
Looking For Happiness.

Would you believe it if I told you that during all the 16 years I've been looking for some clichés that always happen in manga, they started to happen in my life?! But, it's not exactly how I planned! And why is my favorite manga cliché happening to me?

Naotohachioji12 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 08.1

Yo, My name is Paulo, nice to meet you. I'm 16 years old and I'm a first year high school student.

I really try to understand what's been happening to me lately, a few months ago I had never received a statement from anyone and I was wanting one, I was reading Mangas, novels and watching romance anime and fantasizing about getting a confession from a girl at school, however in one night I received two statements that made me uncomfortable, Rafaela had declared herself to me and that mysterious girl had also declared herself.

A lot happened during these months and I received several attempts from Rafaela to try to win me over, I think it all started when I was little and a boy that I used to play with made a promise to me.

He always played with me and when I went to school there was a girl who was always glued to me it seemed like she didn't like other girls to get close to me and always tried to monopolize me, after a while I found out she moved to the countryside with her mother and I never saw her again, my father when I was 11 years old got married again and the woman he was with had a daughter who became my sister I had not accepted that story and wanted to run away, it was when I was in the square that boy stayed with me all day and at the end of the afternoon, he made a promise with me that I have kept until today, and I think it was from that day on that my life started to become the chaos it is today.

What do I do? By the way, the mystery person scheduled to meet me and finally reveal himself, all that suspense was making me sick already.

I have a lot of questions for her and she's going to have to answer them all without lying. Lately I stopped to think that a few weeks ago, my sister changed a lot, it was as if the girl I know wasn't the same person anymore.

She recently started monitoring meit is a One day she walked into the bathroom with me and almost kissed me, and when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I was wrong, she kissed me in front of several people and even said it wasn't the first time we'd done that. I wanted to understand what goes on in her head and what she is intending with everything she isdoing, I'm a little scared by her initiative to try something even though we are brothers (half brothers) she couldn't be trying to make me fall in love with her, could she? I don't even want to think about ityet, by while I'm going to pretend I'm not noticing her moves and go see what she wants.

All these different moments that happened in my life made me very happy, because I was able to fulfill my biggest dream and experience something that I only saw in anime and manga, I could feel my heart beat faster, my breathing become gasping and seeing all my happiness come together in one place and one event, seeing that girl proposing herself and I couldn't contain the thoughts and nervousness was something sensational it was like an explosion inside my belly, this feeling left me very happy.

I want to experience what they call love, feel my heart beat faster, feel a tightness in my chest and my breathing become labored,to stay all embarrassed by the beauty that she will be, going on dates with her, I think that would be fascinating all these experiences I want to be able to feel the love that they talk about so much and the manga and anime so much profess, is it really that hard to find love of my life? And when I find her, what do I do? How do I react? Well, only time can answer that for me, I'll just wait for things to happen in their time and in the order they should happen.