

"3years ago, we found you at the mountaintop laying down and seemingly unconscious. And you held this pendant with yours."

"What? Why I didn't remember anything?" I said.

"Maybe because you still weren't fully recovered yet. The truth is, you're the only one who knows about what happened that night. But we found out that you lost some of your memories."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, four of us used to spend stargazing that night.. but you and Hanley suddenly gone an hour later, me and Charles felt much worried. We searched you everywhere! fortunately, we found you laying unconsciously but Hanley was still missing...and until now, nobody knows where's he and how's he."

"What,? I wonder how I couldn't remember anything about how we fought badly so that he could leave me without a word. Now I know..only because I lost some of my memories...but why only those happy memories we had are all I always have got.,?It's weird...and why you didn't tell me about this? Didn't you know I went as crazy while thinking about his possible reasons if why he left me? and that's also made me all upset and blamed him entirely?"

"I'm sorry Tina..but we decided to keep it from you. Your condition's still not good. I'm afraid you'll be getting worst if we tell you the truth."

"And now I know..what do you think about how I feel.? Telling me earlier and telling me now were all the same Oli.. what's the worst thing is, even my friends that I dearly trusted, were both lied to me. You really disappointed me you know that?"

Olivia sighed heavily and showed me that she regrets about what they've done..

"I'm sorry.. I hope you'll understand.. what we did is only just for your own good. I thought it wasn't the right time for you to know the truth..and now is maybe the right time since you've asking about that pendant and I told you everything. Really I.."

"We could never change the past by the way. What you've done is already done.. I understand.. It's ok.." I immediately comfort her as I know how she sincerely regrets. But I couldn't still figure out how I totally lost some of my memories and couldn't remember anything about what happened that night. I wanna know how's Hanley went missing by trying my best to recall everything but still I couldn't make it.

"Don't be too harsh to your self Tina, I believe there always be the right time for everything." Olivia noticed me while concentrating and trying to stop me from what I've been doing.

After knowing the truth, I felt so restless. I was trying my best to elaborate the scenes that I've lost. But my capacities weren't enough to fulfill what my brain should recall to.

"Drink this to relax your mind Tina. The mint is good for entirely relaxation. Its cool aroma will heal you from being kind of distressed. This is only what you need for now." She offered me some tea.

"This!!!...I used to drink it as she had always offered me this. But why I feel so strange about it..?I..I don't understand." I used to play along with her and keep pretending. Olivia had always giving me this green mint tea whenever I am in a state of depression and also, when the heavy pain of my head attacked. this tea went very effective that my ill would clearly vanished. But..I doubted it recently right after I smell some of a poisonous aroma on it. A kind of poison that let your body get slowly weaker.

"Thank you for this Oli.. everytime you let me have this, it helps me a lot...really."

"You're my dearly friend Tina. How can I afford to see my friend suffered too much.?" I noticed strange things happened to Olivia. Base on her behavior, something's went fishy and the way she talked made me doubt at her. She changed too much like she's getting cold but keep pretending as she's the same as before. And that's how my thoughts started having suspicious to her that she might knew a lot but hiding it from me.

On the other hand...

"How is she?"

"Master..after the incident happened at the mountaintop 3 years ago, she's still now living normally, but those two were accompanied her as always... base with my observation, they even imprisoned her to a false memories. I can tell..she's truly pity since she knows nothing."

"It's all my fault.. I'd never been took care every steps that I've started. They found my identity that quite easy..I never expected them to be more vigilant..I underestimated their capabilities." He got his face with fierce while clenching his fists.

"What should we do now master?"

"It's about time for me to make a move. I will never let them ruined us again. We departed each other at two times. I will never give the third time a chance to be fortunate again. I will get her rid away from them before it's too late."

After the tragic happened between the White Spirit's and The Dark Spirit's war, Savannah and him went departed. They fell in love with each other which was totally prohibited. After she sacrificed herself by being reborn as a mortal, the man who truly loved her searching her to every dimensions where she's possibly been thrown out. Later on, he found her at last the reason why he got himself disguising as a mortal too. At that time, he didn't noticed the Goddess of wind and the Guardian Angel were also disguising, pretending to be as Savannah's best friends who accompanied her as always. When they found out his real identity, they let him fell into the trap that he was been defeated.

