
Login in Ben 10 (adaptation, not original)

(english is not my first language) Bryce was reincarnated into the Ben 10 universe and now begins his journey with a login system alongside max, ben and gwen. It is not my original novel, I just use a translator and then try to adapt it to make it more enjoyable for others this is the original link http://ffxs8.com/trxs/16908/1.html

Dagon_vcg · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Capitulo 66

Chapter 66 ¡On the way to Sparksvilke and Stinkfly!

After everyone chatted for a while and Bryce explained what happened, Bryce's eyes sparkled when he thought of Kraab's technology, now he can absorb technology with Upgrade and then replicate it using Gray matter, so he said, "Grandpa, I need back to the abandoned town to look for the body or some remains of the crab robot!"

He can't miss the opportunity to gain more technology.

"Bryce, why do you want that guy's remains?" Max looked at Bryce and asked him.

"Grandpa, by collecting more technology, I can upgrade and add better equipment for us."

There was a smile on his face as he declared his target.


After hearing this, Ben jumped excited, more weapons and technology to fight!

One by one they got into the RV and traveled back to the abandoned town.

Upon arrival, they quickly searched the surrounding area, finding a giant claw and some mechanical legs scattered about, along with an empty crater and signs of something coming out of it.

It was obvious that the kraab had survived and had retreated.

"It's tougher than I thought, maybe his claw helped him survive by taking a lot of the damage" said Bryce with the Kraab pieces in front of him and the others.

He transformed into Upgrade and quickly absorbed the technology, replicating a huge Kraab-like pincer on his left arm, then ripping everything out of his body and detransforming.

"Ben, I found out that the crab body parts were very hard, more than almost everything on earth, many times stronger than the vilgax robots, so I want to investigate these parts, maybe in the future Gray matter! can make you new weapons and armor with many functions!"

Bryce wants to give Ben the same gear as Chrononaut, the alter ego of Ken 10, son of Ben 10,000!

It is an armored suit, with great defense, the ability to fly even in space, and very advanced weapons, it can also travel through time, but he knows how that part of the suit works.

He needs to collect more technology from his enemies, take the parts that are useful, and use them to make a prototype armor, maybe even copy something from Iron man!

Of course, not from Vilgax's minions, otherwise the suit would be very fragile, which would not make sense.

"I can already imagine myself standing on a building, accepting the screams of all my fans. I'm Ultra Ben!" Ben posed as superman.

"Please, Ben, can you stop daydreaming, you're drooling," came gwen's voice, breaking ben's beautiful fantasy.

This caused Bryce and Max to laugh as they watched them argue.

In this happy atmosphere, everyone moved the kraab parts to a rear compartment of the RV. Although it was very heavy, the RV could handle it.

Already inside the RV.

Bryce lay down heavily on his side of the bunk, his arms behind his head, his mood extraordinarily relaxed: "I can finally leave this desolate place."

"Yes, although it was all very exciting," yawned and complained gwen who also lay down on the side of his bunk.

As for Ben, he was already snoring.

"Don't worry, the place we're going next isn't dangerous, it's incredibly fun, similar to an amusement park", Max sat in the driver's seat, started the RV and spoke with a smile.

"Amusement park?" That sounded very suspicious coming from Grandpa.

Bryce felt there would be trouble ahead, but his expression didn't change, he just sighed, he'd remember when he got there.

Some time later.

The RV pulled into a gas station, Grandpa Max prepared a relatively normal dinner.

On the other hand, Ben who woke up to eat, was very interested in the so-called amusement park. He kept asking what park it was, but Max chose to remain in suspense and still didn't answer.

Finally, they all peacefully fell asleep and waited until the next day to continue on their way to Sparksville.

In the space. Inside Vilgax's ship.

A video was shown on a monitoring screen in front of Vilgax.

It was the ship carrying Tetrax, it passed by Vilgax's spaceship at high speed, rushed into the distance, and was gone in the blink of an eye.

"Turn on the locator, I want to know if the deserter has the Omnitrix"

Vilgax's calm voice echoed throughout the hall.

"Mr. Vilgax, our locator shows that the Omnitrix is ​​not with that mercenary. He is still on Earth," the robot informed Vilgax.

"What happened to the other two duds? Did they complete the mission?" Vilgax asked.

"Sir, one is detected to have low signal strength, like half dead and the other is fine, but appears to have returned to his ship, reporting his weapons disabled.

The robot reported, somewhat surprised.

It's hard to believe that three human children and an old man can take down two of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy. Maybe that's why the omnitrix is ​​called the most powerful weapon in the universe.

"It seems that this child and his family are improving faster than estimated..." Vilgax spoke.

"But the omnitrix will definitely be mine in the end"

Back on earth.

