
Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

As a normal person, you are reincarnated as a regular ninja, only, your talent can rival that of Madara Uchiha, or even more. Witness, Kai, a 18-years old, whom experienced hardship in Earth, attempts to achieve SSS rank Abilities, and thrive in the Naruto world. Note: Kai only read until before the shippuden arc.

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29 Chs

The Value of A Life

Hiruzen's departure left a heavy silence in the room, and Minato's determination only grew stronger in its wake. He knew that he couldn't afford to let Danzo's actions go unchecked any longer. His resolve was unwavering, even as the weight of his decision pressed heavily upon him.

As Minato's thoughts churned, Kai's presence became a source of encouragement. He had heard the disturbing truths about Danzo's deeds, and his willingness to stand against such injustice was a testament to his character. Kai's offer of assistance was a glimmer of hope that Minato desperately needed.

Turning to Kai, Minato's gaze was filled with both gratitude and a sense of responsibility. "Kai, your support means a great deal to me," he said sincerely. "But I want you to understand that what we're facing is not a simple matter. Taking a life is a weighty decision, one that stays with you forever."

Minato's voice held a somber tone as he continued, "To kill someone, even someone as corrupt as Danzo, is a choice that can haunt your conscience. It's a path that should only be taken after careful consideration of the consequences."

He paused, his eyes locking with Kai's. "I know you have incredible strength, both in power and in character. But I also see the kindness within you, the hesitation to take a life. And that's a quality to be admired."

Minato's resolve was firm, but his tone carried a note of compassion. "If the time comes when you must make that choice, make sure it aligns with your values and your heart. Protecting the village doesn't always mean resorting to the most extreme measures. There are other ways to bring about change and justice."

Kai nodded, absorbing Minato's words with a sense of understanding. He knew that the path ahead wouldn't be easy, and the weight of his decisions would shape his journey as a shinobi.


The next day


The morning sun cast a solemn light over the village, and as Kai awoke, he felt the weight of the previous day's events still lingering in his thoughts. The idea of taking a life had haunted him through the night, leaving him with a sense of unease that he couldn't shake. He had always believed in doing what was right, but the reality of that decision weighed heavily on his mind.

As he stepped out of the room and glanced at the empty couch where Itachi had rested, Kai's anxiety grew. Itachi's absence raised concerns, and his mind raced with possibilities. He moved with a sense of urgency, heading towards their usual training ground in the hopes of finding some answers.

But as Kai arrived at the training ground, he was met with an eerie emptiness. There was no sign of Itachi, no trace of their previous battles or conversations. Confusion gnawed at Kai as he hurried to the Naka river, hoping to find some clue as to where Itachi might be.

What he encountered there was a scene that sent chills down his spine. The once-bloodied area had been cleansed, as if the violent events of the previous day had been erased. And there, at the edge of the waterfall, stood Itachi. His posture was one of desolation, his eyes gazing out at the rushing waters below.

Approaching cautiously, Kai felt a mixture of sadness and concern. He knew that Itachi must be grappling with a profound sense of loss, having lost his best friend in such a tragic way. Kai's heart ached for Itachi, and he understood the weight of the emotions that were likely consuming him.

"Itachi," Kai said softly, his voice carrying a mix of empathy and understanding. He gave Itachi a moment, allowing him to absorb his presence before speaking again. "I know words might not offer much comfort right now, but I'm here for you. Shisui was important to you, and his memory will live on through you."

Itachi's gaze remained fixed on the water, but Kai could sense a slight shift in his demeanor. The air was heavy with grief, but also a glimmer of recognition that he wasn't alone in this moment of sorrow. Kai's presence, though subtle, offered a reminder that he had someone who cared, who was willing to stand by him during this difficult time.

Itachi's gaze remained fixed on the horizon, a mixture of determination and sorrow etched across his features. The weight of the world seemed to rest upon his shoulders as he contemplated the path that lay ahead.

Breaking the heavy silence, Itachi's voice cut through the air, revealing his unwavering resolve. "I must protect the village," he stated, his tone carrying a sense of duty that bordered on obsession. It was as if he had taken upon himself the mantle of his fallen friend, Shisui, driven by an unspoken promise to uphold the values they both cherished.

For a moment, a fleeting smile crossed Itachi's lips, a bittersweet expression that held a hint of relief amidst the turmoil. "It's alright now. I'm okay," he reassured, though Kai could see the fragility behind that smile, a facade masking the deep turmoil within.

Kai recognized the complexity of Itachi's emotions. He understood the burden that Itachi carried, the weight of responsibility that he felt compelled to bear. As Itachi's smile wavered, Kai was struck by the realization that this was a pivotal moment for his friend.

Attempting to offer comfort, Kai spoke from his heart, sharing his perspective and hoping to ease the weight that rested upon Itachi's shoulders. But as the words left his lips, Kai sensed a growing distance, an unbridgeable gap between his intentions and the depths of Itachi's inner struggle.

With a final nod, Itachi turned away, his steps carrying him back toward the Uchiha clan. Kai watched his retreating figure, a sense of helplessness settling over him. He knew that some battles were fought in the depths of one's own heart, and though he wished he could have done more, he understood that Itachi's journey was one that he alone must undertake.

Left alone by the Naka river, Kai's thoughts lingered on the solemn encounter, a reminder of the complexities and burdens that intertwined within the world of a shinobi.