
Loki: the mistic Avenger

Loki was a good guy and loved his family even Odin. But he was still a prank star. And he had a thing for guns. I had to do this. One day I was re-watching the first Thor movie and like, " dude, what if Loki was a good guy?" Yeah. that's the entire story. loosely based on the MCU timeline. some differences will be made to make the story a bit acceptable. to know more, read the story.

Anirban_karmakar · Movies
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Chapter 2: A f***ed up situation

*Loki's POV*

As I opened my eyes, I had a realization. I was in a giant bed. I mean a really, really big one. Bigger than Kingsize beds, but had a net-like dome upon it. A baby of my size on my left side. "what the fu**!?" I wanted to say. But what came out of my mouth was dumb and shocking. it was "GUAGA!?" Shocked I stopped myself from saying anything else and started to analyze my situation. " I'm in a bed with a baby, the size of the baby is similar to me, there are only two options, one, I became a baby...WHICH IS FU**ING IMPOSSIBLE! two, I'm in a giant's house and he thinks I'm a child of his kind...WHAT THE NONSENSE AM I SPOUTING!?..... I'm Just drunk...yes! that's It! I'm dead drunk and just need to wake up...Why am I noto his surprise waking his surprise yet!???????" I was about to snap and scream. That's when that happened. A hologram message was shown to me. it was like a letter.

"Hello There,

The name is Lucifer Hell Ruler, the Devil. Guardian of the sin of pride. I know when you will see this message, you would have already forgotten everything. That's why I am reminding you of this again. In your last life, you died. If you are wondering how? let's say you had a particular set of skills and so you had a lot of enemies. Haha, I'm sure you didn't get that reference, you know why? Cause I have personally erased those pointless pieces of memory of yours! so you can live a normal life as Loki Odinson in your favorite MCU! Without a problem with your previous life! But those skills are in its proper space so don't worry. They will come out as time comes. Now, If you are thinking about what the hell is MCU, let me tell you, it's a cinematic universe about marvel characters. Anything else I say will be spoilers so, no more information. But what I will tell you, is you LOVED the MCU and the character Loki. As a reward of sending me, 1000 sinners for punishment, I make you reborn as Loki in MCU! you can thank me later. Have a good free-willed life.

P.S. some things are changed though. To keep the sweetness of new you know? I mean I loved MCU my self but not enough to see the same infinity saga twice. So a sprinkle of changes was added. Hope you enjoy your time.

"..... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I shouted my most awaited scream. Yea I needed that. But that did something interesting. The voice came out as a baby cry, resulting in a beautiful woman to pick me up. The thing is, even that cry didn't wake that baby up. "Awww, is my baby hungry?" and she put her left breast nipple in my mouth. At that time, that didn't felt wrong though. More like, "it's the most normal thing to do." At some point, a soothing sweet liquid filled my mouth. At that moment....all my anxiety flew away. It felt like something I curved for. I felt a part in my heart was filling with joy. I calmed down. Did I miss it from my last life or something? Whatever, I'm happy to get this affection. My eyelids started to shut. I was in sleep before I knew it.

*third-person POV*

When Loki was sleeping, his mother, Frigga was singing a lullaby for him. Though he was sleeping, he was sucking her nipple with some force. She thought he was feeling hungry, so she kept him on her lap. At that moment, Odin entered the room.

"Bonding with our children I see!" Odin exclaimed.

"By the Norns, what happened to your eye!?" Frigga asked horrified that her beloved husband has lost an eye. A white cloth was wrapped as a bandage on his right eye.

"Nothing much. Laufey and I had a little fight there. That's all. The good news is, they agreed to cooperate and well, keep the peace. so I'm not unhappy about that."

"Oh dear," Frigga hugged Odin when Odin put his hand on Loki's head.

"Are you angry that his father did this to me?" Odin asked with calm and fear. Calm cause he is a king, ruler of the nine realms. fear, cause he knows how much he himself loved war, and now he has a good cause to start one. He knew that the only person who can save him from himself is his beloved wife, Frigga. But to his surprise, Frigga just looked at him. "Have you forgotten that you have adopted him? so you are, his legitimate father now."

"Hmhm, make sense" Odin chuckled.

"So, to take care of your two sons, and giving them a peace full future, you should secure the peace between the nine realms. Do whatever it takes."

Odin smiled and replied, "of course."