
Lookism: To Become The Strongest

Siwon attends Seoul Foreign School (SFS), where his striking good looks have earned him widespread recognition. However, his reputation extends far beyond mere appearance; he leads a notorious crew known as "Hunter," operating within central Seoul. Engaged in illegal activities to secure funds, His crew is continuously growing day by day. (Gen 1.5)

Goo_Kim444 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter 1: Conflicts

"Siwon, those kids from the other school are causing chaos among our group. They've been targeting our schoolmates, particularly our crew members," Minho stated, his face contorted with anger.

Siwon smirked coolly in response. "Let them carry on. They seem to believe they're above us, don't they?"

Minho's frustration showed as he urged, "Can't we at least dispatch our own members to confront them? Show them who they're really dealing with."

"I'll address them in due time. But for now, we have more pressing matters at hand," Siwon replied with a stern expression, indicating the seriousness of their current situation.

"I've just received some news. There's someone out there aiming to recruit the top crews in Seoul, and they're setting their sights on us," Siwon relayed with a grave tone.

"So, what's the game plan? I've caught wind of this too, and they're no laughing matter. They effortlessly dismantled our rivals from Gangbuk region because they refused to comply," Minho responded, his concern palpable.

"Well, I'm open to negotiation. If they come with a compelling offer or a valid reason, I'm willing to consider it. However, if the rumors I've heard are true and they're resorting to coercion, threatening to dismantle crews that refuse, then we'll have no choice but to stand our ground," Siwon stated, a worried expression shadowing his face.

"I can hardly believe it myself. It seems like there are just two of them trying to coerce crews into working for them. But mark my words, Siwon, even if they're just a duo, they're formidable," Minho remarked.

"You're absolutely right about that. That's precisely why I intend to take on these individuals myself incase something goes wrong. It's been far too long since I've faced a worthy adversary. You know the drill, Minho," Siwon said, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I've been searching for a challenger worth my time. So far, everyone I've encountered has been weak, easily dispatched with a few blows. I'm eager to see what these two have to offer, but I'm also apprehensive," Siwon added, a hint of excitement mixed with concern in his voice.

"Anyway, shifting gears. How's business?" Siwon inquired.

"It's been solid. Our drug distribution in the area is thriving, and I'm considering expansion down the line. Right now, though, funds are tight. But we'll manage," Minho replied.

"Got it. If that's all, I should head out. Got to clean up the mess those high schoolers stirred up in our crew," Siwon said, preparing to leave.

"Stay calm, Siwon. They're just high schoolers, clueless about the real game. Teach them a lesson, that should straighten things out," Minho remarked, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I can't guarantee anything," Siwon replied, his tone nonchalant.

Siwon's smirk widened. "You know, Minho, anything is possible."


"Fine, fine... Just don't get carried away and end up killing them," Minho chuckled.

"Those students, they're near Seongnam, right?" Siwon inquired.

"Yeah, precisely. Korea International School," Minho confirmed.

"Alright then, I should get going." Siwon said his goodbyes and finally left the place.







Siwon's footsteps echoed as he approached the group of four students nearby.

"Excuse me, are you all by chance from Korea International School?" Siwon inquired.

One of the students nodded. "Yes, we are. Why do you ask? You seem to be from a different school. What's your business here?"

"Well, I've got some matters to attend to here. By the way... Do any of you happen to know who's considered the authority figure around here?" Siwon inquired.

Recognizing him, one of the students exclaimed, "Wait, isn't that Siwon? The guy from SFS? And the leader of the 'Hunter' Crew?"

Siwon grinned, acknowledging the recognition. "Impressive that you know that. Yes, that's me."

In a matter of seconds after Siwon had spoken that words, all four students suddenly launched attacks from every angle.

Siwon swiftly leaped into the air, deftly dodging each strike.

"Whoa, getting a bit aggressive, aren't we?" Siwon smirked, unfazed by the sudden onslaught.

With a swift movement, he raised his legs and delivered a downward kick, hitting one of the students.

The force of the blow caused the student to immediately lose consciousness.

In a blur of speed, Siwon dashed forward and grabbed another student around the waist, swiftly slamming him to the ground.

Another opponent down.

The two remaining students hesitated, unsure whether to attack or retreat.

In a flash, Siwon darted towards them with lightning speed, grabbing their faces with a powerful grip before forcefully slamming them to the ground.

In just 10 seconds, he swiftly incapacitated all four students.

"That was a nice warm-up," Siwon remarked as he stretched his arms.