
Lord of Mysteries: Starting As A Reader

Lord of Mysteries fanfiction. The unexpected intervention of a real transmigrator, Ebner, would help Klein usher in a better ending. The Lord of the Mysteries would definitely be Klein, not the Celestial Worthy. The main character takes the Sequence pathway of a Reader. note: I'm only editing from MTL and post here so when I don't have a connection I can read it offline. the real author of this book is "Quick Return of the Named Fire"

ordinary_people · Book&Literature
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291 Chs

Escaping Danger

The newly arrived reinforcement team didn't panic when they saw this. The captain of the team who had replaced the golden-masked lady was also a Disciplinary Paladin. He raised his right hand and pointed at the Spirit Body hugging its head, about to chant the words "Imprison" in ancient Hermes.

But at that moment, the voluptuous female Spirit Body was the first to open her mouth and sing in the Language of the Dead!

Yes, it wasn't the commonly used means like Shriek, but a Singing of the Sea Songster.

In an instant, awkward, incomprehensible, jarring words that were completely incomprehensible came out of the female evil spirit's mouth in a strange rhythm.

Although they couldn't understand what she was singing, everyone present couldn't help but freeze on the spot. Even a transparent layer quickly surfaced on their bodies.

Everyone's souls were being pulled by an illusory power!

At that critical moment, the Band of Light on Xio's finger flashed with a blinding light. The purifying halo that originally clung to her body began to spread outwards layer after layer. White holy light warmed the surrounding MI9 detectives and also purified the evil forces in their bodies, giving them immense courage.

The two Sequence 5 Disciplinary Paladins present snapped to their senses immediately. Almost at the same time, they brandished their right hands and declared in ancient Hermes,

"The Language of the Dead is prohibited here!"

"Singing are prohibited here!"

After the announcement, the golden-masked lady, whose spirituality was nearly drained, almost lost her balance. She only managed to stabilize herself by holding onto the street lamp by the side of the road.

She took off her mask, revealing a young, handsome face. She then took out a bottle of medicine, unscrewed the cap, and downed it.

Elsewhere, after Xio's purifying halo had dispelled the effects of Singing, the baron's head in the female evil spirit's embrace suddenly opened its eyes. It stared straight at Xio as though it had locked onto something.

But at this moment, the reinforcements from MI9 had already begun attacking them.

Faced with the barrage of demon hunting bullets and Beyonder powers, the baron's face was once again covered in black spots that extended outwards. It was like black, cold armor that wrapped around his Spirit Body and Aston's.

Despite the attacks landing on them, they were unable to break through their defenses.

At the same time, the team members who were attacking, including the Disciplinary Paladin captain, suddenly realized that he had been bound by something without realizing it.

They looked down with great difficulty and discovered that the ones binding their bodies were actually their shadows!

"Commandeering Shadow? Black Knight? How is that possible…" the captain cried out in shock. But before he could finish his sentence, his shadow covered his mouth!

It wasn't his fault for making a fuss. After all, this exit could only accommodate a Sequence 5 existence, while the Black Knight was a genuine demigod.

No! It can't be a Black Knight! If the other party is really a demigod, there's no need to use such means to deal with us… But even if he's not a real demigod, such means aren't something we can resist!

The captain forced himself to calm down and think of countermeasures, but clearly, Baron Conrad and Lady Aston wouldn't give him the time.

After binding the team members with his shadow, a half-closed bronze door suddenly appeared above the baron's head.

Behind the open gap was endless darkness, like the deepest and heaviest night sky.

Indescribable pairs of eyes were hidden in the deep darkness, densely packed and everywhere, but they were unable to discern their actual appearance.

Skinless, bloody arms reached out as greenish-black vines with baby faces extended out. Palms with mouths filled with teeth grabbed everything outside as they screamed, laughed, sobbed, and yelled.

After releasing Lady Aston and leaving the seal of 1-010, the "door" in the baron's body once again sensed the entrance to the Underworld!

The bound captain and team members were powerless to resist. All they could do was watch helplessly as they were grabbed by the arms, entangled by the slippery, illusory tentacles, and bound by the greenish-black vines with baby faces!

Following that, they were dragged behind the door by these strange creatures within a second or two!

All of this happened too quickly. One second, the team was still attacking in unison, and the next second, they were bound by shadows and dragged through the door… Therefore, even the heroic lady and Xio didn't have the time to react.

Not to mention the other four detectives who were further away.

"Run! Run! This is not a monster we can fight against right now!" After the woman snapped back to her senses, she decisively issued an order. Following that, she endured her headache and forcefully released "Exile" on the baron and Lady Aston. Then, she activated a charm on her and quickly flew away.

