
Lord of Mysteries: Starting As A Reader

Lord of Mysteries fanfiction. The unexpected intervention of a real transmigrator, Ebner, would help Klein usher in a better ending. The Lord of the Mysteries would definitely be Klein, not the Celestial Worthy. The main character takes the Sequence pathway of a Reader. note: I'm only editing from MTL and post here so when I don't have a connection I can read it offline. the real author of this book is "Quick Return of the Named Fire"

ordinary_people · Book&Literature
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291 Chs


Fors was rushing towards Gunsted Street in a hurry, but to her surprise, someone called her name. She looked around hurriedly, but she didn't see anyone.

But at that moment, a figure suddenly descended from the sky and appeared in front of her.

This unexpected development frightened Fors so much that she took a few steps back and nearly fell to the ground.

Only when she placed her hand on her forehead and barely covered the rain in front of her did she realize that the figure was the person she was looking for, Ebner.

Upon seeing this, Fors's face revealed a look of pleasant surprise. Ignoring her sorry state, she went forward and grabbed Ebner. "Xio left in a hurry. The more I think about it, the more I feel that something might've happened to her! That's why I came to you for help…"

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Ebner. "I know, I'm going to find her now!"

"You know?" Fors was taken aback at first, but she quickly reacted. After wiping the rain from her face, she pleaded, "Take me with you! You know that with me around, there's always a safe way out."

With that said, she even waved the bracelet that only had three stones left.

Ebner looked at her and did some mental calculations. Finally, he nodded and said, "Follow us then."

"All of you?" Fors blinked in confusion, wondering if she had heard wrongly.

It was only when she was lifted into the air by a strange spirit did she realize that there was a woman whose face she couldn't see clearly beside her.

In front of a house on Tucker Street, as several monsters rushed out, the lady in the golden mask pushed out her right palm as though she had sensed something. She said in ancient Hermes,


In the blink of an eye, the monsters that were about to charge at her, Xio, and the other spies froze on the spot. Surrounding them were layers of transparent walls.

"Attack!" the lady ordered the five detectives in a cold and indisputable tone.

By then, Xio had already reacted. She held the revolver that could shoot silently in her hand.

The others were the same.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The five of them opened fire one after another, accurately hitting the monsters in the head.

Their skulls were torn open by the bullets as blood and milky-white blood splattered in every direction. Their bodies rapidly degenerated into blobs of disgusting flesh and blood.

The other four detectives heaved a sigh of relief and smiled. For the first time, they felt that this mission might not be as difficult as they had imagined.

Only Xio widened her eyes and suddenly retreated.

Due to her ability of the Ring of Judgment, the image of the blob of flesh suddenly exploding appeared in her mind.

And the truth was the same. Just as she retreated, the blobs of flesh expanded at a shocking speed. They even broke through the golden-masked lady's "Imprison" and attempted to jump towards the crowd.

When the lady saw this scene, she frowned and thought in puzzlement, Flesh bomb? Why would a Blessed created by 1-025 use the means of a Rose Bishop? Could it be that someone from the Aurora Order is secretly involved?

I have to inform the admiral of this information as soon as possible!

With this in mind, she didn't hesitate any further. She extended her right hand again and pointed in the direction of the house. She said in ancient Hermes,


The expanding flesh and blood immediately encountered a majestic and invisible force as they were blown away, smashing into the building's interior.

Right on the heels of that, the blobs of flesh that had expanded to their limits exploded. Balls of flesh and blood transformed into a storm that swept the surroundings, quickly eroding the walls and other areas into deep, black marks.

When the four detectives saw this, they felt a sense of fear and shame. They were afraid that if the lady from MI9 hadn't taken action, they would've probably perished from the explosion.

The shame was that they, who claimed to be knowledgeable, had actually committed such a low-level mistake. They were so pleased with themselves that they forgot their bearings before confirming that the enemy was completely dead.

