
Looking For Happiness.

Would you believe it if I told you that during all the 16 years I've been looking for some clichés that always happen in manga, they started to happen in my life?! But, it's not exactly how I planned! And why is my favorite manga cliché happening to me?

Naotohachioji12 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 09

With the cultural festival coming up, we are having more work every day, this week we are going to spend the night at the school to continue the preparations, I am really looking forward to spending the night there, but there is only one thing that is worrying me, Rafaela will try again attack me there? Not that it seems that I don't like it, but these attempts in vain are annoying, I've turned her down three times and she always insists on trying something, tonight I want to help more in the preparation and worry less.

The preparation of the objects is still lively, the smiles and conversations were notable, there was only one person who was isolated in the corner without interaction with anyone, I could never hear her name, and it seems that whenever she gets close to me, she runs away and doesn't even notice me. look them in the eye, it makes me low on self-esteem. I know I'm not popular, but running when I get close is too much.

While I was concentrating on the sign, I felt someone pulling my shirt, I looked back and Rafaela looked at me with a lot of embarrassment, it was as if she was going to ask me for something but she didn't know how to ask or say it.

— Paulo, I need you to do me a huge favor, can you help me? she asked, embarrassed.

- What you need?

After I said that, she pulled me by the hand out of the room and walked down the school's dark corridor without saying anything, when she got close to the girls' bathroom she stopped and stared at me.

— You know Paulo, I was ashamed to say it there in the room, but please, stay here until I finish, please. - she said entering the bathroom.

I looked through the dark corridors and the school was different, it was darker at night Rafaela was right to be afraid, but I'm a man I'm not afraid of anything and there are no ghosts here or I don't think there are.

I went back to the room with Rafaela and I was thinking about the ghosts of this school, I was thinking so much that I didn't realize there was someone behind me.

- Paul? Are you well? Rafaela said, standing behind me.

I turned around and nodded, she was standing there looking at me with a worried expression. I reached out my hand and held hers trying to calm her down, her hand was warm and extremely soft.

"Is a girl's hand that small and warm?" - I thought.

She as if she had reached the limit of her shame pulled his hand.

"H-H-how dare you take my hand without first asking?" Are you becoming a pervert? she stammered.

She moved slightly away from me while holding tight the hand I held she looked very nervous and happy at the same time, I confess that she has very cute reactions, but she is quite insistent on what she wants.


The night passed and the work had advanced quickly, there were very few things to be done and the classes turned into part-time classes, the final exams advanced every day, the fear of failing or failing the test was growing, in the next semester Julia will leave the girls' school and go to the same school as me, and I just hope that she will leave me alone and not be chasing me so much.

As I was very tired I decided to go straight to my house, today dad wouldn't be home and I would have the house to myself and I could have a peaceful day, or that's what I thought I had forgotten that Júlia would be home home today, goodbye day of peace and quiet I would have.

— Now all that was missing was Julia attacking me again like she did back in the square. - said whiledextranc at the door.

— Welcome back onii-chan, do you want to take a shower first, have lunch or do you want me? she said as she greeted me at the door.

When I looked at her I was totally embarrassed, she was only wearing an apron and it looked like she wasn't wearing anything underneath, so scared to see her I closed my eyes quickly.

"Idiot, what are you doing naked?" – I asked scared.

She then smiled and lowered an apron strap and walked over to me.

— Onii-chan your reactions are so cute, you really don't want to see your sister like that do you? I'm not attractive to you onii? she said as she hugged my arm.

The softness, and softness felt like puddings touching my arm.

"So soft, so this is what a girl's breasts are like?" I thought as I wiped the blood from my nose.

She smiled when she saw me wiping the blood from my nose, it looked like her goal was achieved, then she walked away and turned around.

- What a shameOnii-chan, I'm in a bikini, but seeing her desperate reaction was so cute. she said as she smiled and slowly walked away from me.

Seeing her trolling me like this was humiliating, now how am I going to look at her without feeling ashamed now? I really don't know what's going on in her head and what she wants with all this, trying to understand what's going on in women's minds is hard work.

These initiatives that she's taking what does she want with that? First there was the bathroom event, then the square event, and now this is where she wants to go? I'm scared that our relationship will reach a point where there's no going back and I have to stop that from happening anyway.


"Hi Paulo, are you ready for our meeting? We'll meet at the end of the cultural festival, I hope you're there, I'm looking forward to our meeting."

Wow, wasn't I the one who would have to mark the place and the day? Since she was the one who set everything up, what is she trying to do with this, will I finally see who this person is who has been calling me every day wanting me to find out who she is? I can't wait to see how Rafaela will look dressed as a neko, she must look really cute in this outfit.

The question of that stranger wanting to meet me like this means that her guessing game didn't work out, I'm curious to know who she is, she gave some clues and somehow her voice is very familiar to me it reminds me of someone I knew in childhood, but I don't remember his face or his name well.

- Paul! Dinner is ready, come to dinner. Mom yelled from the stairs.

I finished my shower and went to get ready in the room, when I opened the doorJulia I was sitting on the bed, I got a huge scare when I saw her.

— Julia, don't sit on other people's beds so lightly, your room is next door; what are you doing in my room?

After saying that, I tried to calm down from the scare that was there when I saw her in my room, after all, what was she doing there?

— nii-nii you're so boring, your room doesn't have any magazines or eroge games, I've looked through everything and found nothing. she said while giving a mischievous smile.

— Don't assume your crimes so blatantly and even more so with that smile, what are you doing in my room? I asked.

— Same annoying as always, okay I'm leaving now. she said as she got up and walked towards me.

I went towards the closet, on the way I tripped on the rug andunbalanced falling on top of Julia who was nearby.

— Onii-chan that hurt. she said as she looked at me with embarrassment.

When I saw that scene, I was amazed and nervous, my shame and nervousness had reached the limit.

— I'm sorry Julia, I tripped and ended up falling on top of you, were you hurt? I asked.

As I tried to get up Júlia crossed her arms around my neck and prevented me from getting up.

— Onii-chan.

After saying that, she stopped a little and looked me in the eyes and took a deep breath.

"You know, I wanted to tell you that…

— Children, hurry up, the food will get cold. Mom yelled.

After being interrupted by our mother, she then shut up and let go of my neck, I got up from the floor and she ran away without even looking back, I got ready and went down, at dinner she didn't look at me at all the first dinner I attended it was silent and Júlia hadn't spoken or looked at me, it was all too strange and I could no longer think what could be happening to Júlia for a while now acting so strange lately.

I can't ask her directly so I'll have to wait for her to tell me what's going on, however waiting for this answer is causing so many strange events between me and her that it's hard to even understand what's going on in her head, will it be that someday I'll understand what she's really thinking, or will she tell me what she really intends?