
Lucky Day

"This is it.. this is where the lady talked about. I should better knock first." Those time, I chilled my self from being nervous. The new atmosphere's killing me as if it's changed me entirely like I was surrounded with those piercing eyes everywhere. I wonder if I'll be hired what's the possible is waiting me ahead.

"Come in..just be seated." I heard some response right after I knocked. I saw him from his table while doing his paper works.

"Ahm..thank you Mr. Cruz.." I showed him a bit of smile before I took a chair and sat in front of him.

"I'm not...Mr. Cruz.." He looked at me strictly that I had felt embarrassed that I mistook his name.

"Ohh..I'm sorry sir..I think you are..."

"Flynn Dwight.."


"My name is Flynn Dwight."

"Ohh.. is he the owner of this company? Hmm..it must be..since he has Dwight's Surname. What a big fish.!! Sir Flynn..I mean.. I am really sorry.."

"Forget it..by the way..Miss Cristina Fuentabella, you're hired!!."

"What?! But..you didn't even..." except from being surprised, he suddenly stood up and went closer to me. Until I was trying to get rid from him when he almost kissed me as he let his face put nearly on my face. He's trying to kill me with those piercing eyes he had. That was also the time I clearly saw him with his tempting aura which could almost melt my whole being.

"Sir? ...whoaa--..What do you think you are doing?"

"didn't you recognized me?"

"Uhmm...I... Is he crazy? We only just met today. How come he asked me not recognized him. Of course! I didn't..he's weird." His facial expression's suddenly changed while me had also turning my head to the other direction just to avoid having an eye to eye contact with him.

"Ohh..sorry if I brought you into an awkward situation. I think I did the right thing but seems like....maybe it takes time."My heart was beating so fast as I felt my emotions were badly went as crazy. When he noticed I was trying to dodge out from his sight he understood immediately and backed off before he went back to the place where he sat.

Silence prevailed between us for a while and me was just pretending as nothing's weird happened at that moment.

"Ehem..uhmm sir.. how about what you told me earlier. Is it true that.. I'm totally hired?"

"Yes!! You heard it didn't you?"

"Yes sir! I did. I'm actually confused since you didn't ask me anything upon my interviews."

"Well.. the position that I will give to you is an urgent. And I badly need an assistant so I wanna hired you as my personal assistant..any problem?"

"Uhmm..no sir but..are you sure you won't give me some test to confirm that I am really qualified to the position.? It's like uhm..I just don't want to be embarrassed actually. I'm sorry but I think it's too much..?"

"Why? don't you like it?"

"No..I mean.."

"Miss Fuentabella my decision is final.! Take it or leave it! This is the only chance that I'll give to you..I hope you don't waste it.." I saw him how serious he was about what he's saying. I just only thought maybe he desperately needs an assistant that's why he also looks desperate while talking to me about the job. Though I keep doubted him in his offer but who am I to refuse? I was the one who need a job the most in the first place. So I hadn't any choice but to agree with him.

"thank you so much for trusting me this kind of opportunity sir. I will never disappoint you. I reassure you with that."

"Good..you can ask Mr. Cruz about the contract. Maybe you better signed it now. He's in the next door."

"ok sir..thank you.." I was cheerfully left him from his office and went to Mr. Cruz. Seems like I was the luckiest person on that day since my fortune didn't put me all at risk. I was happy but at the same time worried..I remember how I lost my job the last time..I'm afraid there's another wicked characters out there whose gonna dragged me down again that I will lose my job again. Most especially when I remember my future boss's strict gesture, I'm afraid he's another troublesome in my career. Besides, I'm still very thankful for he had given me the rare of chance.

"What!? Personal Assistant 24/7? What the heck?!"

"In order to do your job well Miss Fuentabella, you need to accompany our boss 24/7. These are all what his personal assistant's job."

"Ok? But how about my home? I mean if I need to be with him 24/7, do I have much time to go home? How about my rests? Oh no! I even ain't started working in here but seems like I already smell distressed and tiring day over here! do I have a chance to retreat? Ughh. what a day!?"

"In the next page of the contract, you can see all of your benefits., including your salary and the luxury villa for you to stay."

