
Strange Dream

A new day is another consequence approaching. Since we got fired, our daily finances were also got affected. Me and Olivia, had only rented an apartment and lived as one together.. We badly need a good start through searching a new job, or else we'll be starve and even may throw out if ever we can't pay our monthly payments.

"You know what.. now I know how it is so hard to go back from where did we start. " Olivia looks terrible while checking all the newspapers, trying to pick some details every job hirings indicated in it.

"Patience is a virtue Oli. This may shall pass. Don't worry. We can make it together. Just don't think negative ok?" Me neither had also checked through internet.

"By the way, why don't we try to ask Charles some help?. You know what? I think he can help us recommend to the company where he worked. At least we don't need to feel this way. So tired and bored as hell."

"You know that Charles is kind of busy guy. I can't afford to risk his job just for us to be settle. And...we're the one who made this mess so, we used to fix this without anybody's involvement. That's the only thing we can be proud of."

"Oh Tina! What a principle!!" Olivia just pouted after I showed her my determinations. She can't always be win when it comes the positivity that I have in my mindset. So..she's always following with the flow whenever I say so and wait for the result.

"Thanks God.. at last I'm done!. tomorrow should be the perfect timing to apply. Hoping for the good lucks." Olivia had stretched her arms forward and pointing her attention to me.

"Well .. let's hope for the best. I also sent my resume many of the websites I've searched.. Hoping tomorrow one of them will give me an update."

"Hmm...did you include me?" Olivia asked.

"Since you sent me your resume earlier, then I also sent it to the websites I've searched using your email of course..means..I can hack your account anytime for giving me your password." I teased her.

"Well.. you're the only person that I most trusted..so how can I be worried..?of course there's nobody I can blame if ever the possible trouble will cause. It's only you who knew it so, it's also you whom I can blame for a thing." She smirked at me and gave me the wicked look.

"Yeah you're right.. How could I escaped. You're the wise person I've ever known. I must be careful."

It was 10 in the evening when Olivia was asleep. While me was fixing those newspapers she used. when I open her table's drawer just to put her pens, something got my eyes interesting. There was a beautiful pendant hid in there. I was very curious after I touched it when it was twinkling with different kinds of colors.

"Savannah..from now on, you will be the Goddess of the White Spirit. Remaining your self as pure and Holy is enough to tell that you are worth it of taking this kind of responsibility. This is the Sacred Star, wear it!. Every millions of Colors that its twinkling could help you in many ways by ruling mankind. Lose it or break it may gave you the greatest consequence. Only heaven knows about the worst. Be careful." There was the strange voice I heard in my mind. It was very clear the way I heard everything what he said, but something's blocked my mind that I couldn't figured out who was that talking and who's Savannah he used to talk to.

"What's this? Why's this thing looks so familiar?" I was totally confused and felt like this pendant and me seemed had the connection.

"Goddess of White Spirit should live in purity and remain to be holy. But seems like you disappointed me and break the law!? How dare you fell in love to whom involved the dark Spirit. You know that it's forbidden but still you disobeyed.?"

"Father..I didn't mean to disobey the law..I didn't mean to disappoint you either. But this kind of feeling suddenly came to me and can't able to resist it. I don't understand what's going on." I heard the two voices again and this time, there was a man who sounded as furious and the woman who tearfully beg forgiveness.

"What's happening to me? Why are those voices made me feel this kind of pain....looks like.....the woman..is it possible?It..it was me?" At that time, my heart pounding heavily and felt as I was exhausted. I couldn't still figure out why I do heard voices many times. And also seeing blurred people in my mind was also made me confused at all. I thought sometimes I was just hallucinating but everything seems real. I tried to ignore the strange feeling I went through at the moment by inhaling and exhaling the air. Then  I headed back to my room and went asleep.

I saw the Dark spirit and White spirit reunited. At first, everything looks so perfect. The happiness were fully occupied to the place and then saw myself was delighted in the distance together with a man who hugged me tight from behind. He kissed my neck gently and touched my face passionately. I closed my eyes while feeling his breathe that gave me warm all throughout. Though his face was something blur, but the Love I had for him was truly pure and even unconditional and I saw it to him neither. I tried my best seeing him face to face but the strong wind suddenly came and conquered us harder that made us departed when he's been dropped down in hell.