As for Xio, seeing that her "prediction" didn't really happen, she wasn't disappointed either. She carried her revolver and returned to her previous spot. After observing for a few seconds, she said, "It's not over!"

Xio clearly remembered the relevant knowledge of the undead that Ebner had briefed her on that night. And the surrounding atmosphere and feelings were very similar to the scene of the birth of the undead as described by Ebner!

Furthermore, the lady leading them had previously mentioned that their enemies included zombies and dead spirits!

Indeed, after the flesh exploded, illusory and ethereal figures surged out from the house again. Instantly, they gathered into a five-meter-long Spirit Body that looked like a combination of cows and sheep. It also had a pair of wings on its back.

The Spirit Body seemed to be very afraid of the lady in the golden mask. The moment it took form, it flapped its wings, wanting to soar into the air and open up a distance from the Beyonders in front of it to ensure its safety.

Unfortunately, the lady was already prepared for this. She pushed out her right palm and declared in ancient Hermes,

"Flying is prohibited here!"

Suddenly, the gigantic Spirit Body's wings seemed to be bound by something invisible. It began flapping with great difficulty, unable to move its body any further. It only flew less than half a meter before landing on the ground.

In its anger, the bull-horned monster that had just taken form immediately let out a Shriek, but just as it opened its mouth, a ball of Fire of Light accurately poured into its "throat," instantly blocking the Shriek.

It was a demon hunting bullet that contained the Fire of Light that Xio had shot.

— as an accessory to the revolver, provided by Ebner out of friendship.

The masked woman gave Xio an approving look. Then, while the Spirit Body was screaming from the fire of light, she solemnly said,

"Evil spirits are prohibited here!"

The evil spirit's body immediately trembled when it heard that, as though it was being attacked by an invisible force.

However, although it wasn't strong, the level of its Spirit Body might be relatively high. This kind of influence that directly targeted an existence was quickly suppressed by it.

At this moment, the golden-masked lady's expression turned extremely solemn as she said a sentence formed in ancient Hermes,

"Violators should be punished!"

Then, she pushed out her right palm and waved it down. She said with a cold tone,

"Psychic Piercing!"

Just as she said that the Interrogator's Psychic Piercing powers seemed to receive an unknown boost. It immediately made the goat-headed undead's thoughts turn sluggish before turning extremely confused. It was difficult to use Beyonder means.

No matter how powerful a Spirit Body that couldn't use Beyonder powers was, it was only a target. Soon, it dissipated under the barrage of MI9's myriad of demon hunting bullets.

In the ancient palace above the gray fog, Klein, who was sitting at the end of the long, mottled table, watched Xio use her revolver to shoot a demon hunting bullet that was equivalent to a Sequence 7. He couldn't help but sigh.

How extravagant! Such demon hunting bullets are much better than the ordinary demon hunting bullets the company gives out… I wonder if Mr. Tower prepared them for Miss Xio…

If that's the case, can I ask him to buy some spare ones in the future?

However, I'll have to wait until I successfully open a smurf account at the Tarot Club… After all, Mr. Fool doesn't need those things.

After a few "sour" words in his heart, Klein cast his gaze on Miss Xio's Spirit Body through the crimson star.

This was because he had just discovered that at the instant the goat-headed evil spirit was destroyed, Miss Xio's Spirit Body seemed to be corrupted by something black!

As for the others present, including the female powerhouse from MI9, none of them seemed to be so targeted…

Miss Xio… Is there anything special about her?

Klein stroked his chin and slipped into deep thought.

In the street sealed by 1-010, a figure wearing full-body armor and holding a sword suddenly appeared on the roof of a house.

He was none other than Baron Conva who had been jointly hunted by the Church of Steam and MI9.

"The aura of Sefirah Castle!"

After muttering to himself, the baron steered a massive Spirit Body and flew towards the exit where Xio was.

Meanwhile, in the Dragon Tooth Bar, the military saint suddenly stood up and said to Archbishop Horamick in pleasant surprise,

"1-025 has finally appeared!"