
Living in a Yu-Gi-Oh world

After a normal afternoon nap I woke up and found myself in someone else's body. I had a different face...and was apparently in a different world. People had wacky and unnatural hairstyles, the technology was very advanced and giant monster holograms could be seen around. That's right, I woke up in a Yu-Gi-Oh world and that's not all...This body belonged to last year's dueling champion.

Gearhawk · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 13

Crow drew a card and started his play without missing a beat.

Crow: First of all, the swords are too bright for my taste! How about we blow them away!

He activated Mystical Space Typhoon and destroyed the Swords of Revealing Light.

Crow: Then I normal summon Blackwing Mistral the Silver Shield and tune it with Gust and Nothung to synchro summon Blackwing Full Armored Master!

A big armored birdman appeared, equipped with a sword and a blaster on each hand.

ATK: 3000

DEF: 3000

"Wow! That is a boss if I've ever seen one!"

Crow: Then I activate a spell that my partner has set face down, Monster Reborn! To bring back Nothung!

Dyne: Now this is a line up I can get behind of.

I nod towards Crow and he grins

Crow: Prepare yourselves! I attack Cannon Soldier with Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke!

Black: Hah! You losers! You've activated my trap card! Blazing Mirror Force! I can destroy your attack positioned monsters and then we both take damage equal to half of their attack points!

I could stop myself and spoke in a mocking tone.

Dyne: How about...NO!

Crow: I activate the face-down card Jolt Counter! It negates and destroys your trap card!

Jack: Sonuva-

Yoke smashed Cannon Soldier and the Crow proceeded to beat the crap out of them with the rest of our monsters.




And finally, 0LP.

Victory was ours.

As the holograms vanished, we noticed that we were surrounded by 10 men. Some of them were holding broken pipes, others chains and a few had brass knuckles.

Crow: Why Black, if I didn't know any better I'd say that you don't want to be arrested.

He commented and I followed his joke.

Dyne: What? There's no way a gang leader like Black will go back on his word!

"I really hope Crow has a plan or else I'll have to resort to 'that.'"

Black got a bit angry at our mockery but the laughed.

Black: You're awfully quipy for someone that's about to be beaten to death.

Dyne: You know I'm a cop, right? You kill me and you'll be gone in an instant.

Black: Don't sweat it pig! We just have to pay the right person and it's gonna be like you didn't even exist.

He then paused for a few seconds.

Black: Though it would be a shame to kill you. How would you like to be my inside man in the police force? I can make it worth your while! What do you want? Money? No problem! Women? I can give you beautiful women as a gift. They will do whatever you say, they can even be trained to be sexslaves. Anything you want!

I turned to Crow.

Dyne: Can you believe this guy? He acts like he owns the world.

Black: Do you have a death wish pig? Since you've forsaken my generosity, then allow me to grant you that wish!

He clapped his hands and the thugs begun to approach us.

Crow: Wait!

His shout surprised everyone.

He then looked at me.

Crow: This counts as assault right?

I wondered where he was going with it but I answered.

Dyne: That is correct.

Crow: So, a concerned citizen can help?

Dyne: Yes?

Crow: And let's say that a concerned citizen helps through physical means, that isn't a punishable offense, right?

Dyne: As long as it's not excessive, no.

Crow: Great!

He grinned and pressed a button on his dueldisk.

Crow: The road is clear!

He said with enthusiasm and a few seconds later, 15 to 20 people barged in from the entrance and surrounded the thugs that surrounded us.

Everyone was wearing normal everyday clothes that contrasted with the thugs' leather ones. Though even without anything of notice on them, everyone was buffed and intimidating.

Dyne: You know, you could have let me in on the plan too...

Crow: Where's the fun in that? I also wanted to see what you'd do.

Dyne: What? You think I'd be swayed by money?

I got irritated but then, the image of a redhead reading while surrounded be flowers appeared on my mind.

Dyne: And I'd definitely won't be swayed be a-any woman!

Everything wrapped up nicely after that. There was a small fight but the thugs were overwhelmed. Black tried to run but I tackled and cuffed him. A police van arrived not long after and took everyone away for processing. I gave them the evidence as well as a recording of our conversation and they left.

Time went by pretty quickly as we returned to Crow's shop and started pitching ideas for the design of the bike.

As I was riding home, the excitement of having my own bike got drowned by a single thought. 'How useless I was in the duel'.

"Battlin' Boxers are pretty solid as an archetype but they have lots of exploitable weaknesses. Still, I'm not going to abandon my deck because of that. I will keep using them until I get a better deck from the system and I'll have it as my secondary deck."

Dyne: It would be nice if another mission appeared.

I was in need of money after giving most of it to Crow so that he can begin the project.

"Hmm...maybe a tournament is the answer! I'll have to check if there's one happening soon."

Feeling hungry after everything that happened, I went to Jack's restaurant as always. The place was almost full but he always has my table reserved every evening.

I was relaxing while I ate when I received a call.

Dyne: Hello?

A female voice was heard from the speaker.

Lissandra: Good evening Dyne! I hope I'm not disturbing.

Dyne: Of course not Lissandra! Is there something I can help you with?

"I have a bad feeling about this call"

Lissandra: There is something that you could help with. Remember Carbon Corp? The building that Phantom targeted belongs to them. They've sent an invitation to a party or something to us. Constantine is occupied and I don't want to go so that leaves you, rookie. You will represent us!

Dyne: Huh?

Another one! I hope I didn't make too many mistakes, I was extremely sleepy while writing this chapter. Still, I didn't want to put it off for another day so here it is!

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