
Lord of Mysteries: Starting As A Reader

Lord of Mysteries fanfiction. The unexpected intervention of a real transmigrator, Ebner, would help Klein usher in a better ending. The Lord of the Mysteries would definitely be Klein, not the Celestial Worthy. The main character takes the Sequence pathway of a Reader. note: I'm only editing from MTL and post here so when I don't have a connection I can read it offline. the real author of this book is "Quick Return of the Named Fire"

ordinary_people · Book&Literature
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Tingen, 2 Daffodil Street. In the bedroom that was completely shrouded in the night.

Klein, who had been tossing and turning for a long time before barely falling asleep, suddenly heard a buzzing sound in his ears. He opened his eyes in a daze despite his already light sleep, and his muddled mind turned dizzy for a few seconds.

Someone is praying to me… Hmm, there's a warm feeling coming from the back of his hand… At this moment, this familiar feeling… Could it be that "Tower" is exorcising Miss Xio again?

Klein stared blankly at the clock in front of his bed for a long time before realizing what was happening. Then, he got up and stretched his back in an unglamorous manner.

Please don't tell me to "come online" and watch the broadcast… Although I can learn quite a bit of mysticism knowledge every time, I have to warn "Tower" to let him know that Mr. Fool isn't that happy about this.

Although he was cursing inwardly, Klein still stood up to confirm if the bedroom door was locked. Following that, he sealed the room with a wall of spirituality. Then, he took four steps counterclockwise and recited the incantation before arriving above the gray fog.

In the towering palace that looked like a giant's residence, his figure suddenly appeared at the very end of the long bronze table. The first thing that appeared in his eyes was a pulsing crimson star.

Klein raised his right hand and emanated his spirituality, touching the star that symbolized the "Tower."

With a boom, he saw a distorted and blurry scene. He saw Mr. Tower in his pajamas, sitting on the edge of the bed that seemed to be drenched by the rain. His hands were clasped as he held his forehead.

This bedroom looks very familiar! Indeed, Mr. Tower is the man who was always with Miss Xio in the middle of the night… That man might very well be Detective Ebner Bryan.

Klein found evidence once again to confirm his theories. He pumped himself up and listened carefully for a while, quickly figuring out the matter that Mr. Tower had requested of him.

A Grade 1 Sealed Artifact?

The "newly unearthed" baron from 700 years ago who was corrupted by an unknown existence?

The Machinery Hivemind and MI9 joint operation…

Miss Xio is actually going to face these terrifying things? It's no wonder Mr. Tower was worried and even asked me to protect her at the cost of ten Roselle diary pages…

It wouldn't be a big problem if it's just to help take a look, but if Miss Xio really encounters danger, how am I to save her? Write to Mr. Azik? But how am I to explain this to Mr. Azik?

As his thoughts raced, Klein used his spirituality to touch the crimson star that symbolized Miss Xio.

Light and shadows changed as a scene quickly appeared in front of him.

It was Mr. Tower presiding over Miss Xio's ritual!

Eh? This ritual doesn't seem to be solely to maintain the purifying halo. It seems to be hinting at a mysterious existence… Wait, could that mysterious existence be me?

Just as Klein thought of this, he saw Mr. Tower call out to Miss Xio before she left, hinting at the honorific name hidden in the "Feast of Blood."

I understand! Mr. Tower had secretly set up a delayed "secret deed" during the operation just now. And once Miss Xio recited The Fool's honorific name, she would immediately point the target of the secret deed to me and complete the ritual!

Was he afraid that I wouldn't respond to his request, so he made additional preparations, allowing Miss Xio to gradually bond with me through a secret deed while in dire straits and then provide her with help?

What a brilliant method. Tower really is a master of ritualistic magic.

As Klein reflected on the matter, he also had some ideas about how to protect Miss Xio. He recalled the contents of the secret deed ritual recorded in the "Feast of Blood," and he reached out to take out the Morning Star necklace from the junk pile.

