
Lookism: Pornhwa

Basically, what if Lookism was a pornhwa? Daniel discovers he now has a second body and takes full advantage of it. A/N: At the start, Daniel is still socially awkward, but as he meets more girls, he starts to become more confident and has more rizz. Caution: This is a Harem story, so MC will be more of a scumbag and has purely physical relationships with girls. NTR-haters rejoice, there will not be any in this story. I'm only writing this because I am bored at work and I wanted to practice writing romance and R18 scenes. There is going to be more 'plot' than actual plot, so, just a heads up. I created a new account to post this story because I didn't want my previous works to be associated with this story. Maybe one of you can guess who I am from my writing style.

PeakCulture · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs


Daniel, who didn't catch that exchange between the girls, simply answered, "That's because I just transferred to Jae Won High School this semester. It will be my first day next week."

Hana's eyes brightened, 'Oh my god, is this an opportunity given by God? Such a handsome man and no one else from our school knows about him yet… this is my chance!'

She immediately latched on to Daniel's arm and pressed it against her chest. "Wow! So we are like the first people you have met from Jae Won High School? This must be fate! My name is Hana, what's yours, oppa?"

Daniel's eyes widened at the sudden physical intimacy that came out of nowhere. 'What the, why is she suddenly…!'

"Uhm, my name is Daniel… Daniel Park. Nice to meet you." He introduced himself stiffly, after being so close to a girl for the first time in his life.

'It's… it's soft.' He felt the two plump breasts of Hana press against his toned arm, even through the padding of the bra she wore, his mind went haywire from the springiness of the high school girl's chest.

Hana on the other hand had her own thoughts, 'Is he shy? Kyaaa! How cute! This oppa is so handsome, but it looks like he doesn't have much experience with girls? Dear God, thank you for this gift. I share I will make a plentiful donation next time at church.'

Her friends were watching with shocked gazes as well. Mainly at the audacity of Hana. They knew Hana wasn't the type of girl who would throw herself at guys, though she had a boyfriend in the past. So they were slightly stunned at the sudden boldness of their friend.

But then they started understanding what Hana had realized a step ahead of them.

A handsome guy who had yet to be snatched up by the other girls at their school. They were the first ones from Jae Won High that he had met. That meant the four of them had a leg up on all the other girls…

A second girl latched on to Daniel's other arm, "Nice to meet you Daniel! I'm Sophie, welcome to Jae Won High!"

"My name is Brooke, welcome!"

"I'm Olivia, do you have a girlfriend, Daniel?"

Daniel felt a little overwhelmed from the girls who suddenly crowded him, "Ah, th-thank you! I feel welcomed already… and eh, a girlfriend?? Something like that… I don't…"

The girls' eyes seemed to flash with a predatory glint. Hana especially looked at who she considered to be her closest friends with the glare of a hyena not willing to share her spoils.

Nearly growling, Hana laughed with hostility, "Hey you guys are suffocating Daniel, give him some space won't you?"

'This bitch…' The other three thought in unison.

"I think Daniel doesn't have a problem this. Right, Daniel?"

The boy in question felt his face warming up even more. His left arm was wrapped in Hana's sizable cleavage, while his right arm was pressed up firmly against another set of breasts that belonged to Sophie.

The other girl was wearing a white t shirt with a red flannel outerwear. And though her melons were not as big as Hana's, something else was brought to the forefront of Daniel's attention.

'I-Is she not wearing a bra…!?'

Daniel could feel stiff nubs pushing against his arm. And he also couldn't feel anything that felt like a bra underneath Sophie's clothes.

'Which means… that thin layer of fabric is the only thing between her bare breasts and my skin?'

Daniel felt his mouth getting even drier as the girls bickered around him.

'T-this is bad, I can feel my little brother standing to attention! If they see me getting hard in the middle of the street, no matter how handsome I am, I will look like a pervert!'

"Ahem, sorry to cut this short, but I have some errands to run…" Daniel interrupted their bickering by clearing his throat to get their attention.

Hana immediately pounced, not wanting to let him go. "Where are you going oppa, we will go with you!"

"Yeah! We didn't have any plans anyway. Did you just move here? We will show you around town!" The other girls chimed in with their own offers of bringing him around. Hana and the other girl's embrace on his arms seemed to tighten.

Daniel felt the words stuck in his throat. He had been worried that his dick might get hard in the middle of the street and be labelled as a pervert, but he felt his arousal rapidly draining as it gets replaced by frustration.

'What the hell… why are they so… desperate to accompany me? Is it just because this body is handsome? That's all it takes? You don't even know me! You don't know my personality or whether I am a nice guy or not. Just because this body is handsome, you can even shamelessly rub your nipples all over my arm? What the fuck…'

Daniel's personality started to get twisted.

'Girls are all the same. They just look at your appearance, and that's all that matters to them. A short, ugly like me doesn't have a chance no matter how nice I am or what I do… But I guess it doesn't matter anymore since I have this new body. Fuck, if they like me just because of how I look, then it doesn't matter if I'm nice to them or not right?'

Daniel felt like shouting at them, 'Just leave me alone!' He wanted to, but he didn't. He knew he had a bad temper. He had screamed at his own mother after all and he told himself he would work on this shitty temper and shitty way of speaking without thinking.

He was initially worried that they might see his dick get hard with how their young, nubile bodies were being pushed against his. But now he wasn't worried since he was more frustrated at them than aroused.

Since that was the case, he didn't really care anymore if they wanted to accompany him.

"I am going to the uniform distributor. It seemed that they sent me the wrong size, so I am going to exchange it." He told them, gesturing to the paper bag full of clothes he was holding. "And I also need to buy some new clothes. My wardrobe, uh, oh, the moving company messed up and seemed to have lost all my clothes. So I need to go buy new ones."

The girls' expressions brightened, "Oh my god! Let's go shopping! We will help you pick out clothes, oppa! We may not be in the fashion department like you, but we have good tastes!"

Daniel thought about their offer. He was sure these girls would have better fashion sense than him, so he didn't mind letting them pick out clothes for him.

"Sure. I will be counting on you then."

Hearing his agreement, the girls got excited.

'Could this be counted as our first date?'

Funnily enough, all four of them thought the exact same thing.