"Really? Oh My God!! Wow! what a huge amount.! Are you kidding me? 1,000,000 dollars a month?"

"Yes! plus the allowance when you both having a trip and the bonuses when the company's got a deal through having new big investors."

"Omg!! This is too much but can't refuse it..since my dad is in ill I badly need this to sustain his maintenance. This is indeed the biggest opportunity coming on my way."

"And also, you better move to the Luxury Villa starting tonight so that you can start with your first day tomorrow."

"Ok..I'll sign it." That was the time I felt more secured not just for me but also for my family. After I saw all the benefits in it, I thought this kind of company maybe fell from heaven's since all the benefits were too much from my expectations. Thus, I believe..everything was just a new start.

"Master she already signed the contract and told her to move in the villa tonight so that she can start her first day tomorrow."


"I also gave her the manuals that she needs. I told her to read it as to know the protocols being your assistant and also to basically familiarize the nature of her job."

"well..how about the other one? I mean Olivia dela Cuesta.?"

"As what you have told me, she's been locked up in the basement. And I think she knows everything. I'm afraid she's up to you Master."

"Good. She deserve that. I won't let her pestering Savannah at this time. There'll be no more accomplishments with their plans as long as I'm alive." He was that confident in himself while pouring some drinks in his glass. The tensions of his determinations made his hope healthier and no even the marks of disappointments leaving on his face. Everything went smooth according to his plans..and this time, time itself accompanied him to his road of his success.

"whoaa----finally I'm home.!! I wonder I couldn't find Olivia in there..She didn't even replied me with my texts and didn't even answered my calls..what on earth happened to her?"

"Tina!! Finally you're here!!"

"Eh,? Charles? How long you've been here?"

"Not that long. Did you two hanged out? Why you didn't even called me? Where's Olivia by the way?"

"No..we came from Dwight's Company ..we both attended our Job interviews. We departed our ways in there..but right after my interview, I called her and wait on her outside..but she didn't answered my call, so I texted her that I'll go home first. She didn't also replied." I noticed Charles suddenly changed his face to be sad. And I know he has something to tell me that's why I decided to ask him.

"Hey! What happened?"


"I mean you look awful. Anything happens?"

"No..Tina..I just want to apologize.." he sighed heavily while trying to catch my eyes with all the sincerity.

"For what?"

"For everything!! I know you already found out about what happened to Hanley. It's just like we don't want you to be miserable since you still not fully recovered yet."

"Don't worry Charles, Olivia told me everything, and yet explaining me what really happened. I know you two were just concerned. Though I was little upset but I understand.. besides, we can't change the past and maybe we should better start a new start and help me to find Hanley as well." This time, he walked slowly farther and turning his back.

"Do you think he's still alive?"

"What do you mean Charles?"

"Tina look! It's been 3years you know..and until now, he's still missing! No one knows wherever he is and even how he is.!"

"As long as we won't find his body just to confirm his death, then I must have to believe that he's still alive! And I will wait for him till my last breath! I love him Charles! You know that right?" The pain was striking me again that I couldn't resist how my heart driven me to sorrows, that's why I wept badly and mourned. When Charles looks guilty, he definitely went towards me and hugged me tightly. And that's how I was been comforted and the pain had slowly fades.

"Goddess of wind!! Do you remember me? Or let say... Olivia dela Cuesta! Known as a faithful friend!!" Olivia has suddenly woke up while she was been tied up. However she resisted as trying to escape, the knot was perfectly been tied tightly. She can't even used her inner power since he already knew her weakest spot. And that's how the stone of life has been taken away from her.

"Grim..grim reaper?! What the?! How did it happened?"

"It's actually you whom making your self as prey! I was just grabbing my most awaited opportunity. I hope you know what I mean."

"You idiot!! Let me go!!!"

"You two owe me a big one Olivia! Lucky to the Guardian Angel Charles he's isn't here.. Well.. don't worry..he must be the next prey! Hahahahaha..." The laugh with a vengeance echoing entire the place. The satisfactions turned him into as vulture. The one who has no any aspirations but revenge!