
Lookism: The Road to Unstoppable Strength

A young boy, born with a fragile heart, develops a deep passion for Martial Arts. However, his journey takes a tragic turn when he succumbs to heart failure at the age of 20. Despite this, his ambitious dreams drive him forward, leading to a unique opportunity to transmigrate into an alternate universe inspired by his beloved fighting anime and comics. With a newfound ability, he embarks on a quest to attain ultimate strength. Yet, his path to power proves to be far more complex than he initially anticipated, as an unexpected twist awaits him. My native language is not English, so don’t expect much there might be grammar mistakes. This novel will be in an alternate crossover universe so there will be changes and will not follow the canon much. It will follow its new path. Disclaimer: I don't own characters from Lookism, Baki, Teenage Mercenary, The Bully in Charge, Boss in school verse except for my Original Characters. This is my first time writing. I just started writing because I can't seem to find any good fanfiction.

VoidSlay · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Scheming Proposition and Rudra's Revenge

Eugene, with a scheming demeanour, approached Rudra and made his proposition clear.

"Sir Rudra, I can obtain information regarding the location of the hostages. In exchange for this crucial information, I request that you eliminate Charles Choi, the Chairman of HNH Group." Eugene stated, his intentions were clear and calculated.

Eugene's motives became evident: he sought to disclose the identity of the individual responsible for the incident and had no involvement in Charles Choi's scheme. The information he possessed had been acquired through a spy working for Charles Choi, a connection that allowed Eugene to gather crucial details.

Now, he saw an opportunity to leverage this knowledge to his advantage, putting forth his proposal to Rudra in hopes of achieving his desired outcome.

Rudra's voice carried a sly tone as he revealed his decision. "Well, I will eliminate Charles, but I'll do it my way."

With a cunning smirk on his face, he continued, "How about this? I will offer you the chance to work under the Ananta Group. Not only that, but I will also appoint you as the Chairman of HNH Group. However, if you choose to refuse, I will dismantle your entire organization." he stated, his words laced with a veiled threat.

Rudra presented Eugene with a proposition. On one side, he extended an invitation for Eugene to join the esteemed Ananta Group and gain a prestigious role. Contrarily, Rudra emphasized his possession of indicting information about 'Workers' unlawfully connected business and their executives, capable of demolishing his entire organization if Eugene dared to oppose him.

The smirk on Rudra's face hinted at the power and authority he held, amplifying the weight of his words. Eugene had to carefully consider his options, knowing that crossing Rudra could lead to dire consequences. The choice presented a delicate balance between self-preservation and seizing an opportunity for greater influence and success.

Recognizing the potential benefits and the dire consequences of defying Rudra, Eugene decided to accept his offer. The temptation of aligning himself with the influential Ananta Group and assuming the role of Chairman of HNH Group was undeniably attractive. However, Eugene's acceptance was not solely driven by personal gain; he also acknowledged Rudra's immense power and influence.

Disregarding someone of Rudra's calibre, especially considering his association with the formidable ally Sunshine Group, seemed ill-advised. Eugene fully understood that crossing Rudra could spell trouble, both for himself and his organization. Above all, Eugene understood that accepting the offer would serve as a means to eliminate his enemy, Charles.

Seeing how smart Eugene was, Rudra was prepared to invest in Eugene. And Rudra already had a plan to take down Charles because he couldn't stand Charles playing dirty games with him.



Once Eugene set off to uncover the hostages' location in Seoul.

Rudra's eyes narrowed with a chilling determination. He made up a plan, realizing that simply killing Charles would be too kind. Rudra craved to make him suffer, to inflict pain that would annihilate him both inside and out. Given his inclination for playing dirty. He relished the opportunity to give Charles a taste of his own medicine.

"Rooh, gather all the executives here immediately," declared Rudra with firm determination.

As Rudra pondered, his thoughts racing, he reflected on Rooh's investigation and its findings. 'Hmm, so Charles possesses status akin to that of pure-blood individuals, and the entire 0th generation is insanely strong, giving a run for the money to those who worked hard to master ancient arts. No doubt, their dominant bloodline genes are no joke.'

After half an hour, in the expansive underground hall of the Ananta Security Service Agency, all the Executive members from various affiliates had gathered for an urgent meeting called by their Chairman, Rudra.

Rudra arrived and took his seat in the commanding Big Chair, asserting his authority. Simultaneously, the rest of the attendees positioned themselves in two parallel lines, occupying their respective seats.

"You all must have heard the brief situation. The Ananta Group will commence an all-out war against the Chairman of the HNH Group. This meeting has been called to discuss everyone's roles and positions in the upcoming conflict." Rudra declared in an authoritative tone, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

Rudra gives them all their specific tasks in preparation to make Charles Choi suffer.

Afterwards, Rudra provides the cultivation method to Daegun and Jin, offering them the means to improve their physical condition and enhance their skills. Rudra has full confidence in their reliability. He envisions a future where they surpass numerous opponents through their mastery of martial arts, amplified by the infusion of this refined energy. This combination not only accelerates their strength but also unveils their immense potential.

Later in a rush, Rudra quickly departs from his headquarters, hastily by car.



Two hours later, Rudra reached the police station in Chungcheong and parked his car. As he stepped out, his imposing figure and well-built physique became noticeable, exuding an aura of strength. With purposeful strides, he approached the entrance of the police station.

Inside the police station, Rudra's eyes caught sight of a name tag bearing the name Jichang Kwak. Filled with confidence, he approached the inspector's desk and took the initiative to start a conversation.

"Officer Jichang. I would like to file a complaint," Rudra stated firmly, standing tall before the officer.

The officer welcomed him and encouraged him to take a seat, expressing genuine interest in hearing his story. "Yes, please have a seat and provide all the details about the culprit." the officer responded passionately.

"Thank you," Rudra expressed with gratitude, settling himself in a seat across from the officer's desk.

"I'm here to file a complaint against Charles Choi, for manipulating the evidence of the murder mystery of Gapryong Kim," Rudra stated firmly.

Upon hearing Charles's name, officer Jichang Kwak's eyebrows were raised, and he looked at Rudra with a hint of hesitation. "Hmm, in that case, take this. It has the address where you can file the complaint." the officer instructed, handing Rudra a document with the specific address written on it.

"Ah, alright. I'll head there right away," Rudra replied with a confident smirk on his face.

As Rudra swiftly departed from the police station, Officer Jichang Kwak couldn't shake off his hesitancy. He reached for his mobile phone and dialled a number urgently, feeling a sense of suspicion.

"We have a suspicious-looking individual heading your way. Be prepared to apprehend him." Jichang quickly relayed over the phone. "I'll join you as soon as possible."

With a sense of urgency, Officer Jichang Kwak informed his colleagues to be on alert and take necessary action upon Rudra's arrival, concerned that Rudra's presence may pose a potential threat or require further investigation.

Rudra's purpose for being there was straightforward: to gather the evidence needed to make Charles Choi endure suffering and to see the former king's prowess.

A sly grin formed on Rudra's face as he contemplated his plans.

"Haha, I won't let Charles die peacefully," Rudra whispered to himself. 'I will dismantle him piece by piece. It's much more satisfying to take everything from your enemy, anything they hold dear. That's what true revenge is all about, isn't it?' he mused, enjoying the idea of exacting revenge, thoroughly and completely.