"It's in her face.. she's in a doubt now..what should we do now Charles.? The mint tea that I gave to her will surely make her mortal body's weak..as long as she'll drink it she could remember nothing. But we need much time to wait for her death. What if he could find her?"

"Oli..calm down! That's not gonna happen! Just keep going to give her the tea. This is our goal that the heaven's all wanted. We need to obey what they wanted us to do. Whenever she felt her body more weaker, then the mission will be soon accomplish. Her father will be glad as she coming back at heaven's and turning into the Goddess again sooner. We should never disappoint the heaven's. All we have to do is to keep an eye to that Grim Reaper..! Never ever let him touch her again!!"

"What if she'll refused the throne again and again? The King of the white spirit is just wasting his efforts and time."

"I don't think so."

"What do you mean.?"

"Just watch and learn.."

Since Olivia isn't around, I went to my room as I wanted to be alone. My heart was aching knowing that Hanley had nothing to do about my anger. But I felt so much guilty as I thought, I was being ruthless to him coz instead of searching him knowing his real situation, I keep prevailing my pride and even felt upset when I was thinking he's the one who left me behind. But then I found, I'm the one who abandoned him in such a very long time.

A new day came when I started to make a new step finding a new job. I set aside those mysteries thing for a while and minding my goal first to be settle down to a fine living. Since I received a text from the company I applied online, then I've got prepared early in the morning just to attend my first interview.

"Wow! You look good with that outfit huh.. Where you going?" Olivia asked me since I forgot to tell her about my interview.

"Oh sorry if I didn't tell you earlier. Buy the way, one of the company that I applied online was texting me that I have a scheduled interview today.."

"Oh really?" Olivia turned red like she was weird or something like she doesn't know what she's doing.

"Olivia? What happened? Are you ok?"

"What? Ahh...I mean...of course! Yes! I'm ok..by the way I also got received a text for an interview..just wait for me..we better go together."

"Ohh.. really?..good for you. I wonder why you are not ready yet when you've also got an interview.?"

"Just wait me Tina ok? It's just a bit of time. I'll be quick!"

"Oh Oli..maybe next time you should discipline your self. Ughh.."

"I'm sorry."Olivia said. It was only just a second when she all well prepared.

"Whoaa--wow!! That was fast!!!" I couldn't believe how she could manage to fix herself in only just a second..and that's she smiled at me at thesame time winked at me.

While inside the car, Olivia used to asked me about the Company that I headed to.

"It's the Mondragon's Distillery.." I replied..

"Really? What a coincidence..me too.."

"Oooh?? But..I couldn't remember I sent your resume to this company how did it come?" I kept my self in silence and trying to read Olivia's gesture all throughout. I couldn't believed how she lied to me again. her real intention is now making me confused. I noticed that she's always kept pestering me since then. And that's how I was very sure that there's really something wrong with her that I really need to find out.

"Wow! What a fancy office is this..amazing! Come on Olivia.. let's go to the Information desk."

"Ok...but..but.." she looks terrible as if she's afraid of something.

"Hey! What's wrong? What's in that face?"

"Ahm..ehem.. nothing!!well..lets go.!" Though she smiled at me, it's still obvious in her face the tense that she really felt deep inside.

"Come on I really need to use some spell today. But I need to be careful that Tina won't noticed me while doing this."

I quickly approached to the girl whose being assigned in the information desk. And that's she asked me about my scheduled appointment.

"Here it is miss.." I handed her my appointment Card and checked it through her monitor.

"17th floor, Room#34-B Mr. Levy Cruz the Manager." She said.

"Oh thank you.." I replied..

"How about you miss?" This time, she pointed Olivia and asked her about her scheduled appointment. Without knowing she used some spell to brainwash the lady and that's how she's got an appointment.

"Phew!! Gotcha!" And that's she breathe heavily. That time, I thought I was thinking wrong about her right after I witnessed that she actually didn't lied to me and that made me felt entirely relieved.

"Master! She's here..but she's not alone."

"Really? Hmm..let see.."