The other four secret agents didn't dare delay when they saw this. They used their life-preservation items and fled in all directions.

The baron ignored them. His remaining head stared straight at Xio, and with the help of Lady Aston, he rapidly approached her.

A look of horror appeared in Xio's eyes. She thought that the purifying halo she had previously activated had angered the headless monster, which was why she had targeted it.

At that moment, a scene suddenly appeared in her mind.

The monster's head fell directly from above, instantly digesting her head and seizing her body!

Xio, who had been surprised many times, knew that this was a "foresight" scene given to her by the Ring of Prejudice. Hence, she used this ring to bring about her outstanding agility and speed as a Clown as she pounced to the back in an unimaginable manner.

"Eh?" Just as Xio rolled on the ground, the baron's head let out a soft exclamation. This was because he had just controlled her shadow, but he had failed to break through the protection of the Light of Purification she had augmented herself with.

That layer of Light of Purification seems to be related to some existence of a very high level… Is it Sefirah Castle? Is it?!

The baron's calm eyes gradually became fervent and crazy. He was determined to obtain the young lady's body.

Hence, before Xio could get up, she once again "predicted" danger. This time, the evil spirit had bound her with "wind," and the monster's head had taken her by the shoulder.

Upon seeing this scene, she didn't have the luxury of time to think. She immediately activated the Light of Holiness on the Band of Light ring. At the same time, she didn't get up and continued rolling backward with the help of the Clown's coordination.

Escaping wasn't an option. To avoid being bound by the wind, he could only attack the evil spirit and interrupt her casting of her powers.

The terrifying "black spots" appeared once again, blocking the hastily released Light of Holiness. However, due to another failure, the madness in the baron's eyes became even more obvious. It was unknown what he was chanting, but on the other side, Xio felt something indescribable explode in her soul. She immediately lost all her strength as two streams of blood flowed out of her nose.

At the same time, Mr. Fool, who was sitting in the hall of the gray fog, suddenly stood up. This was because he could clearly see that the black spot that had been corrupted in Miss Xio's spirit was rapidly spreading. In the blink of an eye, it had covered half of her head!

"Say that name! Miss Xio, hurry up and recite that name!"

Klein anxiously muttered to himself. He couldn't help but pull Miss Xio above the gray fog.

However, he didn't do so after calming down. Firstly, he didn't know if he could purify the area through the "secret deed." He didn't know what the outcome would be if he directly pulled someone up. If this place was corrupted and invaded, then he would lose his last hope.

Secondly, by touching Mr. Tower's crimson star, he discovered that the detective had already arrived near Miss Xio. Without a safe environment, Miss Xio would still be in danger even after the "tacit" ritual… It was better to "cleanse" the corruption after Tower saved her.

"There should still be time!" Klein, who was familiar with the deeds of the Hero Detective, relaxed a little and returned to his seat belonging to The Fool.

However, he was holding tightly onto the Morning Star of Depravity necklace and Azik's copper whistle, prepared to "rescue" them at any moment.

Just as Xio's thoughts slowed down and she felt that she was about to be finished, an illusory broadsword made of light suddenly stabbed into the ground in front of her, turning into a Hurricane of Light that swept outwards.

The baron's head, which had originally wanted to seize Xio's body, was forced to use "black spots" again by the storm formed from "dawn."

However, this time, the effects of the "black spot" seemed to be much weaker. It failed to completely block the might of the Hurricane of Light.

He was injured!

Upon seeing this, Lady Aston was just about to take action when she suddenly saw a black-robed lady aim a pitch-black ring at her with her right hand and command her with the Language of the Dead.

However, she was unwilling to follow orders to harm Benjamin, nor did she dare disobey the lady's orders. She could only fall into a dilemma and not move.

The person who had spoken the Language of the Dead was none other than Jane. She frowned when she saw this and said to Ebner, who was carrying Xio, "That spirit doesn't seem to be of a low level. My orders have been resisted, and I'm afraid I can't delay her for long."

Ebner knew that Xio was in desperate need for treatment and purification, and he couldn't afford any delays. All he could do was look at Fors who had rushed over with the two of them.

The latter immediately understood what he meant. Then, with a snap, he pulled a dark green stone from his bracelet. Then, he grabbed onto Ebner's hand and shouted in ancient Hermes,


The stone immediately emitted an illusory light blue glow.

Seeing this, Jane immediately understood what was going on. She quickly went forward and held onto Ebner's arm. The four figures turned blurry and almost invisible.

They saw forms that were difficult to describe. They even saw transparent objects that didn't seem to exist. They saw different colors, and lustrous splendors that contained immense knowledge.

This was the spirit world!

After three breaths, they left the transparent and illusory state and returned to reality.

Ebner looked around and realized that this was his bedroom.