"No!!!!..please let let him go! I do beg your mercy you Goddess of Wind..pls.. don't do this.!!" I shouted all as I could. But the wind seemed so determined to destroy him. I did nothing but saw him suffered in hell. Until there's something that I grabbed from my neck. It was a kind of necklace that its pendant looks like as what I've saw in Olivia's drawer. It was the Sacred Star which twinkling millions of colors. It was so kind of beautiful.

"I can't take it anymore! I don't wanna see you suffered because of me. I loved you with all my heart. I will sacrifice everything in me in order to save you from being distressed." I was about to destroy the necklace.

"Savannah Nooo!!!" It was Charles running towards me. I wonder how Charles appeared behind me and trying to stop me.

"This is the only way..." I eventually closed my eyes and broke the Sacred Star using my inner power. Everything that were surrounds me turned to ashes. And the fire in hell had stopped its flame.

"This is the only way that I could save you My Love..forgive me if I can't stay any longer.. Though I may forget you in the future, but my heart will always be longing to you..Till we meet again.." Though he's still weak due to the flame in hell, he was strongly went my place just to hugged and comfort me. And Charles didn't continue to interrupt us but remain himself stand in a  distance from us.

"Savannah Nooo! Don't do this to me. I rather die than losing you this way. I love you..please don't leave me."

"I'm waiting for you wherever the Sacred Star sent me to the other dimension. Just find me and fulfill our happiness. For now, I may be reincarnated as a mortal. this is the only path I will choose for the rest of my life. I don't want any barrier between us. Maybe in this way, I can love you freely. Just help my heart heal and let my mind remember you." My tears were ruined while seeing my self slowly vanished. And that's how the pain went throughout my body that I suddenly woke up from being asleep.

"Oh God! everything is just a dream. But why they called me Savannah? Why the Character synched in me thoroughly.. Charles Is also there who's trying to stop me breaking the pendant, the pendant that most likely from what I saw in Olivia's drawer.. was that just a coincidence? How about the man who I Loved the most. I can't recognized him as his face seems blurred. Who is he? But everything seems so real! Kind of.. weird." It was really hard to believe about what I've heard and even what I saw. I was still in a doubt whether I'm just fantasizing or just hallucinating. The more I discovered strange things from my thoughts the more also I was getting more curious. My mind was truly a mess, can't even figure out between reality and fantasy. but still, I couldn't deny the fact that I once thought everything maybe happened for real. And that was the time I begun finding it out.

"Maybe the best thing to do this time, is to ask Olivia about the pendant. In this way, I maybe could find the answers from what made me all confused. I have the feeling about this thing It has the connection with me. I'm very sure with that." I sighed again and let my self relaxed for a moment.

"I wonder how Charles is in there? Ughh..my head is truly now in mess. What's really the meaning of this!? Oh God.. what's the message you wanna sent me out. Why is it so hard to guess?" I got up in the bed and sat down in there for a moment. I took my phone and checked the time.

"Oh..I woke up so early. It's already 1 am..Still up in this dawn time. I need to wake up early tomorrow morning since me and Olivia got a deal about applying job?. What if I oversleep if I get back to bed?" Because of the strange dream, I couldn't help myself but to avoid this dream coming back again whenever I fall asleep. That's why, I rather up the whole time till the sunrises.

"Oh My God! What's the matter with your eyes Tina? Why you've got your eye bags more than worst? Anything bothers you?tell me.." Olivia saw me in the kitchen while preparing our breakfast but unfortunately she noticed my eyes swollen and got my eyelids dark.

"No..I just didn't sleep the whole time. I've got a nightmare the reason why I was afraid to get asleep again." She laughed at me as she teased me if how could I make myself presentable while looking for a job that day. That's why we postponed it.

"By the way..I have something to ask you."

"About what?"

"About this." I let her see what I held and that was the pendant I saw in her drawer. Her face suddenly changed like she has something to tell me. And that's how she begun took a deep breath and then cleared her throat before she spoke out.