
Lord of Mysteries: Starting As A Reader

Lord of Mysteries fanfiction. The unexpected intervention of a real transmigrator, Ebner, would help Klein usher in a better ending. The Lord of the Mysteries would definitely be Klein, not the Celestial Worthy. The main character takes the Sequence pathway of a Reader. note: I'm only editing from MTL and post here so when I don't have a connection I can read it offline. the real author of this book is "Quick Return of the Named Fire"

ordinary_people · Book&Literature
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291 Chs

Sparring and Separating

"1-025 has finally appeared!

"It's flying towards the exit that symbolizes the Blue Planet."

Although the military saint was rather surprised, he didn't act rashly. Instead, he looked at the archbishop of the Church of Steam, as though he was seeking his opinion.

Horamick narrowed his eyes after hearing his words as if he was thinking about something.

After a few seconds of silence, he opened his eyes and said unhurriedly,

"It might also be a deliberate attempt to attract our attention… According to what I know, although there are many exits in the independent space sealed by 1-010, other than the Moon we are at, the other entrances and exits can't accommodate the powers of a demigod. There's no way to let it pass."

The military saint nodded and said in a suggestive manner, "That's right. That's why I want you to intercept it while I stay here."

Horamick glanced at him and said with a gentle smile, "It seems like you think it's more likely to come here? Is rushing to the Blue Planet only an illusion?"

In front of this experienced archbishop, the military saint didn't intend to hide his intentions. He simply said, "This is the only correct exit."

"From the looks of it, your military is hell-bent on getting 1-025? For this, you actually didn't hesitate to offend the Church of Storms…" Horamick gave him a profound look, but he didn't refuse. To him, the most important thing was to eliminate the threat that 1-025 posed to ordinary people.

"We need to use it to do something," the military saint replied vaguely and said no more.

Horamick nodded. Soon after, the skin on his legs automatically opened, revealing the abnormally complicated mechanical structure inside. Then, after a series of transformations, it formed a device similar to an airship's thruster.

Then, he soared into the air and flew out of the hole in the bar's roof.

Baron Conva, who was more than two meters tall and wearing thick armor, was surrounded by several evil spirits as he flew at an adequate speed.

Suddenly, his heart stirred. He chanted the words that seemed like an incantation, and then his body disappeared in midair.

Almost at the same time, the light of the Sun, which far exceeded normal standards, suddenly lit up. All the nearby Spirit Bodies that had yet to react didn't even have the chance to scream before they were obliterated by the energy of the Sun.

Baron Conva, who had appeared on the ground, frowned at this scene and muttered,

"Light of Holiness from the Priest of Light? That's not right. It lacks that holy and pure feeling. It's more like a simple release of energy… It should be the solar flare released by an Astromancer!"

"Astrologer? What an ancient title. We're all called astronomers now." At this moment, Horamick's figure appeared in midair. He looked down at the baron from above and wasn't in a rush to attack. Instead, he calmly said, "It looks like you're very clear-headed. Even if you've gone mad, you're still a clear-headed lunatic… How do I address you?"

He had previously learned the identity of the person possessed by 1-025 through Arrodes. Now, he was only asking to confirm and buy time.

The baron looked up and replied without a change in expression, "Benjamin Conva Grant… Just call me Baron Conva, His Grace the Archbishop of the Church of Craftsmanship."

"Lord Baron, do you know me?" Horamick asked with interest.

"The clothes of the Church of Craftsmanship haven't changed in 700 years… Hmm, the badge seems to be different from before," the baron explained simply. Then, he retracted his gaze and calmly said, "I have something important to do. If you want to stop me, please do it… For example, those things you hide in the clouds."

"I was discovered… As expected of a war hero who obtained an aristocratic title in the Battle of the Violated Oath," Archbishop Horamick said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, a five-meter-long cannon suddenly extended out from the clouds. It was surrounded by electromagnetic waves as if it was preparing for a terrifying attack.


An orange-red "beam" shot out from the cannon's mouth, instantly striking the baron who didn't seem to react at all.

The huge impact caused the ground to quake, and the surrounding houses collapsed, raising up a large cloud of dust.

