something snapped again. I gave in to my curiosity and lifted my head. My eyes widened as the part of the forest ahead of me was dead, everything black. Somehow the sun didn't reach it, with was full of fog and darkness. Then I heard another snap a little bit to the left... I turned my head and my eyes turned into a thin line, my anxiety curing my stomach, my legs almost going slim, all I could do was stare.

There stood a shadow. An alive shadow, I cloud see how its body slowly dissolves and fades around him, the blood-red eyes of his staring right back at me. A white, crooked grin appeared on his face, as he murmured.

''Tick, Tock, Times running low~... The forest will become dark and tragedy will bring death~.''

My legs refused to move, my mind went blank as I stared back in shock. Become dark? Tragedy? time's running low? I blinked once and then twice, it was gone. A little time passed and I regained my powers, I grabbed a handful of herbs and my bag. Running back to Soo and Lilith.

They seemed to have started to worry. Lilith spotted me and ran towards me. ''What took you so long!? Why are you pale!?'' Soo made its way to me too ''We were getting worried.''

I cleared my mind and murmured. ''I saw it..''

Lilith seemed confused ''Saw what?'' Soo kept quiet, concern hovering in his eyes.

I gathered my strength and finished. ''The dark magic''

