
Lookism: To Become The Strongest

Siwon attends Seoul Foreign School (SFS), where his striking good looks have earned him widespread recognition. However, his reputation extends far beyond mere appearance; he leads a notorious crew known as "Hunter," operating within central Seoul. Engaged in illegal activities to secure funds, His crew is continuously growing day by day. (Gen 1.5)

Goo_Kim444 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Confrontation

Siwon realized he had attracted a lot of attention after the fight. Acting swiftly, he left the scene and ran, but he didn't go too far from the school. Soon, he stopped.

"Someone from the crowd must have followed me. They could be a member of the Gang, or they might have informed their kind of boss from the school," Siwon realized.

As Siwon paused, catching his breath, he heard the distinct sound of footsteps approaching from behind.

Turning around, he was met with a surprising sight: a large group of more than 50 students, with one of them at the forefront brandishing a menacing metal bat.

Siwon raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Just as I suspected. So, who are you?" he asked, his gaze sweeping over the assembled group, assessing the situation.

"You've got guts, showing up in our territory all by yourself," the man at the front remarked.

"But let me introduce myself. I'm Jaehyun, the leader of the 'Black Death' Gang," Jaehyun declared with a sense of authority.

Siwon nodded, acknowledging Jaehyun's introduction. "Nice to meet you, Jaehyun. We could have been friends, you know? Helping each other out. But what did you do? You attacked us for no reason," Siwon responded calmly, his voice carrying a hint of disappointment.

Jaehyun leveled his metal bat at Siwon, his voice dripping with defiance. "So what's your move, huh? You think you're gonna take us all on? Reality check, buddy. You walked into our turf alone, and now you're completely surrounded."

A smirk played across Jaehyun's lips as he continued, "You think we're just some run-of-the-mill gang that lets you off easy after a beatdown? Sure, we'll let you live. But you'll be lucky if you ever walk straight again. Got that?"

Siwon met Jaehyun's gaze with a cool confidence.

"A lot of people have talked big to me before, Jaehyun. But you know what? They usually end up in one place after tangling with me: the hospital," Siwon retorted with a smirk of his own.

Siwon moved swiftly, aiming a kick at Jaehyun's face, but he was promptly intercepted by the other gang members who deflected his attack with kicks of their own.

"Overprotective, aren't we?" Siwon remarked with a wry smile.

Then, with lightning speed, Siwon grabbed Jaehyun by the face and hurled him with tremendous force.

Jaehyun collided with a nearby wall, the impact causing it to crack upon impact.

"What a letdown. All talk and no action," Siwon muttered with disappointment etched on his face. "I was expecting a challenge, but it seems I overestimated you. Let's just finish this."

As the gang members surged forward, intent on attacking him, Siwon sprang into action, leaping gracefully into the air to evade their onslaught.

With calculated precision, he swiftly dispatched each member one by one, his movements fluid and his strikes landing with pinpoint accuracy.





As the dust settled and only one member remained standing, Siwon shot him a quizzical look.

"You didn't join the brawl until now? Are you feeling a bit hesitant? Don't worry, I promise I won't hurt you too badly," Siwon taunted with a smirk.

However, to Siwon's surprise, the lone member suddenly closed the distance with lightning speed, appearing right in front of Siwon's face, catching him off guard.

With remarkable speed and precision, the lone member unleashed a swift two-punch combination that landed squarely on Siwon's face, sending him stumbling backward.

"Impressive," Siwon remarked with a hint of admiration, rubbing his jaw where the punches had landed. "You might actually be worth my time."

Regaining his composure, Siwon swiftly transitioned into a Taekwondo stance, his muscles tensing as he prepared for a powerful front kick.

Suddenly before he could deliver the front kick, Siwon found himself caught off guard by the swift two-punch combination. The blows landed with surprising force, causing him to reel backward.

As he recovered, Siwon couldn't help but admire his opponent's technique.

"This guy... His punches are deceptively simple yet perfectly executed," Siwon mused to himself. "That's why in a straight-up exchange of speed, it's difficult for me to anticipate."

Before he could fully react, Siwon found himself struck by the combination once more, his defenses momentarily faltering against the relentless assault.

The relentless onslaught continued, each time Siwon attempted to mount an offense, his opponent swiftly countered with the same combination.

"Simple yet deadly," Siwon remarked, acknowledging the effectiveness of his opponent's technique. "You've got a unique style, kid. Setting you apart from the rest."

With a smirk, Siwon continued, "But is that all you've got?"

Siwon shifted into a boxing stance, his muscles tensing as he prepared to throw a punch. In response, the member prepared his movements, readying the same combination once again.

"Here's the thing, kid," Siwon began, his voice calm but firm. "Even if your move is flawless, it's still just one move. And one move becomes predictable over time as you keep using it."

With lightning reflexes, Siwon stopped his initial punch, seamlessly transitioning into a left and right weaving motion to elegantly evade the oncoming combination.

In the blink of an eye, Siwon launched a precise right jab that connected squarely with the member's face.

But he wasn't done yet. Without missing a beat, Siwon followed up with a swift left jab, delivering another precise blow to the member's face.

With just two swift strikes, the member staggered back, nearly unconscious from the impact.

"Did you... copy my combination?" the member stammered, disbelief evident in his voice.

Siwon shrugged nonchalantly. "What do you mean? It was simple to replicate. Just a left and right jab. But what you did, it's different. You've somehow mastered it in your own way," Siwon remarked, his tone casual yet filled with respect.

"You don't understand, You jus-" the member began, but before he could finish his sentence, he slumped into unconsciousness.

Siwon glanced at him briefly, a hint of indifference in his expression. "Whatever. At least I had some fun," he muttered to himself. "I better get out of here before the cops show up."

With that, Siwon swiftly departed from the scene, disappearing into the shadows before the authorities could arrive.