
Lookism: Pornhwa

Basically, what if Lookism was a pornhwa? Daniel discovers he now has a second body and takes full advantage of it. A/N: At the start, Daniel is still socially awkward, but as he meets more girls, he starts to become more confident and has more rizz. Caution: This is a Harem story, so MC will be more of a scumbag and has purely physical relationships with girls. NTR-haters rejoice, there will not be any in this story. I'm only writing this because I am bored at work and I wanted to practice writing romance and R18 scenes. There is going to be more 'plot' than actual plot, so, just a heads up. I created a new account to post this story because I didn't want my previous works to be associated with this story. Maybe one of you can guess who I am from my writing style.

PeakCulture · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs


Daniel had to go out to buy some clothes for his new body. He had 100,000 won that his mother had given him for any unexpected expenses. Having to buy clothes for his new body was certainly an unexpected expense.

He only bought a cheap pair of sweat pants, t-shirt and sliders that could fit his new body. He just needed something for his new body to wear out so that he could go out and actually try on the clothes. Daniel didn't want to just estimate the size of his new body and spend money on clothes that wouldn't fit.

Now that he had some casual clothes that could fit his new body, Daniel stepped out as the 180cm tall, perfect specimen of a man.

At first he was nervous as he stepped out of his apartment. He didn't know if a team of suspicious men in suits who claimed they worked for the government might suddenly appear and kidnap him. But Daniel thought that there wouldn't be anything he could do about that anyways so he stopped worrying about it.

He went closer to the city centre to buy more clothes, and at the same time exchange the Jae Won High School uniform for another pair that would fit his new body. Daniel had decided not to attend his new school as the old Daniel Park, but the new, handsome Daniel.

As such, there was no point in having several sets of school uniform that wouldn't fit his new body just lying around in the house. He wanted to see if he could exchange them for a new set, since he had yet to wear them.

Thankfully, Daniel knew where the uniform supplier was so he brought the old uniform with him as he headed there.

Along the way, Daniel felt strange. He felt like there were suddenly many more pairs of eyes on him. But after thinking about it, he didn't think it was strange anymore. This new body was tall and handsome with broad shoulders. Even though he was wearing a pair of cheap, navy blue sweat pants and a solid black t shirt that was a little too tight, his natural presence still drew the gazes of both men and women.

He saw a group of pretty girls walking in his direction, talking amongst themselves only to simultaneously stop and stare as he walked towards them. They were dressed in casual clothes, but looked to be about the same age as him.

Daniel was nervous when he saw them staring at him, and he couldn't help but stop as well.

"Yes?" He asked, but immediately felt stupid for doing so. 'Even if this body is good looking, wouldn't they think I am a creep for suddenly trying to talk to them? Should, should I just run away before they start scolding me?'

As Daniel considered potential exit strategies, the girls were awestruck that he had stopped to talk to them. They had been stunned to see such a handsome guy casually walking down the street that they had even thought they might have stumbled into the middle of a film set.

There group of four girls quietly stared at the handsome guy who stopped to talk to them, and Daniel was starting to feel incredibly awkward and nervous at the silence.

Until one of them gathered the courage to say something. "S-sorry for staring, oppa. It's just… we were stunned because you are so handsome…"

"Huh? Uh, thanks?" Daniel stumbled in his reply. Even though he knew this body was handsome, this was the first time someone had ever looked at him and sincerely complimented his looks.

"Whoa, this Hana, she is really brave!" One of the other girls whispered to the others in her group.

"Shit, I should have been the one to say something first…" Another commented, biting the bottom of her lips bitterly.

Hana, who was also easily the prettiest of the bunch, saw that the handsome guy wasn't reacting negatively and so she became even braver. She puffed up her chest, which was already of a considerable size, and came closer to Daniel.

"Where are you headed, oppa? Do you want to go somewhere with us?"

Daniel was shocked at the forwardness of the girl. He gazed downwards, since his own height towered over the 155cm Hana. From his point of view, he could easily see the light blue bra she was wearing from the opening of the loose tank top she was wearing.

His mouth felt dry, and he could feel his face heat up.

"Sorry, I have some errands to run." Daniel quickly spoke and made to move away. Even though he had a new body, he still felt nervous in front of a pretty girl, let alone four of them.

"Oppa, wait, what school do you go to?" Hana asked the retreating Daniel.

"Eh? Me? I… I go to Jae Won High School." Daniel reluctantly answered.

Hana's expressions brightened as she exclaimed, "What a coincidence! We go to Jae Won High School too! We are in the Beauty Department! What about you?"

Daniel smiled slightly, strangely feeling a little relieved now that he knew they were going to be his schoolmates. "Ah, I am in the Fashion and Clothing Design Department."

"Really? I guessed that you would be in the Vocal and Dance Department. Oppa looks like you could join an idol group easily!"

Daniel was a little taken aback by the sheer weight of the compliment. He felt like they barely knew each other and yet this girl was just pouring out compliments like they were free samples at a supermarket. He would have thought it disingenuous if he didn't know how handsome this body was.


Hana put on a curious expression, "But how odd. I don't think I have seen oppa before, and it would definitely have been hard to miss such a handsome oppa like you."

"Hey Hana, aren't you being a little shameless?" One of the girls nudged and whispered to her only to receive a stealthy, 'shut it!' from Hana.

Daniel, who didn't catch that exchange between the girls, simply answered, "That's because I just transferred to Jae Won High School this semester. It will be my first day next week."