
Loki: the mistic Avenger

Loki was a good guy and loved his family even Odin. But he was still a prank star. And he had a thing for guns. I had to do this. One day I was re-watching the first Thor movie and like, " dude, what if Loki was a good guy?" Yeah. that's the entire story. loosely based on the MCU timeline. some differences will be made to make the story a bit acceptable. to know more, read the story.

Anirban_karmakar · Movies
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Chapter 1: Loki

*Loki's POV*

When I opened my eyes, I had a massive headache. As much as I wanted to cry. But that vanished and the void created was occupied by fear instead. I saw a bearded man with Horns holding me. And of course, he had an eye missing. I started to cry in fear. But at that time I noticed he had a little smile on his face. "is he smiling as I cry!?" was the question poped in my mind. But after that, I lost consciousness. Maybe in fear.

*Odin's POV*:20 minutes ago:

After we had won the war, I personally destroyed the temple of frost Giants on earth. It was made as a monument for themselves. I headed to the destroyed temple of frost giants. The giants who had invaded Midgard had either ran away or....died in our hands. This Temple was made just after their invasion in Midgard. To be honest, they would have won. They didn't consider that Asgard had a treaty with Midgard that we will help them in any extraterrestrial problems. That's why we interfered. It resulted in the fall of the giants. Jotunheim was now under my rules now. But before that, I wanted to investigate this unknown Temple. Though we have taken the "cascade of ancient winters" resulting Midgard to return to its original state, this Temple is still cold. Me and three soldiers from Asgard entered the unknown. We didn't have to go very far, the cause of this incredible temperature, was under our feet. a soldier exclaimed, "jotun blood". Yes, it was cold jotun blood. Sipping out of detritus of the temple. We cleared some of them to enter the room where we saw the scene, which made me question my ethics. I saw the queen of Jotuns, dead, under the debris, but she was holding a clear lump of ice. There was a child, a week jotun child. Looking at him, I knew I had to save him. My companions understood that too. That's why one of them asked, " my lord, what is your order?" But I was still hesitant. That's why I wanted to see Farbauti's last moments. I touched her forehead and started to see what she had seen.

I was hearing the sound of people shouting and weapons firing outside. Even some Gungnir charges. this memory was during the war. I saw her giving birth to a new life, in the middle of the war. But that was.....a...small child. At least for Jotun standards. It was this child in the lump of ice. Soon, my enemy, Laufey, King of the frost giants entered the room. "How is my son?" he asked. Then he looked at his wife and son. I was living in Farbauti's life. So I saw exactly what she saw at that time. The disgust showed in Laufey's face, made me flinched. "how can someone disgust his newborn son so much?" I asked myself.

Laufey- "is it, my son!?"

one can totally hear his disgust in his voice.

Farbauti- "yes, it's our sweet child! take a look!"

She was still enthusiastic. She stretched her right palm towards him. The child was so small that he stayed contain in that single palm. Yes, he was pretty small for a jotun child.

"He is not strong enough to be my child!!" he didn't even touch his own son but started to shout instead. Farbauti pulled her son near to her heart. She wanted to save her son.

"I wanted a strong child which he is not!"

I knew some jotuns born weak and powerless for their word. They stay alive for only some time, maybe this child is born with that exact same fate.

Laufey- "Don't act stupidly Farbauti. we both know he can't be alive in jotunheim's nature."


Laufey- "don't be stupid! Where do you think you will keep him? Jotunheim's nature will kill him, Midgard is turning into the second Jotunheim, where do you want him to be, in Asgard!?"

Before Farbauti replied, I heard the charging of Gungnir from outside, and then, the ceiling dropped on Farbauti......I had killed a mother.

"my lord?" I snapped out of my thoughts as a guard asked me. "I'm fine...I'm fine," I said. I was overwhelmed by the revelation. Though We are at war, I still have killed an unarmed woman who had just given birth. To save her child, she had made this protection of ice around him. Because of me, she was not able to feed her child his first food. All because I had to destroy the monument they had build. I felt guilty for this child. I had decided, I will take him as my child. "He is my son!" I said to everyone present there while the protection of ice was vanishing. "You will not disclose his true identity to anyone in Asgard." The child started to cry as I used illusion magic so he looks like an Asgardian. "He is my son. He is Loki Odinson."


A/N:- Hah. the first chapter. I changed some minor details about Loki's origin in MCU. hack this entire story is different! But if I want Loki to be everything but bad, I have to defuse the cause of him being bad. Odin's negligence. So I had to give Odin a solid cause of not neglecting Loki. So this chapter was dedicated to establishing that cause. I hope you guys liked it. PEACE!