Everyone in the RV was still asleep, but it was already dawn.

Bryce woke up slowly and rubbed his eyes, got out of bed deftly, carefully, without making a sound, and walked to the bathroom, where he brushed his teeth and washed his face.

He was the first to get up.

Walking slowly towards the kitchen of the RV.

Bryce pulled out egg cartons and a few simple ingredients from the RV's built-in refrigerator.

ten minutes late.

"smells good"

"What smells so good?"

Gwen and Ben twitched their noses, still asleep, murmuring in their sleep.

Suddenly, the two of them woke up simultaneously and looked towards the kitchen of the RV!

A while ago.

Bryce opened one of the windows, put oil in the pan, frying fried eggs and sausages, the aroma whetted the appetite of gwen and ben just woken up!.

They got out of their beds and walked into the kitchen, where they saw Bryce cooking.

"It's been a long time since we ate normal food, I think I'm hallucinating..." Ben almost cried with happiness.

I agree, idiot," Gwen, also on the verge of tears, said.

Surprisingly, Gwen agreed, she too thought it was a hallucination.

"Are you awake? Do you want us to eat together?"

Bryce casually placed the fried eggs and sausages on plates, one by one in front of each seat.

Four plates in total.

Even Max woke up to the smell, and while he preferred his food, it wouldn't hurt to have a change from time to time.

The three of them washed their faces, brushed their teeth, and quickly sat down to happily enjoy breakfast together.

"Bryce, I didn't expect you to make such a delicious breakfast," Gwen praised as she ate.

"Well, because before I met Max I was always alone at home, I had to learn how to cook various things. Not only fried eggs and sausages, but also many dishes from different parts of the world, it's like a hobby, if I have the opportunity I will cook for you"

Bryce said happily.

A hint of regret appeared on Gwen's face. I forget that Bryce had no parents and that he lived alone until recently.

A/N: the mc met with max two years ago and before he lived alone with help from the government, Max visited him from time to time and this summer he met gwen and ben. As for why he wasn't adopted or sent to an orphanage after his parents died. Let's imagine that the mc refused and that's it, the script needs XD.

Maybe that's why Bryce tries to protect them and take care of them, trying to do things alone, but that's changing recently, it's a good start.

It is also because of his independence over the years that his character is more calm and mature, except when he transforms into an alien, it seems that the alien character affects him slightly.

After breakfast was hastily eaten, Ben volunteered to take out the trash, while Max climbed into the driver's seat and prepared to hit the road.

Bryce took a napkin, wiped his hands and mouth, sitting in front of him only Gwen remained.

Gwen did the same, but she forgot about the oil stains on her mouth.

"I'm going to wash my plate."

Gwen picked up her plate with both hands and stood up.

"Wait a minute gwen" bryce hurriedly stopped gwen and took out several paper napkins, he was about to give them to her, but found that gwen had her hands full.

"What's wrong?" Gwen stopped and turned slightly to look at Bryce.

"Let me help you".

Bryce reached out his right hand with a napkin, and gently wiped the corners of Gwen's mouth.

right now.

Gwen froze comically in place of her.

She felt time slow down, and she could hear her heart beating in her chest.

Her face turned as red as a tomato.

Bryce didn't seem to notice this, he crumpled the napkin into a ball and tossed it in the trash.

"Gwen, is something wrong?

Seeing Gwen's puzzled look, Bryce asked her, but she was still frozen in place, so he shrugged and went to sit next to Grandpa Max.

Max kept driving towards Sparksville, soon he came to a busier road, and there were more and more vehicles around, it wasn't so deserted anymore.

But traveling for a long time is always boring.

Ben was sitting in front of the window, looking bored at the scenery outside the window.

At that moment.

A small sedan pulled up next to the RV.

A small boy was also sitting in front of the window, he looked at Ben and his eyes met.

"Ben held out his palm and waved.

Who would have thought that the boy on the opposite side grimaced directly against the window, sticking his tongue out at him and stretching his cheeks with his fingers.


Ben took this as a challenge, starting a doll contest.


Bryce wanted to laugh at the situation, but this funny scene cleared his memory.

Unfortunately, he was right when he thought there was a problem with the ""amusement park"". Grandpa's

Grandpa's amusement park was a Tourist Trap!, with an alien locked in one of the attractions.

"Damn, you'll see!"

After a "bloody confrontation", Ben backed off indignantly, looking at Bryce hopefully, "Bryce, can you turn into an alien to scare that kid?"

'I think something had to happen next'

Bryce frowned, trying to remember exactly what would happen.

He didn't think too much about it, but he replied to Ben "Ben, the transformation time is very important. Unless it's something important, I won't transform."

