
Lookism: Pornhwa

Basically, what if Lookism was a pornhwa? Daniel discovers he now has a second body and takes full advantage of it. A/N: At the start, Daniel is still socially awkward, but as he meets more girls, he starts to become more confident and has more rizz. Caution: This is a Harem story, so MC will be more of a scumbag and has purely physical relationships with girls. NTR-haters rejoice, there will not be any in this story. I'm only writing this because I am bored at work and I wanted to practice writing romance and R18 scenes. There is going to be more 'plot' than actual plot, so, just a heads up. I created a new account to post this story because I didn't want my previous works to be associated with this story. Maybe one of you can guess who I am from my writing style.

PeakCulture · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs


Daniel and his newly made friends first went to the uniform distributor. Along the way, though Hana and Sophie stopped hugging his arms, they still stuck to him closely, not willing to let him get out of their grasp.

This was the same for Brooke and Olivia, who also stuck to him like magnets being attracted.

Daniel thought he would receiving the glares of guys who saw him being surrounded by pretty girls who all seemed to be fighting for his attention, but instead he received looks of admiration that seemed to convey 'ah, that makes sense'.

'So, not only girls, even guys look at you differently if you are good looking?' Daniel realized.

The girls also shared with him more about the school he was headed to.

To be honest, though he had applied to transfer to Jae Won High School, he did not actually do much research on it beforehand. All he cared about was that it was far away from his previous school, and also the fact that it was a low-level vocational school.

Thanks to the girls, however, he learned more about his new school and its various quirks. Compared to other high schools, Jae Won High, being a preparatory vocational school, placed a lot more emphasis on practical training and work experience programs. Which meant tests and exams had less weightage as well.

Students were also given more liberty compared to peers from other schools. Students from the Beauty Department, for example, were allowed to dye their hair. Which was why all four girls had hair colours that was not the natural Korean black.

He was also told about the school gang, Burn Knuckles, made up of members from the Architecture Department. Daniel felt scared upon hearing that there was a gang in the school. He couldn't help but remember all the times he was bullied by delinquents in his old high school.

However, the girls told him that although the gang was pretty scary, they usually didn't find trouble with regular kids in school. Instead, they seemed to be more focused on fighting kids from other schools it seemed.

Daniel was a little surprised hearing that. His idea of school gangs were assholes who bullied the other kids in their school. Who knew there would be a school gang that focused more on fighting other gangsters?

When Daniel reached the uniform depository and asked to exchange his uniform, he was initially turned down by the shop assistant who was a man. But the owner of the shop who was a middle-aged but still beautiful looking woman agreed to do a 1-to-1 exchange of uniforms after seeing his appearance.

She seemed more than willing to put the tape measure around his body to measure his size, pausing for a strangely long time while measuring his inner thighs and even brushing her hand against his crotch more than once! Though she kept saying it was an accident, the drool that was coming out from the corner of her lips seemed to indicate the opposite.

Daniel was just too dazed to react properly. The woman knew how to use her developed, mature body well and kept pushing the huge melons on her chest against his body when measuring him. The measuring took way longer than was normal as a result.

Daniel remembered when he initially bought the uniform in his old body when he first moved here. He had been given a set off the rack without even being measured and then shooed off as soon as he paid.

This time round in his new body the shop owner not only took her sweet time to measure his body, giving him plenty of attention, she even asked him to try on the uniform while offering to do any alterations on the spot for him if he wanted. The difference in treatment between his old and new body was like night and day.

Daniel didn't need any alterations, however. His body was built like the perfect male model, that is to say anything he wore looked good on him even if the size was a little off.

While wearing the uniform, the shop owner looked at him with hungry eyes and asked if he wanted to model for them.

Daniel was surprised and confused at the offer. What kind of model did a uniform distributor need?

She said she just wanted to put up his pictures on the walls and outside the store. And she would pay him for it as well. 50,000 won for each photo they used.

Daniel's jaw dropped at the offer. He didn't know what was the standard rate for a model, but it seemed like a lot of money to him who was broke as hell.

He told her he would think about it, not really grasping how much money he could make from this job.

It was only later that he learned from the girls that models usually get paid per hour, especially amateur models like he would be, and the rate was around 50,000 – 150,000 won per hour depending on the appearance of the model.

Being offered 50,000 won per photo used, meant he would either get paid a lot more than the industry standard if the shop used many photos, or zero if they decided to not use any.

Before he left, the show owner gave him her business card that had her personal mobile number written on the back of it. She asked him to call her if he agreed to the modelling job, or if he had any issues with the uniforms or even if he just wanted a noona to talk with.