After a long while, when the smoke and dust cleared a little, a paper figurine that had almost been burnt out returned to its human form in the crater.

However, the humanoid creature's armor was tattered, and most of the flesh on its body had been charred. Only with the protection of its face was it possible to tell that it was Baron Kangwa who had been attacked head-on.

"What kind of attack is that? Cough! Cough! Cough! Why haven't I seen it before?" The baron coughed violently as foul blood gushed out of his mouth. It was obvious that the attack just now had dealt him immense damage.

"That's the 'Super Electromagnetic Cannon' invented by Roselle. However, its technology has yet to be spread to ordinary people, and it's still under wraps… Of course, the saints can already restore Roselle's original idea."

At this moment, Horamick's leaking voice came from the other side.

The baron was stunned when he heard that. He hurriedly turned his head and saw that the archbishop of the Church of Steam was in a terrible state. Not only were the joints of his legs distorted, but even most of the mechanical structure of his head had also been destroyed. However, there didn't seem to be any problems with the main installation, and it was still operating normally.

Machinery dolls? When did the Church of Craftsmanship come up with such a method? Who's Roselle? The baron's pupils contracted when he saw this, as though he had encountered something unbelievable.

In his era, the Beyonder methods of the Church of Craftsmanship weren't that varied or terrifying.

Just now, he had connected the paper figurine that he had transformed into with the Cursed Artifact and suffered equal damage. He originally believed that with his outstanding survivability, he could easily let the other party kill him. But in reality, no matter how strong his physical body was, he couldn't beat the machine. After all, the other party could change parts on the spot.

"Speaking of Roselle, he's an impressive figure… Heh heh, if His Grace is interested, he can come to the Church as a guest. I'll talk to you about his deeds in detail." As Horamick invited him, he raised his right hand and unhurriedly fiddled with the exposed gear.

The baron fell silent for a moment. He took off his damaged armor and threw away his broken sword. Then, he stood up and said, "You don't look well, and I still have the ability to move."

However, before he could finish his sentence, he saw Horamick grip his left hand with his newly repaired right palm and suddenly twist it.

With a creaking sound, his left hand was bent at the wrist, but no bones pierced through his skin, bringing out flesh and blood.

There was a heavy, black metal tube embedded in his left wrist!

His entire left arm was a small-caliber mystical cannon!

Seeing that the cannon that didn't seem simple was pointing at him, the baron fell silent once again. He felt that he couldn't catch up to the times, so he didn't speak further. He directly summoned the bronze door in his body.

Unlike the other Gatekeepers, he didn't have any additional spirits in his body. All he sealed was his beloved—Lady Aston.

Although Horamick didn't know the exact details of the baron, his intuition told him that he couldn't let the baron complete his summoning. Therefore, he suddenly opened fire with the heavy metal tube in his left arm.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom…

Instantly, balls of flames engulfed the baron's body, shattering the door that was about to open.

However, Archbishop Horamick didn't let his guard down. Although the Baronet Conva in front of him was only a Sequence 5, the strange corruption on him, together with the help of a Grade 1 Sealed Artifact, made ordinary saints not as difficult to deal with as him.

As expected, just as Archbishop Horamick warily went forward to take a look, two streams of light suddenly shot out from the dust and smoke caused by the explosion and flew in two different directions.

One of them was the puppet formed by 1-025. At that moment, it seemed to have left the baron's body and was preparing to tear open the void and enter the spirit world. Unfortunately, due to the failure of 1-010's seal, it could only flee towards the Dragon Tooth Bar in a panic.

As for the other, it was a voluptuous female phantom. She hugged a head with some black spots on her cheeks and flew towards the exit of the Blue Planet.

Outside a house on Tucker Street, Xio and the other detectives, who had stood guard for nearly half an hour, repelled several waves of monster attacks. They were all panting from exhaustion, and the only thing worth rejoicing about was that no one was injured.

The lady in the golden mask was also covered in rain and sweat. Her spirituality could no longer withstand the battle.

Fortunately, the reinforcements from the military had arrived.

However, just as both sides finished their handover, Xio and company exhaled and prepared to leave, a female Spirit Body suddenly rushed out from the house's exit!