"Idiot, the omnitrix is ​​not for playing", Gwen argued with Ben.

"Come on nerd, you're always boring, how can there be accidents all the time?"

While Gwen and Ben argued.

Max suddenly slammed on the brakes and brought the RV to a quick stop!

Bryce stumbled for a moment and quickly braced himself against the wall next to him with both hands to keep from falling. Ben and Gwen also tripped and nearly fell out of their seats!

"Grandpa, what happened?"

Bryce asked Max confused.

Max looked straight ahead and said, "There is a serious traffic accident ahead."

"If it's a car accident, there are people in trouble right?" Bryce said as he got up and walked to Max's side leaning down to look at the picture he had in front of him.

Without Max responding, he saw the situation clearly!

Three large trucks collided and one of the trucks blocked the door of another truck, with fire spreading and almost reaching a propane container, if the fire touches it, Boom!

Inside the truck, a driver was desperately pushing on the door, but he couldn't open the door that was being blocked by another truck!


Max looked at Bryce and said nothing, only Bryce could save that man and not put himself in danger.

"Understood grandpa!"

Bryce raised his wrist with the omnitrix, raised the screen, and swiveled it quickly.

This time, he turned it all the way to the one alien he hadn't transformed into yet!


He knew that using Heatblast, he could control the flames, but he couldn't move a truck, or save it quickly without melting the roof of the man's truck, it could hurt him.

All other aliens are either very slow or unsuitable for the situation.


He took a few steps back, stood in the emptiest area of ​​the RV, and gently pressed the omnitrix's screen.

When the light disappeared, a terrible smell appeared in the RV.

"Oh, it sucks!" Max, Ben, and Gwen covered their noses, frowned, and looked at the alien that Bryce had transformed into.

It is an alien similar to a dragonfly, with four eyes at the end of four mini tentacles on the sides of its head, black claws, a tail that ended in a very sharp stinger, four legs and the symbol of the omnitrix on its face, by Of course, the most memorable thing is the indescribable smell on his body!


"This bug is so stinky, it's a hundred times more disgusting than chicken-flavored Jell-O!" Ben covered his nose with his hands, as if he was protecting himself from a toxic gas.

"It's not an insect, it's Stinkfly!"

Finishing speaking, he walked out the door and quickly flew to the scene of the incident.

He adapted to Stinkfly's abilities quickly and began to act.

"I'll put out the fire first"

Stinkfly's eyes moved to the flames.

People soon spotted Stinkfly in the sky.

"What kind of monster is that?"

"I have seen something similar on television, where some people claim to have been saved by aliens"

"Please, those aliens are obviously different from this one"

"Are you here to save that man?"

The boy who had the "bloody battle" with Ben nearly stains his pants.


Stinkfly ignored the surprise of the people around him and flew into the burning flames. His four eyes quickly spit out projectiles of green slime that landed precisely on the flames, dousing them one by one.

A/N: Insectoid can excrete high-pressure streams of fluid from pollen ducts located within the eyestalks and mouth.

The flames that were burning on the ground and in the truck were quickly extinguished with their green slime!

"Help, save me!"

The locked-in trucker, noticing Stinkfly flying towards him, kept banging on the door and screaming in fear.

"Don't worry, I'll help you"

Stinkfly landed on the roof of the truck and pierced through it using his stinger!


The sting pierced through the ceiling in an instant and quickly folded it forward!

"Stay still!"

Stinkfly extended its claws, grabbed the trucker's shoulders and lifted off using his wings, carrying an adult into the air effortlessly.

After carrying it over ten meters away, he slowly lowered it to the ground!

Some people surrounded Stinkfly and the trucker, arguing and talking amongst themselves.

"Ahem, I have to go, I'm running late!"

Stinkfly left these words, flapped his wings and quickly flew away, disappearing from everyone's sight!

Those who were taking out their phones and thinking about being famous also stopped in disappointment.

"Okay, Ben, Gwen, get in the RV. Let's go somewhere where no one is around and wait for Bryce."

Max quietly looked at the little black dot in the sky, got into the RV and drove to a desolate spot.

At that moment.

The small black spot in the sky fell and quickly enlarged, it was Stinkfly, who landed near the RV, touched his chest and with a flash of light Bryce appeared in his place.

"I still don't know how you detransform by touching the omnitrix symbol, I mean, how does that work?"

Ben inside the RV spoke confused.

"No idea, I just touch it for a couple of seconds and poof, it's me again." Bryce replied.

After this little incident, they sat down with Gwen in their places and continued on their way to Sparksville.

A/N: I don't know how that of manipulating the omnitrix by touching its symbol works, if anyone knows of a canonical explanation I would appreciate it if I commented on it, thanks for reading.