
Lookism: To Become The Strongest

Siwon attends Seoul Foreign School (SFS), where his striking good looks have earned him widespread recognition. However, his reputation extends far beyond mere appearance; he leads a notorious crew known as "Hunter," operating within central Seoul. Engaged in illegal activities to secure funds, His crew is continuously growing day by day. (Gen 1.5)

Goo_Kim444 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: The Unexpected Visit

After awhile as Siwon strolled along the familiar path homeward, his phone suddenly rang, jolting him from his thoughts.

Hastily, he reached for his phone and answered, recognizing the urgency in the caller's voice.

"Siwon, you need to come over... Now! The Two Guys are here!" Minho's voice crackled with urgency and concern.

Siwon's voice remained steady as he tried to reassure Minho. "Hey, hey... take a breath, Minho. What are you talking about with these 'Two Guys'?"

Minho's response came rushed and anxious. "You know, the ones scouting the top crews in Seoul? They're here, Siwon. In our hideout."

A wry chuckle escaped Siwon's lips. "Ah, those two Figures."


"Well, I was just getting ready to kick back after dealing with those Seongnam punks. But I guess I've got to handle this. I'll head over. Let them know I'm on my way," Siwon replied with a determined tone.

"You better be," Minho retorted curtly.

With that, Siwon ended the call.

"Those two really caught me off guard, showing up this early. And what's even more surprising is their knowledge about our hideout. Quite intriguing," Siwon mused, a hint of curiosity coloring his voice.






Siwon swung the door open, revealing the bustling hideout within.

His eyes scanned the room, taking in the sight of his crew members gathered around.

Among them stood two unfamiliar figures.

"Those must be them," Siwon thought, his gaze lingering on the newcomers. "Don't seem all that formidable to me, but let's see what they're made of."

Then Siwon spoke up, breaking the tension. "Hey, everyone. How's your day been?"

All eyes in the room swiftly turned towards Siwon, their leader.

Minho stepped forward from the crowd, his voice carrying across the room. "Hey, Siwon. These two aren't as tough as we thought they'd be," Minho remarked.

Minho gestured towards the scene unfolding in front of them. "Look at that. Even our least experienced member is mocking with them, and those two are just taking it," he observed.

"Either they're letting themselves get bullied, or they're intentionally concealing their strength. After all, these are the guys who dismantled countless crews and gangs across Seoul. Maybe they're playing a deeper game," Siwon speculated.

Suddenly, one of the unfamiliar figures spoke up. "So, you're Siwon, the leader of the 'Hunter' Crew, huh?"

Siwon's smirk widened as he spoke, "You've done your homework. Heard about your efforts to recruit the best of the best gangs or crews here in Seoul. That about sums it up, right?"

Goo Kim nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "Ah, so you're aware. Well then, let me formally introduce myself. I'm Goo Kim. Pleasure to meet you, Siwon." He extended his hand for a handshake.

Siwon clasped Goo Kim's hand firmly. "Likewise," he replied simply.

Siwon turned his head slightly, directing his attention towards the unfamiliar figure. "And who might this be?" he inquired.

The seated individual rose to introduce himself. "I'm Gun Park. Pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said cordially.

"Goo Kim and Gun Park, huh?" Siwon muttered thoughtfully.

"I've definitely heard those names before, but let's put that aside for now. So, what brings you both here? Are you also here to recruit us, with the threat of dismantling if we refuse?" Siwon's tone held a hint of skepticism.

"You're right," Goo Kim replied smoothly. "We do indeed recruit, but we're not in the habit of taking just any crew. We like to put them through their paces first and test them."

Siwon's smirk widened. "Testing us? Last I checked, we hadn't agreed to anything," he retorted.

Goo Kim's smirk mirrored Siwon's. "Did I mention you guys having an options?" he replied cryptically.

Goo Kim's gaze shifted to the side, where a pencil lay on the ground. Picking it up, he examined it thoughtfully.

"I've had my eye on this pencil since we got here. Can't wait to see what it can do as a weapon," he remarked with a hint of intrigue.

Siwon observed Goo Kim's interest with a raised eyebrow. "Specializing in weapons, huh? That's interesting," he commented.

Then Siwon's declaration cut through the tension like a knife. "This is between Goo and me. No one else gets involved, understand?" his voice rang out with authority.

Without wasting a moment, Siwon lunged forward, aiming a powerful right jab at Goo Kim.

But to Siwon's astonishment, Goo Kim swiftly maneuvered his body, slashing in an X formation with the pencil, intercepting Siwon's attack with surprising agility.

Siwon's attack came to an abrupt halt as he felt an intense, searing pain shoot through his chest.

Before he could fully comprehend what had happened, he noticed blood trickling down his upper body.

"Impressive. That's quite the lethal move," Siwon remarked through gritted teeth, his voice tinged with admiration despite the pain.


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