The gem on the necklace came from a dragon at the demigod level. Although the power it could use was only at Sequence 5, its level allowed it to borrow the power of the gray fog.

Retracting his gaze from the five-colored gem, Klein thought for more than ten seconds before answering the "tower" prayer.

"Got it."

After vaguely giving an answer, Klein once again spread his spirituality to Miss Xio's star. As he watched the livestream, he also observed her physical condition and Spirit Body.

It looks like I won't be able to sleep the entire night… If this goes on, my hairline will have to rush to work.


After Xio arrived at the gathering point at Tucker Street, she was arranged by a woman in a golden mask to meet her at a house on the corner of the street.

At this moment, the golden-masked woman said to the secret agents in a clear voice,

"A very terrifying monster was trapped in Sealed Artifact 1-010 by His Excellency and the archbishop of the Church of Steam. However, although 1-010 can seal space, it has many entrances and exits like a maze… This house is one of the exits.

"That terrifying monster has the ability to create Blesseds. Once its Blesseds break out of the encirclement formed by the Machinery Hivemind and MI9, escaping the blockade of 1-010 and possess the residents of the surrounding streets, there's a chance that the monster will escape!

"Therefore, your mission is to guard this exit and kill everything that escapes!

"Don't be stingy with your Beyonder weapons. The military will reimburse you for everything you spend tonight."

A detective asked with a serious expression, "Ma'am, what kind of monsters are the enemy?"

"Anything is possible. Perhaps it's a person, a cat, a goat, or even a puppet, kitchenware, and so on. Of course, most of them are dead spirits and zombies," the lady with the golden mask said in a deep voice.

The five secret agents, apart from Xio, wore nasty expressions when they heard that. This was because their Sequences weren't very high, and they had never encountered anything that dangerous before.

The woman in the golden mask took in their expressions and attitudes as she nodded to herself. She thought to herself that these people were indeed powerful detectives in the periphery. Although they were afraid, they weren't flustered… Especially the lady named Xio Derecha. She was the calmest and wasn't tall, but she had pretty good guts.

After secretly making an assessment, the lady in the golden mask surveyed the crowd and said,

"You don't have to worry too much, because I'm the main force here. All you need to do is hold back the other monsters when I'm free.

"Besides, you only need to stay here for an hour. The reinforcements will arrive in an hour."

The moment she said that, the few detectives heaved a sigh of relief.

And at this moment, several mutated "monsters" stormed out of the house covered in blood.

Inside the sealed Dragon Tooth Bar, the archbishop of the Church of Steam and Machinery's Backlund diocese, Horamick Haydn, looked at a member of the Machinery Hivemind who was running over to report while panting. He asked in a serious tone,

"How's the situation?"

"The first batch of MI9 reinforcements have arrived. They've temporarily stabilized the situation… However, Your Grace, 1-025 seems to be able to turn any item into rabbits, cows, pigs, and other animals without any restrictions. It can also make these animals rapidly reproduce before making them degenerate and mutate into monsters… And after those monsters are killed, they will become zombies or dead spirits, still under their control… This can't go on!" the Machinery Hivemind member wiped the blood from his face and hurriedly reported.

Horamick Haydn frowned when he heard that. He looked at the military demigod beside him and deliberated before saying, "Your Excellency, are we still unable to find the exact location of the baron who was possessed?"

"I can only confirm that he's trapped in these two sealed streets! But as for where he is, even if I controlled 1-010, I wouldn't be able to sense it," the military saint said regretfully as he shook his head.

"Then I'll give you another half an hour. If your subordinates don't discover her location in half an hour, I'll report this matter to the Mandated Punishers and Nighthawks and get them to reinforce her," Horamick said after a moment of thought.

"Half an hour? Sure!" The golden-masked military saint hesitated for a moment, but he still nodded.

At the same time, just as I flew out of the house with Jane, Ebner suddenly saw a lady in a beige ruffled dress rush over to the gardened villa on Kingst Street in the heavy rain.
