
Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

As a normal person, you are reincarnated as a regular ninja, only, your talent can rival that of Madara Uchiha, or even more. Witness, Kai, a 18-years old, whom experienced hardship in Earth, attempts to achieve SSS rank Abilities, and thrive in the Naruto world. Note: Kai only read until before the shippuden arc.

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29 Chs

Call to Action

Kai ascended the grand staircase with a sense of urgency, cradling Itachi's unconscious form in his arms. The mansion's corridors were dimly lit, casting elongated shadows that seemed to echo the gravity of the situation. The air was thick with tension, a silent precursor to the storm that was about to unfold.

As he approached the door to the Hokage's chamber, Kai could sense that Minato had already become attuned to the urgency of the moment. The Fourth Hokage was renowned for his acute awareness, and it was no surprise that he had anticipated this rendezvous. The limited number of guards at night was a testament to Minato's confidence in his own formidable abilities, a confidence that had served him well thus far.

The Hokage's stern gaze fell upon Kai and the unconscious Itachi, his eyes a reflection of his concern and readiness to hear the truth. Kai's heart raced as he began to recount the harrowing events that had transpired, every word carefully chosen to convey the depth of the tragedy that had unfolded by the Naka River.

Minato listened intently, his expression a complex interplay of shock, anger, and contemplation. The revelation of Danzo's audacity struck him like a thunderbolt, shaking the very foundation of his carefully laid plans. The delicate balance he had sought to maintain within the village had been disrupted, and the consequences were dire.

The Hokage's fingers clenched into tight fists as his frustration simmered beneath the surface. He had dedicated years to steering the village away from the precipice of conflict, aiming for a peaceful resolution to the growing tension within the Uchiha clan. But Danzo's brazen actions had thrust them into a new era of uncertainty.

"Kai," Minato's voice was firm, his resolve unwavering, "I appreciate your courage in bringing this to my attention." His gaze softened, and he directed his attention to Itachi's prone form. "Rest assured, we will not let Shisui's sacrifice be in vain."

The weight of the moment hung heavily in the air as Minato's determination radiated, a beacon of hope in the face of adversity. "I will handle Danzo," he declared, his voice carrying the weight of his authority and the promise of swift action.

"Go and res-", Minato continued.

Kai interrupted, "Um Lord Fourth I detect...". Before Kai could finish, a nod came from Minato, a silent acknowledgement of the danger that lurked just beyond the mansion's walls. However, before Kai could fully relay his observation that tens of Anbus were surrounding the Mansion(Danzo's Anbu), the Fourth Hokage's voice cut through the air, his authoritative tone brimming with calculated resolve.

"Yes, I know," Minato's words interjected, his gaze unwavering.

Before Kai could fully grasp the situation, Minato had already vanished from his sight, leaving behind only a trail of awe-inspiring speed and the promise of swift, calculated action. The enormity of the Fourth Hokage's power became strikingly apparent as the very air seemed to crackle with the aftermath of his teleportations.

Kai's heart raced as he made his way to the mansion's roof, a vantage point from which he could observe the battle that unfolded below. His eyes widened as he caught fleeting glimpses of the Yellow Flash – Minato Namikaze himself – appearing and disappearing with such rapidity that it left Kai's mind reeling.

With each teleportation, a maelstrom of death seemed to follow in Minato's wake. The once-hidden Anbu were swiftly dispatched, their ill-fated presence extinguished in a single, lethal instant. The power on display was overwhelming, leaving Kai both awestruck and unnerved. He had heard tales of the Fourth's legendary speed, but witnessing it firsthand was an entirely different experience.

As the onslaught continued, a lone Anbu managed to emerge from the shadows, poised to strike at Kai. The adrenaline coursing through Kai's veins propelled him into action, his instincts sharpened by the urgency of the situation. He deftly sidestepped the Anbu's attack, his movement fluid and precise, before delivering a swift blow that incapacitated the masked assailant.

