
Loner in Danmachi

Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 2.1M Views
  • 75 Chs
  • 4.2
    27 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Loner in Danmachi

Read ‘Loner in Danmachi’ Online for Free, written by the author Darkness_Enjoyer, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ROMANCE Fan Fiction, ADVENTURE Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: What happens when a loner's soul merges with the soul of an orphan from Orario? Will the new abomination born from these...


What happens when a loner's soul merges with the soul of an orphan from Orario? Will the new abomination born from these two souls be able to see the bright side of the world and become a bright sun illuminating the world, or will it stay as an abomination? Read and see the story of Wayne, an orphan from Daedalus Street and a loner from another world. -------------------------------0---------------------------------- This is a Danmachi Fanfic, and there will be no brainless romance in this story. However, there will be R-18 chapters with related female leads. -------------------------------0---------------------------------- For those who are searching for a protagonist that is perfect from the start, please don't read this book and insult me. This novel is, of course, a wish fulfillment, but it is a wish fulfillment of mine. Keep that in mind. ------------------------------0----------------------------------- You can reach my pat reon, if you want to read chapters ahead and support me. There are 15 chapters ahead currently. Here is the link... patreon.com/user?u=84066306

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Reencarnado en Gate OP

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The girl who bumped into him was the first to rise, cleaned herself from the dust, and offered her hand to help the man who still sat down on the ground. He is still utterly shocked. “I was in a hurry so I didn’t pay attention before. Eh, are you okay?” Azalel’s eyes fluttered several times. He is still dumbstruck by what had happened. No… It wasn’t her who made him stunned in silence. Neither is her sincere apology. “You?? You can see me??” He asked her in disbelief and rose from the ground easily. She frowned at him as if he had just spilled the stupidest question in the world. “Yes, of course, I can. Is there something wrong with it? “Anyway… Are you ok?” "I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you before…” The girl kept apologizing to him and bowed repeatedly in guilt. Azalel didn’t say anything or give her a formal response but he just cleaned his cloak thoroughly. Seeing the person who bumped with her was fine, she then asked another question. But it sounds more like permission to leave as soon as possible. “You look fine, so I can leave now, right? See you…” Then, she rushed out, turned left, and disappeared without leaving any trace. Azalel remained silent on his spot while his eyes keep looking in the direction where the girl was gone. Meanwhile, Reuben came toward him and suddenly stopped his steps. He looked in the same direction where Azalel is looking right now. He seemed so confused. “Aza?” Silence. “Aza? Are you okay?” “Reuben…” "A mortal bumped me this morning…" "WHAT??? IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Reuben shrieked in disbelief. He thought he had misheard the news. “But it was... TRUE!!" "WHEN WAS IT??" "Before you showed up, Reuben..."

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1


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All I'd like to know is why the Title have "Loner" in it when there's a "Harem" tag, A "Loner" is alone, "Harem" is with "Multiple" people. All I'm saying is that the Title makes no sense, other than that the story is oryt.


Reveal spoiler


The story goes well. I like the personality of the main character. He joins Hestia as a family.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


As long this is not faithful to the canon plot then it will be good. I hope for a twist that takes the story on another path. Istg too many danmachi fanfics are just self inserts doing the exact same thing Bell did so its basically the same story but with a different character and dialouge. I know this will be different tho Im sure lol


Bro read if you want I’m saying that it isn’t for me. This story is very bad in my opinion. The writing quality is definitely amateur and the content is meh. The mc is meant to be anti social but isn’t. There is a gross amount descriptive writing for everything that makes it seem very repetitive like a circle. The dialogue is so dull, just unintelligent, and unnecessary. It’s readable but it’s a brainless read. Shut down your brain before reading if you want the best experience.


It’s alright. He is suppose to be a loner but his social skills are high even if he acts shy. There are a couple troupes I really dislike. Two of them being how the system and his life operates. The fight scenes are alright. Just average at best. This review is after reading 30 chapters


Raad like, the first 6 paragraphs he has family and friends, joins Hestia. 110% a loner, totally...




'Loaner' in the title doesn’t work if you have a 'harem' tag.


Well... Seems good.... But I'm worried about the Villian tag... I mean Villian MC+Hestia=Impossible, Hestia is not a goddess who would tolerate a villain as a family. Author, pls do explain


Muy bueno el capítulo sigue así que no te afecte la opinión de los demás mientras más vas a andando mejor te vuelves además casi no hay historia de danmachi ya que la mayoría la dejan abandonada a mitad de la historia entonces sigue así compañero 😃😂😃👍👍👍👍👍 me encanta la historia




The idea of ​​the protagonist selling his soul through the system is irritating if the missions force him to do something against his will, but fortunately this has not happened so far. I like to think that the God who offered the system is a way for the author to guide the story and protagonist as he wants and have a justification for this in the form of missions. Possessive Hestia is annoying because it's harem, but Bell being a woman seems quite attractive, a cute ans innocent bunny. Google Translate.


Reveal spoiler


la historia esta llendo bastante bien , el protagonista es agradable , la construcción del mundo es muy poco pero es entendible ya que hace poco empieza , recomiendo que no sea solo en orarion la Historia y tambien que si haces cambio en la historia avisa antes de hacerlos o que lo digas , asi no habrá gente que se enoje , es titulo tiene sentido y anque el mc es un solitario no significa que no sea sociable , tímido o manso es solo su personalidad pero igual quiere a las personas que se le acercan y parecen interesados en tener una amistad con el , el título del solitario se refiere a que es un solitario en la mazmorra ........ la historia va bien solo le faltan un par de cosas pero como recién comienza no voy a hablar , ¿ es recomendable para leer ? ...... sisi es entretenido , fácil de leer , buena escritura , buen comienzo , mc agradable , interesante , y mas .... por ahora un 8,50 o 9 pero como recién empieza hay que esperar aun


kinda mid to be honest.Writing could be improved.


I really love this story so please keep it up.!




maybe I will write a proper review later but dude i couldn't find your pat reon its like no where help help help help help help help help




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