
Lookism: To Become The Strongest

Siwon attends Seoul Foreign School (SFS), where his striking good looks have earned him widespread recognition. However, his reputation extends far beyond mere appearance; he leads a notorious crew known as "Hunter," operating within central Seoul. Engaged in illegal activities to secure funds, His crew is continuously growing day by day. (Gen 1.5)

Goo_Kim444 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: The Start Of Expansion

The door creaked open, and Siwon's voice greeted the visitor, "Is that you, Woosung? Good to see you."

As Woosung stepped fully into the room, concern etched into his features, he remarked, "What's with your condition? You've been in another fight, haven't you? I told you to lay low. But Minho mentioned you needed my help. What's going on?"

Siwon cleared his throat before addressing Woosung, "I need your help with something, Woosung. It's regarding the drug business."

Woosung's eyebrows arched in surprise. "Oh, really? So, are you suddenly all about chasing more profits?" he asked incredulously.

Siwon sighed, his expression grave. "I don't have much of a choice. Even if I don't want to do it, it's become necessary."

Woosung's voice carried a wry amusement as he spoke, "Let me guess, you got recruited by those two?"

Siwon's surprise was evident. "How did you know?" he inquired.

With a knowing smirk, Woosung replied, "How could I not? I'm not exactly out of the loop when it comes to what's happening in Seoul. I've heard all about those two recruiting the best of the best crews in the city."

Siwon's tone was direct as he asked, "Putting that aside... So, are you willing to lend a hand with the business?"

Woosung hesitated for a moment before replying, "It depends. I've left the 'Hunter' crew behind and am working independently now."

Siwon cut to the chase. "Let's not beat around the bush. Are you in or not?"

Woosung's proposal was straightforward. "Here's the deal: I get 45% of our monthly earnings."

Siwon's eyebrows raised in surprise. "You're aware those two are demanding 100 million Won a month from me, right? If you're asking for 45%, then I'll have to pass."

Woosung remained unfazed. "Only 100 million Won a month? With you trying to expanding territory and my expertise, we could easily rake in 600 to 700 million Won monthly. We might even take our business global, tripling our profits. What do you say?"

Woosung's confidence shone through as he added, "You know me, Siwon. When I say it, I mean it. You focus on expanding our territory, and I'll handle the rest."

Extending his hand towards Siwon, Woosung proposed, "So, do we have a deal?"

Siwon firmly grasped Woosung's hand, sealing the agreement. "Alright, it's a deal," he affirmed.

Woosung inquired, "So, where are you planning to expand first?"

Siwon considered for a moment before responding, "I'm thinking of focusing on the west first. There's a lot of weak gangs and small-time crews over there. After that, I'll likely move on to the north."

Nodding in approval, Woosung commented, "That sounds like a solid plan. But what about the south? Are you planning to expand there too?"

Siwon shook his head emphatically. "Absolutely not. You know how intense things can get in the south. Most of the gangs and crews there are bigger and their combat force is nothing to scoff at."

"After all," Siwon continued, "we're not weak, but the crews down south are on a whole different level. I'll expand there eventually, but not right now."

Woosung nodded in understanding. "Got it. I'll focus on improving the drugs we distribute. While what we have now is good, the changes I'll make will result in even greater profits."

Woosung's confidence radiated as he remarked, "If our territory keeps expanding, In no time.. we'll soon become the top supplier in Central Seoul."

After a brief pause, Woosung continued, "Well then, I suppose it's time for me to get going. There's some matters I need to attend to before diving into work."

Siwon nodded in acknowledgment. "Alright then," he said as Woosung made his exit, disappearing through the doorway.






Siwon's phone rang, and he quickly answered to hear Minho's urgent voice on the other end. "Siwon, we've managed to secure about 5% of the territory in the west. But we're facing some serious trouble. The boss of one of the rival crews is tearing through our members."

Siwon listened intently before replying, "So, the west isn't a cakewalk after all, huh?"

Minho sighed. "Definitely not. I'll do my best to hold him off until you get here."



As Siwon approached, his footsteps echoed with determination. "I've heard you're the one causing chaos among our crew," he stated firmly.

Before him stood the imposing figure of the leader, his grip tight around Minho's neck, trying to overpower him. "So, you're the scumbag leading this sorry excuse for a crew? Come closer, I'll show you what real power looks like," the leader growled menacingly.

Siwon's voice cut through the tension like a blade. "I'll give you until the count of three. If you don't release him by then, I'll have no choice but to end you."

He started the count with authority. "One."

The leader's just laughs.

Siwon pressed on, his tone unwavering. "Two."

Finally, he reached the crucial moment. "Three."

Siwon's expression hardened. "This was your choice, I offered you a chance to walk away."

The leader attempted to speak, but his words were abruptly silenced.

In a blink of an eye, Siwon had Minho cradled in his arms, unconscious but safe.

Meanwhile, the leader found himself in the air, his body bearing numerous wounds inflicted by Siwon's swift actions.

Confusion clouded the leader's mind as he struggled to comprehend his predicament. "Why does my body ache... and why am I.... floating?" he questioned, his consciousness slipping away as darkness encroached. 

It turns out that Siwon's attack is so fast, that he landed approximately 12 blows and throwed the leader in the air.

As the leader crashed onto the unforgiving concrete floor, unconsciousness swiftly claimed him.

Siwon's disappointment was palpable as he surveyed the scene. "Just another disappointment,"


A/N: I'll be taking a brief hiatus from writing for the next 2-3 days due to an important things I need to manage. Look forward to reconnecting with you soon. Until then, take care!