
Lookism: To Become The Strongest

Siwon attends Seoul Foreign School (SFS), where his striking good looks have earned him widespread recognition. However, his reputation extends far beyond mere appearance; he leads a notorious crew known as "Hunter," operating within central Seoul. Engaged in illegal activities to secure funds, His crew is continuously growing day by day. (Gen 1.5)

Goo_Kim444 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: What Will You Do Now?

"Come on, Siwon. I've heard rumors about you. You're not going to let me down now, are you?" Goo Kim's eyebrow arched in challenge.

With determination burning in his eyes, Siwon swiftly leaped into the air, landing a precise side kick directly on Goo's liver.

"I won't go down from just one attack. And I won't disappoint you, Goo. But make sure you don't disappoint me either," Siwon declared, his voice unwavering despite the intensity of the fight.

Siwon propelled himself forward once more, this time gearing up for a powerful left hook.

However, Goo swiftly evaded to the right, narrowly avoiding Siwon's attack.

Without missing a beat, Siwon adjusted his motion, transitioning smoothly as he unleashed a devastating elbow strike that connected with pinpoint accuracy, striking Goo squarely on the temple.

The force of Siwon's elbow strike sent Goo stumbling backward, blood trickling from his nose.

Wiping away the blood with a smirk, Goo's voice carried a hint of admiration as he spoke, "I didn't realize you were this formidable, Siwon. You've surpassed my expectations by far. You haven't disappointed me in the slightest."

Then, with a chilling tone, Goo issued his challenge. "Come at me," he said, his eyes glinting with determination.

Once more, Siwon surged forward, his body poised for another attack, this time aiming for a swift side kick aimed at Goo's face.

With lightning reflexes, Goo smoothly evaded the incoming side kick, slipping out of its path with ease.

However, before Goo could fully react, Siwon seamlessly altered his body's motion, transitioning from the side kick to a lightning-fast front kick, aimed straight at Goo's midsection.

"Transitioning your attacks, huh? A clever technique, no doubt," remarked Goo with a hint of admiration. "But that won't work on me, Siwon. Not when I've seen it more than once."

As Siwon's front kick closed in on him, Goo swiftly adopted a peculiar stance, brandishing his pencil.

In a sudden blur of movement, Goo appeared on the opposite side, evading Siwon's attack with uncanny speed and agility.

As the dust settled, Goo's hand gripped the pencil tightly, now dripping with blood.

"You're quite the entertaining opponent, Siwon," Goo remarked with a hint of amusement. "But tell me, is this the full extent of your abilities?"

Suddenly, the scene shifted, revealing Siwon kneeling on the ground, his torso marred by a deep gash, blood pooling around him.

It became clear that Goo had slashed him with lightning speed, catching Siwon completely off guard, leaving him unable to react in time to defend himself.

"Oh, you're not one to accept defeat easily, are you?" Goo began to speak, his words interrupted by the sudden movement of Siwon.

In the blink of an eye, Siwon closed the distance between them, his fist cocked back for a devastating right hook.

With pinpoint accuracy, Siwon's blow landed squarely on Goo's face.

But Siwon didn't stop. His fist still tightened on Goo's face, and with incredible force, he drove Goo into the ground with such impact that the floor beneath them cracked and shattered.

"What's this? You've suddenly become stronger," Goo remarked, still reeling on the ground.

"Are you holding back against me? No, I don't think so. It's as if your body is adapting to my power, becoming stronger in response. An interesting ability, if you ask me."

Siwon remained silent, his expression unreadable as he stood over Goo, his fists clenched.

"Perhaps you possess an adaptability ability," Goo continued, slowly rising to his feet.

"But regardless, I'll put an end to this before you can become any stronger." With determination etched on his face, Goo prepared for another round of combat.

Before the fight could escalate further, Gun Park intervened with a firm voice. "That's enough."

Turning his gaze towards Goo, Gun Park continued, "We're not here to kill. Our purpose is recruitment, and from what I've witnessed, he's proven himself. There's no need to prolong the fight any further."

Gun Park then directed his attention to Siwon, taking in the sight of his injuries. "So, you've passed," he stated matter-of-factly.

"Whether you like it or not, you'll be working for us. But if you choose to resist and continue fighting, we won't hesitate to dismantle your crew and worse kill you. Do you understand?" Gun Park said.

Gun Park's voice carried a weighty seriousness as he spoke, "Your task is simple: bring in 100 million Won a month. It's preferable to do it legally, but if you resort to illegal means and get caught, it will not only lead to your own downfall but also that of the entire crew."

As Gun surveyed the members, an intense aura emanated from him, sending shivers down everyone's spines.

"Anyone disagree?" Gun's voice cut through the tense silence like a knife. "Step forward and show me what you're made of."

But not a single member dared to challenge Gun, not even Siwon.

Siwon's mind raced as he contemplated his options.

"Damn it," he thought, frustration boiling within him. "If only I weren't so exhausted, I'd take him on. But continuing now would only lead to more bloodloss, and I can't afford to lose any more blood, I might die."

With an ominous tone, Gun declared, "We will now be leaving. Remember, we'll always be checking for that 100 million Won, so you better be ready."

With that, the duo turned and walked out, leaving behind a heavy atmosphere in their wake.

As soon as they were gone, Siwon collapsed, his body finally tired to the strain of the battle.

His crew members rushed to his side, quickly applying a makeshift bandage to stop the bleeding and provide some measure of relief.






After a while, Siwon stirred awake, greeted by Minho's concerned voice. "Hey, Siwon. Take it easy and rest up. Your body needs time to recover."

Siwon nodded weakly. "I will," he murmured.

Minho leaned in closer, his expression serious. "Those two are something else, aren't they, Siwon? And about that 100 million Won a month... what's your plan?"

Siwon's voice was determined as he spoke, "It's simple. We have the potential to dominate the drug business. Remember? I just wasn't taking it seriously enough. If I had, we'd already be the top supplier in central Seoul."

He continued, "Once we fully commit and expand our operations, our earnings will skyrocket exponentially. Right now, we're pulling in about 35 million Won a month, but with expansion, the sky's the limit."

Minho nodded thoughtfully, his tone cautious, "Expanding means making more enemies, you know that, right?"

Siwon's resolve was unwavering as he responded, "If the only downside is making enemies, then why hesitate? It's a small price to pay compared to the alternative—having our crew dismantled or worse, facing death."

Minho nodded, acknowledging the gravity of Siwon's words. "Alright then. So, we've got a solid plan?"

With a confident nod, Siwon affirmed, "Yes, we have a solid plan. I'll reach out to Woosung later to fill him in, so he can start making the necessary arrangements."

Minho's expression softened with a hint of relief as he spoke, "So, you're entrusting Woosung with the business? If that's the case, then I'll have no reason to worry. That man's a total genius when it comes to handling business matters."

Siwon nodded in agreement, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Indeed. But for now, I need to focus on recovering my strength."

"Alright then," Minho replied, his tone supportive.


A/N: Thank you once again for delving into my fan-fiction and sticking around to read through this chapter. I'm back once more, humbly asking for your support by tossing some power stones in my mouth, because let's be honest, I've cooked a lot this chapter lol.