The scene shifted once more as Minato reappeared beside Kai, his gaze locked on the fallen Anbu. Without hesitation, the Hokage's hand moved in a seamless arc, a blade of chakra materializing with deadly intent. With a swift motion, he cleaved through the Anbu's mask and uniform, rendering any further threat null and void.

Kai's chest heaved with a mixture of awe and trepidation, the weight of the moment pressing down upon him. He had borne witness to a display of power that transcended imagination, a testament to the Fourth Hokage's unparalleled prowess. As the battle subsided and the tension in the air slowly began to dissipate, Minato turned his gaze toward Kai, his expression a mixture of sternness and acknowledgement.

"Stay vigilant, Kai," Minato's voice held a somber gravity, a reminder that the dangers within the village were far from extinguished.

Kai's acknowledgment was swift, a nod that conveyed both his understanding and readiness to stand by Minato's side. Yet, amidst the mounting tension, a new disturbance arose—one that cut through the night's turmoil like a blade slicing the air. It was the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who arrived at the mansion with an air of urgency, his aged eyes ablaze with concern.

The Third Hokage's arrival was marked by the chaotic symphony of clashing chakras, a telltale sign of the unfolding turmoil. His presence was a testament to his unparalleled ability to sense and react to even the slightest shifts in the delicate balance of power within the village.

His inquiry was pointed and unwavering, directed at Minato with a tone that brooked no evasions. "What is the meaning of this, Minato?" Sarutobi's voice was firm, carrying with it the weight of years of experience and wisdom. The Third Hokage's gaze swept across the scene, his eyes narrowing as they settled on the fallen forms of the Anbu operatives.

Minato's response was measured and resolute, a reflection of his determination to see justice done. "It's time to relinquish Danzo of his authority," he declared, his voice steady despite the storm of emotions that raged beneath the surface.

Sarutobi's weathered gaze never wavered as he countered Minato's assertion. "You speak of removing Danzo as if it were a simple matter. His influence stretches far and wide, and his alliances within the village are formidable. The consequences of his removal could lead us down a dangerous path."

Minato's response was swift and impassioned. "And what of the consequences of allowing him to continue unchecked?" he retorted. "Danzo's actions have already cost us Shisui's life—a tragic loss that could have far-reaching implications. We cannot turn a blind eye to his unchecked power any longer."

Sarutobi's expression remained contemplative, his fingers steepled in front of him as he considered Minato's words. "I understand your frustration, Minato, but rash actions could lead to even greater turmoil. We must tread carefully."

Minato's eyes blazed with determination as he made his final appeal. "Hiruzen, I respect your wisdom and leadership, but the time for caution has passed. We must confront this threat head-on and ensure that the village's safety comes first. Danzo's removal may be a challenge, but it is a necessary one."

Sarutobi sighed, his lined face reflecting the weight of his decision. "I acknowledge this, but we must consider the broader ramifications. The Uchiha clan is already on edge. If we move recklessly, it could lead to the very disaster we seek to prevent."

Minato's voice grew firmer as he addressed Sarutobi's point. "Hiruzen, I understand the risks, but we cannot ignore the fact that Danzo's actions could plunge this village into darkness. If we allow him to continue unchecked, it's not just the Uchiha that could suffer. The entire village is at stake."

Minato's eyes blazed with determination as he made his final appeal. "I respect your wisdom and leadership, but the time for caution has passed. We must confront this threat head-on and ensure that the village's safety comes first. Danzo's removal may be a challenge, but it is a necessary one."

The Third Hokage's gaze softened, a subtle shift that conveyed his willingness to consider Minato's perspective. The weight of his decision was evident in the furrow of his brow, a reflection of the immense responsibility that rested upon his shoulders.

After a prolonged silence that seemed to stretch on for eternity, Sarutobi finally spoke, his voice carrying the weight of a momentous choice. "I understand Minato, but this is not the way to go."

Sarutobi then left, making sure that his intention was clear.