
Login in Ben 10 (adaptation, not original)

(english is not my first language) Bryce was reincarnated into the Ben 10 universe and now begins his journey with a login system alongside max, ben and gwen. It is not my original novel, I just use a translator and then try to adapt it to make it more enjoyable for others this is the original link http://ffxs8.com/trxs/16908/1.html

Dagon_vcg · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Capitulo 67

Chapter 67 A Day in Sparksville!

The RV kept driving towards the mysterious "amusement park", this time it was calm and there were no more accidents.

Inside the RV.

"Is Stinkfly the last alien you have?" Ben asked Bryce as he looked at the Omnitrix.

"Yes, I only have ten aliens in total." said bryce

"So is there a way to unlock new aliens? That would be great," Ben spoke curiously.

"I don't know, I guess it's something we'll find out another time," Bryce replied perfunctorily, as he remembered the ways to unlock new transformations.

When a new DNA sample has been unlocked from the Codon Stream (identifies the DNA in Primus, then the DNA is unlocked), or when the Omnitrix captures new DNA not present in the Codon Stream. Lost or deleted alien DNA that was in the Codon Stream can also be retrieved.

Unlike the original series, the Omnitrix in Alien Force does not scan by touch, it is enough that the desired alien is within a certain range of the Omnitrix (this, due to its recalibration)

Maybe try to collect DNA from the Krakken and other rare creatures you come across.

He thinks he remembers that in Sparksville, there is an alien locked in one of the attractions, with this information in mind, he can try to collect the DNA by freeing the alien.

But that would endanger everyone, that is not his style, he will try to collect the DNA by contacting the omnitrix with the attraction where the alien is locked up.

He was thinking for a while, until he felt the RV stop, Grandpa was excited and asked them to close their eyes.

The three of them closed their eyes and got out of the RV, "Open your eyes kids, you're going to love this" spoke Max excitedly.

When they opened their eyes, what was in front of them was not a huge amusement park with hot dog stalls, ice cream stalls and thrilling roller coasters...

Instead, it was a small town, with giant-sized things all praised, including a moose, deserted spots, and some weird attractions alongside shops that looked old and worn.

There was a big sign at the entrance to the town.

"Welcome to Sparksville" written in bright red.

"Well, at least there's normal food here," Bryce said calmly, putting his hands behind his head, but his eyes were searching for the attraction where Buzzshock or Megawhatt, the battery-like electric alien, was being kept locked up.

Ben and Gwen, who were hopeful, deflated: "Grandpa, please, is this the amusement park you were talking about?" I speak ben

"And why a giant moose?" Gwen continued, looking at the roofs of some shops.

"Ben, Gwen, don't get discouraged, there's no place more interesting than Sparksville. You'll know when you spend a day here, come on", Max showed a confident smile and entered first.

Bryce shrugged and went inside.

As he groaned, Ben continued, "I wanted to ride a roller coaster and then..."

After the four entered, they were greeted by Sparksville Mayor Earl.

"Welcome wonder seekers" he spoke in a bored and serious way, after introducing himself and welcoming them, he disappeared, leaving them alone with a very excited Max.

After that they wandered around for a while, soon Max left the team and went to book some rooms at the motel.

Bryce planned to go to Buzzshock's location and try to collect his DNA by accompanying Ben and Gwen.

After searching aimlessly for a while.

The three of them stopped in front of a wooden cabin, the interior was covered with curtains, which made it very mysterious. The locker was empty, with only a red bell.

"This place seems empty, and very strange" Gwen spoke

"Compared to the others... this place seems more interesting," Ben said without much hesitation.

"Alright then"

Bryce reached out, and rang the locker bell, which made a "ding ding" sound.

A middle-aged man in a trucker's cap and stubble pulled back the curtain to the room and walked toward the ticket booth, the mayor of Sparksville.

"Weren't you the mayor?" asked Ben doubtfully.

"A lot of power also comes with a lot of responsibilities, kid" the mayor spoke boringly.

"Three tickets, please."

Bryce took a small stack of bills out of his pocket and handed it to the mayor.

The mayor blankly took those bills, handed Bryce the change and said, "Come with me, there's a world of fun here, worth every penny." I speak bored and without emotion.

Unexpectedly, they passed inside the wooden house, exited through the back door, and came to a new place behind everything.

In the back, there were several recreational facilities, also places to taste all kinds of food and drinks. "Next, you can explore and play here," the deadpan mayor looked at them as he spoke.

Afterwards, they just ate, drank soft drinks and had fun, just like the mayor said, it was worth every penny...

After experiencing everything available.

They were already exhausted and tired.

But the mayor returned and continued to lead them to a wooden house, which was different from other recreational facilities.

This was what Bryce had been waiting for all day.

