
Lookism: The Road to Unstoppable Strength

A young boy, born with a fragile heart, develops a deep passion for Martial Arts. However, his journey takes a tragic turn when he succumbs to heart failure at the age of 20. Despite this, his ambitious dreams drive him forward, leading to a unique opportunity to transmigrate into an alternate universe inspired by his beloved fighting anime and comics. With a newfound ability, he embarks on a quest to attain ultimate strength. Yet, his path to power proves to be far more complex than he initially anticipated, as an unexpected twist awaits him. My native language is not English, so don’t expect much there might be grammar mistakes. This novel will be in an alternate crossover universe so there will be changes and will not follow the canon much. It will follow its new path. Disclaimer: I don't own characters from Lookism, Baki, Teenage Mercenary, The Bully in Charge, Boss in school verse except for my Original Characters. This is my first time writing. I just started writing because I can't seem to find any good fanfiction.

VoidSlay · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Meeting: Workers!

"Who sent it? Who is this from?" asked Rudra, getting enraged.

Inside the box were two eyeballs containing a photograph depicting Johan and his mother.

"Sir, we could not determine the sender. We interrogated the individual who delivered it, but he was merely a messenger who received an anonymous payment for the task." informed Jin.

'Who could it be, and why would they use Johan as leverage against me?' Rudra pondered aloud.

'Johan isn't even my family or anything. Wait, is it because I rescued Johan from Charles Choi's henchmen? It may be Charles's way of keeping me in check, or perhaps it's the handiwork of Eugene. Ha, all I wanted was to protect that child because he reminded me of my past, but now I've only made his life worse.'

"Rooh, I believe it could be either the HNH Group led by Charles Choi or the actions of the Workers. Investigate both possibilities," Rudra instructed, regaining his composure.

"Understood, Master Rudra" responded Rooh dutifully.

Having received her perfect body, Rooh had extensively scanned and absorbed vast knowledge from the internet, including hacking techniques and related information. This made it relatively easy for her to acquire the necessary information, which is why she handled the information department of the Ananta Groups.

Following Rudra's orders, Rooh promptly departed, leaving Rudra deep in thought about the challenging predicament they were facing.

Knock! Knock!

"Yeah, come in," Rudra replied.

"Sir, Chairman Eugene from the Workers has arrived and is waiting in the guest room to meet you," one of the escort members informed while bowing down.

"Alright, I'll be there shortly," said Rudra.

'Excellent, now I'll uncover the true culprit, and if it turns out to be him, I can take care of him right here,' Rudra thought to himself.

He swiftly exited his cabin, heading towards the guest room.



Rudra entered the meeting room, accompanied by Jin.

As he stepped inside, Rudra observed three individuals. On the right stood a large, imposing figure, about 7 feet tall, while on the other side was a man of smaller stature, wearing a cap that obscured his face. In the center sat a casually dressed individual in pajamas.

Rudra pondered, 'Hmm, the bigger one is likely Mandeok, the one with the cap must be Yuseong, and the one in the center must be Eugene.'

The man in casual clothes, upon noticing Rudra's arrival, immediately stood up from the sofa.

"Hello, sir Rudra. I am Eugene, the Chairman of Workers. It's a pleasure to see you," he greeted, extending his hand for a handshake with a genuine smile.

"Yeah, nice to meet you, Eugene," Rudra responded, disregarding the offered handshake and taking his seat on the opposite side.

Despite being dismissed, Eugene remained undeterred and maintained a positive smile as they settled back onto the sofa.

"Eugene, right? Tell me what compelled the chairman of Workers to come here in person." Rudra demanded, exuding dominance.

"Ahem, Sir Rudra, I have heard a lot about you and wanted to greet you personally, considering our shared field. I genuinely admire you." Eugene replied sincerely, with a slight smile.

"That's all well and good, but cut the pleasantries and get straight to the point. What is your motive?" Rudra snapped, growing irritated.

"Sir Rudra, the workers desire a friendly relationship with Ananta groups, and to foster that, we have prepared a gift for you with the hope of maintaining a positive connection." Eugene stated with a faint smile.

The imposing figure of the Mandeok Bang respectfully presented some documents of a resort.

"Sir, this is a humble offering from the Chairman, a resort in Jeju. We would be delighted if you would accept it," Mandeok expressed in his deep tone.

"Ha, you despicable person! I specifically asked you to reveal your motives. I have no interest in participating in your deceitful plans, you worthless individuals!" Rudra, uttered, getting furious.

Observing Rudra insulting his chairman, Yuseong, the small-stature guy wearing a cap, grew furious and was about to impulsively rush towards Rudra.

Rudra was a formidable individual, and Eugene was well aware of his volatile nature. To avoid making him an enemy, Eugene quickly intervened and prevented his bodyguard Yuseong from engaging in any impulsive or reckless actions.

"Chairman Rudra, our intention was solely to convey our goodwill. If you're not receptive to it, then allow me to be direct. Sir Rudra, I am certain that you have recently received a box," Eugene stated, his demeanour returning to a state of calmness.

Hearing Eugene's words, Rudra abruptly interrupted the conversation, charging forward and grabbing Eugene by the neck.



With a strained gasp, Eugene struggled to speak as Rudra tightly gripped him by the neck, cutting off his breath. Rudra's fury blazed as he questioned Eugene, his voice seething with anger.

"So, you're the one responsible for this? You should have revealed it from the beginning." Rudra demanded furiously, maintaining his firm grip on Eugene's neck while suspending him in mid-air.

During this intense moment, Rooh entered the room.

While Rudra grabbed Eugene by the neck unexpectedly, Yuseong and Mandeok were unaware and taken aback. They quickly rushed towards Rudra, preparing to retaliate.


Rooh noticed Yuseong charging towards her Master, Rudra. Filled with rage, Rooh swiftly activated her incredible speed, launching herself into a flying kick that connected directly with Yuseong's left side ribs. The impact was forceful, sending Yuseong hurtling to the other side of the room.


The sound echoed throughout the space.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Jin swiftly intercepted Mandeok, preventing him from advancing further by engaging him in a battle of their own.


Mandeok unleashed a powerful punch fueled by his raw strength, striking Jin with devastating force and pushing him backwards.

Undeterred, Jin swiftly regained his footing and retaliated, charging at Mandeok with a knife in hand. This time, Jin aimed to pierce Mandeok's neck with a slash, but despite the attack, Mandeok remained relatively unscathed. His skin proved to be exceptionally resilient, making it difficult to inflict serious damage upon him.

Just then, Rudra rushed towards Mandeok while grabbing Eugene in his right hand.


Rudra's left hand clamped tightly around Mandeok's neck, seizing control of the situation. Using his extraordinary prowess, Rudra effortlessly hurled Mandeok towards the ground, causing the floor to shatter upon impact. A deafening shockwave echoed through the room, leaving Mandeok's eyes wide with shock as he tumbled down to the floor below.

Rudra released his grip on Eugene, who was struggling to breathe.

Kaff! Kaff! Kaff!

Coughing heavily, Eugene gasped for air on the ground.

"Now, let's continue our interrupted conversation. Are you the one responsible for that incident?" Rudra inquired.

"It's not us. Why would we target someone of pure blood? We only sought to establish a friendly relationship with Ananta Groups," Eugene replied, taking deep breaths.

"Master Rudra, he is speaking the truth. I have inspected the matter, and it was Charles Choi who orchestrated everything. He abducted Johan's mother and took Johan from the hospital, which he sponsors." said Rooh with an indifferent expression.