"Behind these doors is the rarest and most unique thing in the world, you are not allowed to touch it or bring any electronic device near it" warned the mayor as he opened the door for them.

As Bryce walked in with Ben and Gwen, he heard a familiar beep.


"Identifiable object detected: Nosedeenian DNA close to host!"

"If the host gets the DNA and successfully logs it into the Omnitrix, then he can complete the login!"

Did the system react to DNA? That's good news, with this login you will have a reward, in addition to the Buzzshock DNA.

Bryce smiled: "I like this place more and more."

The room was so empty and dark that they could hardly see anything.

Bryce looked curiously at the completely dark surroundings and kept walking with ben and gwen walking behind him.

The walls on both sides suddenly flashed the words written with fluorescent powder!

"Do not touch it!"

"Don't take pictures of him!"

"Do not use batteries or any electronic equipment near it!"

The various rules listed, along with this gloomy, dark room... It's like a terrifying monster is locked inside!

"What is this exactly?" Gwen asked cautiously.

Ben's curiosity was piqued and his face was full of interest: "It must be some kind of special creature, maybe a monster or something."

They soon reached the center.

A huge sign was covering the 'thing', flashing brightly.

"Finally we'll see!"

The next moment, the sign was lifted into the air with a hook, revealing the "mysterious creature" behind it.

It was a huge ball made of rubber bands that appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The ball just lay there quietly

"Isn't this just an oversized rubber band ball? This is disappointing, I thought it was some kind of monster…"

Ben's hopes were suddenly dashed.

"That is all?"

Gwen was also disappointed when she saw the appearance of the ball.

The mayor entered and spoke mysteriously: "yes..., who knows what secrets it hides inside..."

After speaking, he left the place, leaving suspense.

Bryce knew what the ball of rubber bands was hiding, he walked towards the ball, stretched out his right hand with the omnitrix and gently placed it on the surface of the big ball.

"Zap, Zap!" (I'm bad with onomatopoeia)

Sparks started flying from the giant ball as the omnitrix made contact with its surface!

A dazzling yellow electric light flickered, it seemed very bright in the dark room!

The electricity hit Bryce's hand, numbing his arm instantly, he quickly retracted his hand, and took a few steps back.

The omnitrix blinked yellow twice before turning back to green, as if it had come into close contact with alien DNA!

"Bryce, did that thing emit electricity? Is your hand okay?"

Gwen noticed the abnormality and asked Bryce with concern.

"I'm fine! Ben, Gwen, you better not touch this ball, there seems to be something dangerous in it... maybe an alien!"

Bryce sternly warned the two, he didn't want Buzzshock released by accident.


Raising the omnitrix screen, he quickly turned the dial, switching between aliens to the last, but he didn't find a new silhouette.

It looks like the DNA didn't get scanned because I didn't directly touch the alien.

Bryce sighed.

He returned to look at the two surprised by the revelation that there is an alien locked in this ball, he again warned them not to get too close and that he would explain things better tomorrow.

They quickly agreed.

"So boring, hey, I saw a place where they sell hamburgers. I haven't had a hamburger in a long time. Why don't we go get something to eat?" Ben complained and then proposed.

Bryce knew there was no point in staying or trying to collect the DNA now, so he left with Gwen and Ben.

If someone else is here, he won't be able to record that alien's DNA, he doesn't want to put anyone in danger.

'I'll wait until nightfall, sneak in here, take the ball to a secluded spot and record the DNA of that alien! This way, no one will bother me and I can control the alien from causing trouble everywhere!"

Bryce quickly made a plan, no one would get hurt and he would get a new transformation!

He and the others calmly left the house.

After that, they continued to eat, drink soft drinks, play games and kill time.

All the time, until the night!

When everyone went back to the motel to rest, Bryce put his backpack on his back, made an excuse and went outside. Max, due to his trust in him, naturally didn't question him much, but told him to come back early.

"Okay, it's time to start!"

Bryce pretended to be breathing in the cool night air and looked around, but he couldn't see anyone.

Sparksville, which was pretty desolate during the day, was quiet at this hour, he was the only one here.

Bryce smiled and walked over to one of the bathrooms in Sparksville.


The men's room seemed to be illuminated for a second by a flash of green light.

Fshh, something rushed out of the bathroom in a second!

What came out of the bathroom was a velociraptor-like creature, it was XLR8, which ran away at high speed and crossed several streets in a second. Wherever it went, it left a black and blue trail alongside a cloud of dust!

XLR8 passed countless buildings on the way at high speed and arrived at the place where the giant ball made of rubber bands was stored!

A/N: sorry for the delay, it is becoming more difficult to adapt this when I have to write most of the chapter, by the way, I prefer that you comment and give your review, to vote with power stones, your comments and opinions help me, and they make me happier than the votes, thanks for reading.